Free School Meals


In Scotland, all children in Primary 1 to 5 now receive free school meals, regardless of income or benefit status. However, many families with children in P1 to P5 now miss out on benefits (such as additional school funding,  access to paid free school milk and Active School experiences). Even if your child receives free school meals, you could still match the conditions for free school meals entitlements on the Scottish Government website. Children in our school could be eligible for funding, access grants and help with the cost of lunches and school clothing. This could equate to a saving of £450 a year per child- a funding which is not automatic to all children in these year groups. 

We, therefore, encourage all parents from P1 to P7 to apply from free school meal entitlement if they match the conditions below.

Families in Scotland are entitled to free school meals if they receive:

* Universal Credit (where your monthly earned income is not more than £726)

* Income Support

* income-based Job Seeker's Allowance

* income-based Employment and Support Allowance

* support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Your child is also entitled to free school lunches if parents receive:

* Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, and your income is less than £18,725

* both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit and have an income of up to £8,717

Please support our children and the school by capturing  accurate school statistics by clicking  here to apply through the East Lothian Council website.