School Council & PIA

Next School Council & PIA Meeting

Tuesday, March  11th @ 3:15 pm

Next Logos Meeting


School Council & PIA

Did you know that parent volunteers run our Hot Lunch program? A huge thank you to those parents who give up hours of planning, organizing and delivering hot lunches to our students and staff almost every Friday. If you're looking for other ways to volunteer for PIA Events/Hot Lunch in the 2024/2025 school year, please get in touch with our PIA at

Landing Trail School PIA Fundraiser

  Landing Trail School Parent Involvement Association is hosting a Pizza Lunch fundraiser on March 19th to raiser funds in support of programs within our school. Students can send in the order forms (sent home with students) with cash or cheque by March 17th. Please use exact change when sending cash. Thank you for supporting Landing Trail PIA! 

LOGOS Steering Committee

April 17th- Easter Chapel

May TBA- Grandparents Tea

If You are interested in helping with planning or volunteering, please email