
Think why and how composers use melody and rhythm.


A melody is a line of musical notes in succession that the listener may perceive as the main part or tune.

Melody word bank

Use an online dictionary to find the definitions for the following words used to describe features of a melody.

  • melodic contour

  • ascending

  • descending

  • static

  • stepwise

  • leap

  • smooth

  • jagged

  • range

  • motif


A rhythm is a pattern of long and short sounds. It refers to the groupings and organisation of various note values.

Rhythm word bank

Use an online dictionary to find the definitions for the following words used to describe features of a rhythm.

  • tempo

  • pulse

  • beat

  • ostinato

  • polyrhythm

  • accent


  1. Listen to Black Smoke by Emily Wurramara.

  2. Write a paragraph describing the melody of the opening section of the song. In your answer be sure to use words from the melody word bank above. Also consider the following;

  • what instrument is playing the melody?

  • is the range of the melody narrow or wide?

  • what is the direction of the melody?

  • how does is move?

  • does any part repeat?

  1. Listen to Meditjin by Baker Boy.

  2. Write a paragraph describing the rhythm of the opening section of the song. In your answer be sure to use words from the rhythm word bank above. Also consider the following;

    • is the beat definite or indefinite?

    • what is the tempo?

    • is the rhythm simple or complex?

    • what are some of the note values?

    • are there any repeated patterns?

  3. Upload your paragraphs to your school's digital learning platform.
