GMS and GMS Errors

My Review Checklist Tab will not open. I get a message saying my Application Has Been Submitted and that nothing can be added.

It’s probably due to Pop Up Blockers. Go to your Internet Browser’s settings and be sure to have Pop Up Blocker turned “Off”. The review checklist is treated as a pop-up by several internet browsers.

I submitted my application to my district administrator, but realized I need to make a change. Can the Help Desk unlock the application for my changes?

No. When the data entry user submits the application to the district administrator, the DA has two choices under the “Submit” tab; 1: approve, or 2: disapprove. Disapproval will return the application back to the data entry user. The data entry user can now make changes and resubmit.

GMS Error: Warning: Page has Expired: As a security precaution and to preserve the integrity of your data in this system this page has expired.

If a session was idle for 30 minutes or more, the session may have timed out. Log In through the Portal and try your request again.

After closing the browser window, do not reselect the grant application link. If you do you will receive another error (Severity Level 1). You need to Sign Out of GMS and then re-login to continue working.

GMS Error: Function Code has been selected on more than one row.

(Under the Budget Detail Tab)
When adjusting a Goal’s dollar amount under a Function Code, do not repeat a Function Code with the same topic. You may need to “Delete Row” and “Add” a new row with the expenses in order to save the changes.

GMS Error--Claim for Reimbursement: Data not saved. Actual Expenditures YTD for Perkins 4700: object code *** since the budgeted amount was not set, YTD amounts are not allowed.

If a budget amount has been set at $0.00, no amounts can be added in the Actual Expenditures column. An amendment may be required in order to move expenditures between object codes before claiming reimbursement.

I want to move money from a 400 category to a 600 category. However there was nothing budgeted in 600 from the beginning of the year’s plan. Is it a problem to now shift money to a new category? I read there are warnings about “no flexibility”.

It is permissible to make budget changes if the changes meet the program’s plan. The warning of “no flexibility” is to inform you that you cannot post any expenditures in an object code with $0.00 budgeted. With an Amendment, funds can be moved into a new category that previously had none. See GMS Error--Claim for Reimbursement

I made a correction in my Budget, but the correction is not updating in the Budget Summary.

If you are changing numbers in the Budget Detail, you have to remove the incorrect line and re-enter with the new entry. After saving the page, the Budget Summary should be correctly updated.