S1 and S2 Curriculum

Within S1 and S2, our curriculum is a continuation of the Broad General Education. It builds on prior learning from Primary School to prepare young people for success as they move on to the Senior Phase at MGS. 

Our pupils focus on developing key Literacy and Numeracy skills during lessons when learning in the Inclusion Spaces. We also deliver lessons on relationships, sexual health and parenthood (RSHP), as a key focus of ours is health and wellbeing. Our learners also engage in learning from their subjects on their school timetable, with the aim of when they are ready to learn in a mainstream setting then they can go back confidently and be ready to engage in their learning.

We are also strong advocates of personalisation and choice and our young people can take part in project-based learning which is specifically tailored around their interests. This has seen work completed on the Titanic, as well as looking at Crime, Gang Culture and Geography.

S3 and S4 Curriculum

Our Senior Phase learners build on the strengths' of the students and we look to equip them for their life beyond school as we develop key skills, qualities and work towards achieving their qualifications. Our pupils will study a variety of subjects at different levels, both in the Inclusion spaces and within mainstream classes.

We continue to focus on consolidating key skills in Literacy and Numeracy, whilst helping to support young people enter the world of work and achieve a sustainable, positive destination, on leaving school. We also continue to deliver lessons which focus on RSHP within the health and wellbeing framework of Curriculum for Excellence. Our main aim for our learners is to ensure that they achieve 5 national qualifications and a positive destination before they are eligible to leave in S4.

A snapshot of Inclusion Spaces

Have a look below for a snapshot of what we have been up to.

Support for Parents and Families

At MGS we are actively engaged in improving equitable outcomes for all young people and are always looking to reduce the costs of the school day. An example of this is our well attended breakfast club, with the aim of improving access to education for our learners.

We know that the cost of the school day can put pressure on family finances and we are on hand to offer the parents of our young people with assistance on Free School Meals applications and advice on Clothing Grants.

Additionally, East Lothian Council provides support and advice for families which can be accessed by using the following link below.