ELC Gallery

West Barns Nursery embed the Nurture Principles to ensure they are 'Getting it Right for Every Child' in their move to new premises

West Barns Nursery

'In the lead up to the move into our new nursery our Early Years team worked with the children

to engage them in the process from start to finish. This resource has been created to document this journey.

In the moment planning and the nurture principles are at the heart of our practice; subsequently the children have been authentic participants in the transition process and have been able to drive forward and direct their learning through play.

Evident in this process is how the Early Years team have embedded the nurture principles into

their practice and as a result of careful and responsive planning, all of our nursery children have made a smooth transition into the new setting and feel safe, secure, respected and included.

Just a bench.pdf

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Pencaitland Nursery have set up a Nurture Area in response to the pandemic and their Nurture Training.

Elphinstone PS - Nursery Nurture Neuk

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, we had a lot of lovely soft furnishings in our Nurture Neuk. However, with the new restrictions, as a team we had a whole nursery re-evaluation and rethink of our resources.

We have chosen:

· Sensory circles

· Sensory lights

· Sensory rainbow cascades

· Glitter storm cascades

· Giant sit on timer

The children have really enjoyed setting up and exploring their new nurture area, using their imagination to role play, co-operate and turn take. What a great wee team!

The display unit has been a train, a “bunker bed”, a” tummy time tunnel” and a shop, to name but a few!

As we are lucky to be an 1140 ELCC trial provision, it has been particularly well used in the afternoon for some “quiet time” for relaxation or even a wee snooze (no...not by the staff! J)

All of the items are easily washable/wipe able and transportable.