Assessment task

This assessment is in two parts. The first part is a performance and the second part is an essay, both of these will be marked out of 10. You will also be required to hand in your completed logbook on the performance day and this will be graded A to E.


In groups of 6, which will be decided upon in consultation with your teacher, you are to create a 15 - 20 minute performance essay using the question below as a starting point.

How do the two plays you have studied investigate the theatrical nature of Black Comedy?

Each group is to answer the question by way of a performance and as an individual written response.

In your performance essay you are to attempt to affect your audience as if they were the readers of a senior drama written essay. So just as in an essay, points or aspects of argument need to be made and backed up by evidence. This evidence should be performed with reference to the rubric, evidence from the plays as well as your group's research into the forms, styles, techniques and conventions of Black Comedy. Remember your performance essay should be theatrically dynamic and engaging.

You will be individually assessed in your group but please remember that collaboration and co-operation is the essence of HSC drama work.

Drama Essay

Individually you are to write a 1,800 to 2000 word essay. Please provide references and a bibliography with this essay.
