Choosing an individual project

Making an informed choice

The individual project offers students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills gained throughout the Preliminary course to the development of a specialised area of individual work. It engages students in a process of self-directed learning throughout the HSC year.

This section of the module provides approaches to the individual project. Teachers may make specific recommendations about which options fit the needs of individual students.

When choosing the project area most appropriate to them, students should work with their teacher to consider:

  • the student's interest, knowledge, experience and skills

  • access to the essential resources for the project areas

  • access to experience and support with the various project areas.

Students can access an outline of all project areas through exploration of the project pages in this module. This will provide the opportunity for students to discuss the requirements and suitability of each project with their teacher.

Activities and questionnaires have been included in this section to help students assess their own abilities and understand the demands of each of the individual projects.

Student activity 1

Explore the project requirements, peer approaches and marking criteria for the 10 individual project options by following the links below. Based on your conversations and learning experiences in Year 11, your teacher might encourage you to explore some specific project areas rather than completing activities for all these project options.

Image of a man in red theatre seat, writing on a script.

Critical analysis

Applied research, Director's folio or Theatre criticism

Image of hand colouring costume design sketches.


Costume, Lighting, Promotion or Set

Image of a young actor crouched on a chair in a performance rehearsal.


Image of two young actor's beside a window reading from paper script in a performance rehearsal.


Image of a cannon camera in foreground, filming a woman at a desk in background.

Video drama

Student activity 2

After exploring the individual project options and requirements, and engaging in the activities, complete the questionnaire below. Your teacher may send this to you as a separate link. Discuss your responses with your teacher before beginning the individual project.

References and images