The Arts Unit Unit Creative Teachers


Definitions in debating

Learn about writing and presenting definitions in debating.

Before you begin, make sure you view the planning a program page. The page will show you how to organise training sessions and plan your program.

Defining topics

Learning Intention: create a clear and logical definition as a base for the affirmative's case.

Most of the topics you will encounter will require the affirmative time to propose a change in order to solve a problem. 

The affirmative's definition should clarify what the details of their proposed change are and not define easy to understand words. 

The 3 important questions to be answered in a definition are:

Responding to the affirmative's definition

Learning Intention: How to deal with the affirmative's definition as the negative.

Always accept the definition proposed, but don't accept that the plan will lead to a positive outcome. 

If the definition is unexpected in any way, ask:

Ultimately definitional issues are not as important as the actual arguments that focus on how best to solve the problem at the heart of the debate. 

Practising definitions

The webpage link in the following section takes you to a collection of videos by experienced debaters who walk you through defining a high school debating topic. 

Before watching each video, you should:


Hint: it's best to practise these exercises as a team – after all, that's what you'll be doing in the preparation room!