Student Challenges

100 Point Challenge

Below are the activities for the Wellbeing Wednesday

You need to complete activities that total to 100 points.

You must complete activities over three categories.

Once you have completed it, head back to the Google Classroom for your Year Group to share your experiences with us :-)

Do something for yourself

10 points

Make your bed in the morning

10 points

Have a calming cup of a hot beverage like tea or hot chocolate

20 points

Get 8 hours of sleep

20 points

Do a guided meditation

(Check out smiling minds app in our Mindfulness section)

20 points

Be creative: create an artwork. Sketch, paint, collage, colour in, make a model of something etc.

Check out here for craft ideas

20 points

Complete a puzzle, sudoku, findaword or crossword

Some to get you started are here

20 points

Sing, dance or play an instrument

20 points

Tidy your room

Do something for someone else

20 points

Hide notes of thanks around the house for your loved ones

20 points

Cook lunch for your family

(please seek parental permission first)

20 points

Clean a room or area in the house - e.g. dust or wipe down surfaces or vacuum

(please seek parental permission first)

20 points

Help a sibling with their schoolwork

20 points

Help do the dishes or the washing.

(please seek parental permission first)

20 points

Knit a 25cm x 25cm square for Wrap With Love charity

20 points

Continue the teddy hunt by setting up toys in a window or something in your garden for your local community and little kids to see while out walking

20 points

Make a sign to say hi and connect to neighbours

(see your parents for advice)

Do something physically active

20 points

Have a dance off with yourself by putting on some music and busting out your best moves

20 points

Go for a run or a walk

(please seek parental permission first and follow social distancing and take a mask with you)

20 points

Do an online fitness class or home workout

20 points

Do some gardening

(please seek parental permission first)

Do something for your brain

20 points

Dear future self~ Write yourself a letter to read next year

20 points

Read a chapter of your favourite book

20 points

Watch an episode of your favourite tv series, movies or anime

20 points

Level up your brain with an educational Youtube video or a new skill

Like the craft in our Holiday Entertainment section, or a YouTube Channel like Mark Rober, How to Cook That or epicurious among 100,000s of others

Do something to connect to others

20 points

Call, zoom, skype, video call a family member or friend

20 points

Play a board game with your family

20 points

Ask and listen to a story from your family's history, your parents' or relative's childhood

20 points

Learn a new card game to play with family and friends