Assessment in PE

Assessment in PE

Although often derided (and possibly justifiably so!) by classroom teachers as not being able to show clear attainment of pupils' progress, assessment in PE has not always been that clear or tangible. How can we measure sporting attainment? How can we justify these grades? Moreover, as a PE teacher who is often armed with bags of balls and bibs and trying to set out the cones whilst keeping 30 students active on task, assessment is the last thing on our minds!

Now, assessment in PE has become a lot easier and clearer, mainly thanks to great new apps and websites such as Seesaw and ConnectedPE. Videos or snapshots of pupils in action using any device can immediately be relayed back to students during the lesson or even posted onto their account (see below for Seesaw) to follow up with self, peer or teacher feedback after the lesson. This makes it a great tool for both Formative and Summative assessment.

One of the best little tips I have used throughout my teaching career (and continue to use!) for formative assessment is just a scrap bit of paper with a few key skills or hook points which I want the students to learn on the side of a scale. At the start of the unit, I write down where I think the students are in their learning and then at the end draw arrows where I believe they have progressed to.

Formative & Summative assessment using Seesaw

Using applications such as Seesaw allows for great immediate feedback, whether it be from the student themselves (self-assessment), their classmates (Peer assessment) or from the teacher themselves. Using a GoPro camera we filmed the students diving in and swimming freestyle - the stroke which we have been practicing during the last unit. The videos were then uploaded to Seesaw via Google photos where the students were able to access them. With the homeroom teachers help, we then got the students to work in pairs to peer assess each other and comment on their partners' with the instructions WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If). This proved to be a successful example of formative assessment and flip learning as the students relished the chance to help improve their classmates technique, which they then practiced in the next swimming lesson. Furthermore, it showed the students were developing genuine Learner Profile traits such as being caring, thinking, inquiring, communicating and reflective learners.

From this point, the teacher has a great idea and understanding of where the student is with their learning. Using the comments section of the posted item, I was able to record an audio comment and give the students feedback on their work and understanding (see video), and moreover, with help from their peers as well, what they had to do to improve. This was also helped by a reflection task I gave them where they could put into words their understanding of the unit (see below). With this practice in place, I then felt confident giving the correct summative grade.

Peer Assessment and Reflection

For assessing students, the power of feedback is invaluable. It gives us a reference point into where the students are with their learning and where to go next. As teachers, we all have different ways of garnering and using feedback, and here are a few examples that we have been using in my current PE department, whether it be demonstrated, in written form or discussed.

At KIS, one of the biggest tools we use is Peer Assessment. We find that it really empowers the students - whether it be direct feedback straight away or through the medium of visual feedback and ICT. In the videos below, you can see the students taking on the roles of junior leaders and coaching each other to improve. The split screen video is a tool which our designated G3-5 ICT reps produced for their classmates:)