The Arts Unit Unit Creative Teachers


This page will take you through the steps to creating excellent rebuttal.

Types of rebuttals

Learning Intention: develop strategies to create effective rebuttal in a debate.

When you are rebutting an argument, you can respond from many perspectives.

This includes:

Thematic rebuttal

Learning intention: learn how to identify key themes and organise your rebuttal accordingly. 

Thematic rebuttal is organising your responsive material into 2 or 3 main themes (also known as clashes/issues). 

Themes will be debate-specific, but here are some common breakdowns:

Once you have your themes, organise your rebuttal under those thematic headings.

Suggested activity 

Using 3 palm cards, watch a first affirmative debate speech and identify the key themes that come up during the speech. Write these 3 themes as succinctly as possible on a palm card each. Write a series of rebuttal arguments on A4 paper and sort these arguments under the themes you have identified. 

Practising rebuttal

The following webpage link takes you to a collection of videos by experienced debaters who share tips and present a rebuttal to their former selves.