Mindfulness Sessions

The Benefits of Mindfulness

We breathe all day and all night without a thought, but when was the last time you recall taking a deep breath? For most of us the answer is probably several times a day. But did you know that breathing is like our super power … it’s easy, it’s free, it’s convenient and can help combat issues like stress, anxiety, pain, digestion problems and high blood pressure.

So what does the extra oxygen from deep breathing do to our body?

1. Decreases stress, increases calm.

When you become stressed, your brain releases cortisol aka the stress hormone. Taking deep breaths can help your heart rate to slow and more oxygen to enter your blood stream. This helps tell the brain to relax. Ever heard of endorphins or the ‘feel good’ chemical… deep breathing also increases the release of this.

2. Relieves pain.

The release of endorphins not only help us feel great but also combat pain.

3. Stimulates the lymphatic system (Detoxifies the body).

Your respiratory system moves more metabolic waste out of your body than your perspiration, urination and pooping combined! It is estimated to eliminate around 70% of toxins and impurities. If you do not breathe fully, your body must work harder to release these toxins.

4. Improves immunity.

When your blood is fully oxygenated, it carries and absorbs nutrients and vitamins more efficiently. This means the ‘cleaner’ the blood, the harder it is for illnesses to stay put in your system. A really good reason to take deep breathes with COVID-19 around.

5. Increases energy.

It makes sense that the higher the oxygen content of your blood, the better your energy levels will be.

6. Lowers blood pressure.

Slow, deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system which decreases the heart rate and dilates blood vessels, reducing your overall blood pressure.

7. Improves digestion.

Deep breathing supplies more oxygen to your organs and they will function more effectively… this includes your intestines. A calm nervous system is required for efficient digestion.

8. Helps support correct posture.

Next time you breathe in, notice that you simultaneously lengthen and straighten your spine. In order to take a deep breath in, your lungs take up maximum space, your diaphragm pulls down, so in turn your torso straightens in order for this to be possible.

How to take belly breaths

1. Sit or lie flat in a comfortable position.

2. Put one hand on your belly just below your ribs and the other hand on your chest.

3. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and let your belly push your hand out.

4. Breathe out through pursed lips as if you were whistling.

5. Do this breathing 3 to 10 times.

A link to Box breathing (another method)


When to take belly breaths

1. Turning on your computer

2. Before a meeting

3. Waiting for students to mark your roll

4. In the car

5. Waiting in any line

6. Anytime you can!

Mindfulness Apps

Smiling Minds

Smiling Mind is a FREE mindfulness meditation app developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life.

iPhone, iPad: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/smiling-mind/id560442518


Calm is an app that guides you through meditation, provides sleep stories and breathing exercises.

iPhone, iPad: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/calm-meditation-and-sleep/id571800810


Some students have asked about what oils are being diffused in IG.05 (Zen Room). Below are a few points to consider:

1. Essential oils are not for everyone. Someone in your family may be super sensitive to fragrances. Please consider that we are all different.

2. Essential oils are quite potent and need to be used sparingly. Always follow instructions which come with your diffuser.

3. Oils have different benefits. For examples, lavender is calming, citrus is invigorating and sandalwood calms nerves and increases focus.

4. What does science say about using oils?


5. Essential oils are extremely versatile. See the chart below to determine what oils you may

like to diffuse at home.

Mindfulness Colouring In

Mermaid and Whale.pdf
Mermaid Castle.pdf
Mermaid Shipwreck.pdf
Mermaid Treasure.pdf