Support for Parents and Families

As a parent, if you are concerned that your child is developing a mental health problem you should seek the advice and support of your local GP as soon as possible. If your child is in immediate distress and needs help then you should visit your nearest A&E.

When would you need to take your child to a GP for support with their mental health and wellbeing?

Some of the most common signs of poor mental health and wellbeing include:

loss of appetite

feeling low or constantly anxious or worrying

thinking negative thoughts about yourself

irritability or moodiness

finding it harder than usual to concentrate

finding day-to-day life difficult (not feeling up to washing or eating, for example)

trouble sleeping, or sleeping too much

seeing or hearing things that other people do not see or hear

Useful Links

Below are some links to mental health and wellbeing support services in East Lothian and further information regarding your young person's mental health.

Who else can I talk to?

Support telephone helplines:

NHS 24: call 111

Breathing Space: call 0800 83 85 87

(Monday to Thursday 6pm to 2am and Friday 6pm to Monday 6am)

Samaritans: call 116 123

Childline: call 0800 1111

Calls to all these numbers are free and most are open 24 hours a day.