The Arts Unit Unit Creative Teachers



On this page we will discuss:

A framework for writing arguments

Learning intention: explore a useful framework for quickly writing and explaining an argument.

Steps to a perfect argument: 

Suggested activity 

After watching Tony's video on how to construct an argument using the PEEL structure, write your own argument for the topic. 

Point: My team's argument will show that ...


Example: use a real-world example that proves your explanation.

Link: link back to the topic to signal you are moving on to your next point.


Learning intention: to present clear evidence that the change you're arguing will work.

Using mechanisms: 

Suggested activity

Principled arguments

Learning intention: to present more complex ethical and principled arguments.

Practical arguments are about a change happening in the world. When you write a practical argument, you would consider:

Principled arguments are about people's rights. When writing a principled argument you would consider:

In a debate, you should try to include both practical and principled arguments. 

Writing a principled argument:

Suggested activity