
As we continue to transition from excellent face-to-face educators to teaching and learning at a distance. This has many challenges, some we have yet to discover. However, we have strong networks of support, and as public school teachers we are flexible and understand how to support students. This is an evolving support site. It is not exhaustive, but it will become better with time and better as we use it.

Tools and Guides Developed By SPS

All ScreenCasts now have a Home!

Google Classroom Training

Tips from Continuity of Learning Teachers

Resources for Teachers or School Leaders

Alberta Education  released continuing student learning guidelines to help understand how long students should be focused on school work while at home. In addition, they have built a list of  resources to support learning from home.

Corwin Resources Support Educators During the Pandemic – For Free

To support educators during the ongoing pandemic, Corwin is offering free resources for teachers and school leaders to assist in distance, blended, and hybrid teaching and learning. The toolkits are available at:

SPS Teacher Created Resources
Please use our Shared drives on Google to find and share lesson activities and assessment ideas with your colleagues. We are moving all of the core and option course support drives into this main drive SPS Cross Collaboration.

We also maintain this website to better navigate the folders and resources found in our Google drives: Teaching Together. If you would like to see what your  webistes your colleagues are doing, here is a list we can all edit or add to as needed Sites and Activities to Consider.

Tools, Guides, and Online Resources from our Neighbours

Many agencies in Alberta, BC or other School Divisions offer and curate resources. Try these out before just searching online. These are more likely to align with Alberta curriculum.

Links, Guides, or other External Resources

These are not created by SPS but may offer assistance in building excellent distance learning experiences.