Attendance Guidelines

Attendance Expectations

Students in the Sturgeon Public Virtual Academy follow Sturgeon Public School Division's Attendance Policy, AP 905.  Attending and participating in live Google Meets is essential to success this year. Valuable demonstrations and instructions are presented and students have an opportunity to engage with their peers. Ensure that your child is attending the google meets regularly and on time. This instructional time is incredibly valuable and will help your child succeed in each class.  

Students will be expected to be in the Meet with their camera on, unless permission is given by the teacher to turn cameras off.  Students must be able to respond to the teacher when they are called upon.  If the student's camera is off, and they do not respond, they will  be marked absent.

Attendance will be taken at the start of Block 1 (9:00am). By joining in the Google Meet at this time, you will be logged as present.

Logging an Absence

If you know your student will be absent:

Students cannot excuse themselves from class. If a student messages a homeroom teacher stating they will be absent, it will not be excused until a parent notifies the school.