
Attendance Guidelines

Thank you for all you are doing to keep our community safe, by supporting your children to learn from home.

We understand the complexities associated with learning from home, particularly in addition to other work and family committments. Teachers are mindful that students may need to be flexible when completing and submitting set tasks.

In accordance with Department of Education requirements, the school has put together guidelines for marking attendance while students are working from home.

  • Students will be marked as learning from home if they submit, at a minimum, daily tasks marked with an asterisk.

  • If your child is unable to complete tasks on a given day, please make contact with your child's teacher. Students can be given additional time to complete tasks if requested.

  • If a student does not submit work for two consecutive days, the teacher will call to check in and offer support.

Please make contact with the school or your child's teacher if you have questions or feedback related to your child's learning from home. Teachers are working incredibly hard to plan engaging tasks and provide students with feedback on their learning, and your input allows teachers to make adjustments to your child's tasks where appropriate.