Our Vision and Values

Our vision and values statements were co created in consultation with children, families and staff. We have tried to keep the words as close to the children’s own words as possible 

UNCRC rights: (3) Best interests of child (12) Respect for the views of a child, (13) Freedom of expression, (14) Freedom of thought and (29) Goals of Education. 

Our Vision and Values 

We are Macmerry: Including everyone in making our world a better place through nurturing relationships, thinking creatively and learning skills for life and work.

We uphold 4 core values to promote  children’s learning, rights, wellbeing and sense of security

Our school logo

In October 2023 we involved everyone in reviewing our values and establishing  a logo that everyone in school could identify with.

We thought about our school vision and  values and captured children's thoughts on colours, symbols and images that reflected these..

When we  cooperatively and creatively looked at these together, we  established a vision for our logo

We saw nature, rainbows, bugs, hearts and sky. This inspired us to create final logo that reflects our school values:

Encourage & Persevere: The tree represents perseverance to grow. The sun represents encouragement as it helps the tree to grow.

Respect and care: On the tree we have heart shapes leaves. These represent understanding, friendship, love and joy.

Cooperation: On the branch there is a beehive and bees. These reminds us of working with together (with team spirit and in partnership) to create a safe, inclusive and productive community and world.

Creativity: We have a rainbow. This represents uniqueness and listening to our colourful and interesting ideas, Respecting these contribute to creating our better world.

Values Signs