A park

And the next 3 scenes

In this scene Adam is unfaithful to Evelyn and cheats on his friend Phillip by having a sexual relationship with Jenny. This scene juxtaposes the last one as the audience only know about this sexual encounter through innuendo.


In groups either face-to-face or online, examine the questions below.

  1. How has Adam changed? (Think about his external and internal characteristics)
  2. Where are the pauses?
  3. Where is the subtext?
  4. How do these affect the dramatic action?
  5. Why the performance of realism heightens the reaction of the audience?

A Doctor's Lounge

Evelyn has cajoled Adam into undergoing plastic surgery and they are now waiting for the operation.

A Lawn

Adam and Phillip meet and the tension surfaces because Adam is changing and Phillip is suspicions about his relationship with his fiance.

A Coffee Shop

Evelyn humiliates Jenny through her caustic sophistication and persuades Adam to cut himself off from his friends Phillip and Jenny.

Explore each scene above by:

  • deciding on their:
    • Vocal dynamics. What tone, pitch and pace are appropriate for the characters?
    • Timing: How is the dialogue delivered, what are the responses to the cues, where are the rhythms in the dialogue?
    • Movement dynamics: How do the characters move in this segment, where is their energy?
    • Use of the set to create mood and atmosphere.
  • acting them out and stopping at any time to let loose a monologue of everything that is in the chosen character's mind at that particular moment. Reflect on the choices made and write them down in your logbook.
  • acting them out and stopping as many times as practicable to justify each characters actions in this scene by saying
    • I am doing this because ...
    • I am saying this because ...
    • I feel such and such an emotion because ...
  • reflecting on the choices above and writing them down in your logbook.
Image credits
Creative commons google images for waiting area, lawn and coffee shop, date accessed 29/06/2020.