Milla Katrakis Owen



Speech Transcript

Have you ever wondered the real stories behind fairy tales?
Good evening parents and students, for my GAT project I investigated the dark gruesome origins of the fairy tales we know today.
I have always wondered if behind these magical stories laid a dark truth hiding underneath, why is there always a happily ever after? The world isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Fairy tales are glorious stories that share aspiring lifestyles we all look up to. However, the dark truths behind them may change our perception of these “happy stories”. In my project I aim to expose the roots of the stories we tell to our children today and not set an unrealistic future for them to look up too.
Thank you.


My creative mode is a representation of a “children's” book made of all the Grimm brothers fairy tales and rhymes , before they were made into Disney movies and before they were modified to be child friendly. To do so I rewrote the original fairy tales and hand drew images to represent parts of the story that were most significant to the originals. As for the rhymes I stuck them in with the meaning underneath to show what they truly mean. Why i chose this?` I decided to make a children's book because I thought it would be the most appropriate way to show how the stories were and how they have developed over time until they have been created into the famous Disney movies we know today. When I thought of this idea I was very excited, because I was sick of happily ever after, also as young children can be moulded into thinking their future would be like they were shown in these movies.





In the GAT program, I have developed many new skills. I have improved my research abilities and have learnt how to select the information that is appropriate for the program I am working on. My knowledge of the history of fairy tales has expanded. I found that the more I learnt about fairytales and their dark history’s the more fascinating it became. I learnt that fairytales were often used to control children’s behaviour as they involved terrible things happening to people who didn’t do as they were told. I learnt how fairy tales spread throughout the world. Cinderella, as an example first came from China and was then spread to Europe before being written in the version we know now written by the Grimm brothers.

I enjoyed working on the book and was happy with the results. I think my original drawings for the children’s book was what I was most pleased with, I really enjoyed painting with different watercolours and acrylic paints to create different shades and textures in the drawings.

I could have improved on my organisational skills as I had lost many of my original drawings and painting. Unfortunately, I needed them when the computer died taking my drawing with it. In the future, I will have two copies of what I work on particularly if it’s a very big project.

My favourite part of the project was learning Indesign. It was fun to work with and I think it will be useful to know in the future.