Kentucky School Library Media Resources
The Kentucky Academic Standards for Library Media are our k-12 student learner standards for library media. These are based on the American Association of School Librarians Standards Framework for Learners. For a progression chart version of the standards, check out this page on this site.
Specialists Frameworks
District certified evaluation plans must align to the Kentucky Framework for Teaching, and in the case of school librarians, the Specialists Frameworks provided here. "Information about the specific role of observation in a district’s personnel evaluation system is included in the local district’s Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP)."
The Kentucky Association of School Librarians is the statewide professional association for school librarians in Kentucky. KASL is also a chapter of the American Association of School Librarians. Professional learning, networking, advocacy, and KBA Awards are just a few of the areas KASL focuses on. Click here to learn more.
Beyond Proficiency
Beyond Proficiency (and other links on the KDE website)
Digital Driven Learning
Digital Driven Learning is an umbrella for an awesome set of resources, where learners can earn credentials. This includes Digital Citizenship, Civics, Inquiry, and more.
KYLMS Listserv
The University of Kentucky hosts several email-based discussion lists for educators, including one specifically for school librarians named KYLMS. You can post questions here for other school librarians across the state to answer, or even better, share your own great ideas and solutions. Click here to subscribe to the KYLMS listserv.
KYVL is a statewide consortium that offers databases, eBooks, and educational resources. Click here to learn more.
Bluegrass Award
The Kentucky Bluegrass Award is awarded yearly to the best new books which are voted on by Kentucky students. To learn more click here.
KET Education
KET Education provides access to high-quality education resources. Click here to learn more about what KET can offer your students and teachers.
School Library Connection
Although publications have ceased, and new content is not being added, everyone now has access to the archives of School Library Connection!
There are tons of great articles on all kinds of school library topics. There are also webinars and self-paced workshops. With school/district permission, these could be used to supplement your professional development requirements.
PBS Learning Media
KET PBS Learning Media is an outstanding FREE collection of k-12 media resources, tools, and lessons. Click here to learn more.