Student Success

Online learning is different from traditional face-to-face learning. It is important to understand the skills and tools needed to be successful in online learning. These are the expectations, that each shareholder is responsible for, to ensure student success in the online learning environment. 




1) Instruction: Provide engaging, curricular related lessons. 

2) Assessment: Offer students a variety of ways to demonstrate their learning via formative and summative assessments. 

3) Support: Offer time in the online class for students to work in small groups or ask questions.

4) Effective Communication: Provide a variety of ways for students and parents to access grades and comments. The most common formats will be Google classroom and PowerSchool. 

1) Attendance: Attending and participating in live Google Meets is essential to success this year. Valuable demonstrations and instructions are presented and students have an opportunity to engage with their peers. 

2) Work Completion: All work provided in each class is important. Students must complete all formative and summative assignments as this builds a real picture of what they know. 

3) Time Management: Students are expected to follow the provided time table and hand in assignments on time.

4) Effective Communication: Students will need to demonstrate self motivation and ask for assistance during the times offered by the teachers. 

1) Attendance: Ensure that your child is attending the google meets regularly and on time. This instructional time is incredibly valuable and will help your child succeed in each class. 

2) Work Completion: Monitor that your child has completed all of the work assigned in each class and have handed it in on time. 

3) Support: If your child required additional learning supports in school, parents/guardians will need to act as readers and scribes.  You may also set up your child with assistive technology such as:  scribe = text to speech program, reader = Read,& Write Google). The links to the instructional videos are provided in the technology resources page.