Macmerry Primary School

We include everyone in making our world a better place through nurturing relationships, thinking creatively and learning skills for life and work.  In partnership with you, we will support your child to be challenged and motivated to reach their potential. 

We strive to provide care and education of the highest quality through an inclusive, nurturing approach which fosters inclusion, resilience, and creativity.  We endeavour to deliver experiences that develop every child’s skills and talents and ensure they can achieve their full potential, academically, emotionally and physically.  This is done in a safe, happy and motivating learning environment within a school that strives to be at the heart of the community. 

Children are also encouraged to take a lead in developing and reviewing their curriculum. This is achieved through, involving children in planning learning, Pupil Voice class sessions, Pupil Voice focus groups and our Junior Leadership Team.

Our school management team comprises of a Head Teacher and a Principal Teacher.  In addition to our Class Teachers, we are supported by ASN Auxiliaries.  In the nursery we have a  Senior Early Years Practitioner and Early Years Practitioners. Specialist teaching within the school comprises of PE on Tuesdays and  Music on Thursdays. Instruction in piano is available from Primary 5.  Administrative and facilities staff also contribute to the smooth running of our school. 

This website aims to provide you with the key information you will need. Further information about our curriculum and policies will also be made available here over time.  In the top left hand corner click on the three lines where you will find our menu. 

If, at any time, you would like to discuss any aspect of our curriculum or policies or your child’s progress, please contact the school where an appointment will be made.  

We look forward to working together with you, to get it right for your child. 

Kind regards,

Mhairi Stratton



We are a small village school situated in the quiet village of Macmerry, East Lothian.

Our Address is:

Macmerry Primary School

Main Road


EH33 1QA  

Tel: 01875 610 234 


