JRC Lecture series on Arctic Sea Research

The scheduled lecture series will be postponed. We will make an announcement when the lecture series will be restarted.

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Finished: JRC LASeR 01: 2021 Oct. 20

8AM-10AM EST (Canada), 3PM-5PM MSK (Russia), 9PM-11PM JST (Japan):

Lecture 1: History of Drifting Platforms for the Arctic Ocean study V. Ivanov (AARI)

Lecture 2: Special instrumental sea ice observations in the Arctic S. Serovetnikov (AARI)

Finished: JRC LASeR 02: 2021 Nov. 30

7AM-9AM EST (Canada), 3PM-5PM MSK (Russia), 9PM-11PM JST (Japan)

Lecture 1: Marine research in the Pacific Arctic Region T. Kikuchi (JAMSTEC)

Lecture 2: ADS (Arctic Data archive System) H. Yabuki (NIPR)

Finished: JRC LASeR 03: 2022 January 18

8AM-10AM EST (Canada), 4PM-6PM MSK (Russia), 10PM-12PM JST (Japan)

Lecture 1: Recent developments for modeling landfast ice J.-F. Lemieux (ECCC)

Lecture 2: The dynamics of sea ice : representing sea-ice deformations in high resolution models M. Plante (ECCC)

Finished: JRC LASeR 04: 2022 February 16

7AM-9AM EST (Canada), 3PM-5PM MSK (Russia), 9PM-11PM JST (Japan)

Lecture 1: Currents from Atlantic, influence on ice, trans-Arctic drift; heat transfer V. Ivanov (AARI)

The talk is devoted to the description of the influence of oceanic advection from the North Atlantic Ocean on the hydrographic conditions in the Eurasian Arctic. This topic became espessially actual in the recent two decades, when unprecedented decline of the arctic ice cover led to the intensification of the positive feedbacks in the "ocean - ice - atmosphere" system. One of such positive feedback loops on the seasonal scale - the so-called "atlantification" will be discussed in detail.

Lecture 2: Currents from Pacific, influence on ice T. Kodaira (UTokyo)

The Pacific Arctic region has been known to have experienced a significant reduction of summer sea ice extent. A characteristic heat source of this region has been identified as Pacific Water through the Bering Strait. This talk tries to overview the recent scientific findings related to the Pacific Water inflow. Special attention is paid to the effect of the Pacific Water on the sea ice formation based on the multiple data, including the ship observation of R/V Mirai.

Next:JRC LASeR 05: 2022 (TBD)

7AM-9AM EST (Canada), 3PM-5PM MSK (Russia), 9PM-11PM JST (Japan)

Lecture 1: Ice regime of the Russian Arctic seas E. Pavlova (AARI)

Ice regime of the Kara, Laptev, East-Siberian and Chukchi seas will be overviewed. Information about ice formation, ice cover development and destruction, main features of water areas and terms of ice cover development stages will be presented. Special attention will be given to climatic changes during the last years.

Lecture 2: Ice navigation along the Northern Sea Route T. Alekseeva (AARI)

The talk is about pecularities of navigation along the Northern Sea Route (NSR). We will consider standart routes of navigation, types of vessels operating along the NSR, relevancy of icebreaker assistance, terms of navigation, basic principles of selecting the optimal route of navigation.

Coming: JRC LASeR 06: 2022 (TBD)

7AM-9AM EST (Canada), 3PM-5PM MSK (Russia), 9PM-11PM JST (Japan)

Lecture 1: Modelling and observing waves in the Arctic Ocean T. Waseda (UTokyo)

Lecture 2: Wind waves in the Arctic and wave-ice interaction V. Alexeev (AARI)

Modeling of wind waves in AARI. The description of the spectral-parametric model AARI-PD2. The application of the AARI-PD2 model to forecasting and wind wave regime estimation in the Arctic Ocean. The interaction of waves and sea ice modelled as a thin elastic plane. The reflection and transmission of ocean waves at a sea ice boundary.

Coming: JRC LASeR 07: 2022 (TBD)

7AM-9AM EST (Canada), 3PM-5PM MSK (Russia), 9PM-11PM JST (Japan)

Lecture 1: Dedicated ship based ice observations on the route Sergei Serovetnokov (AARI)

The discussion presents a short review of modern technologies for ship-based sea ice thickness measuring, the experience of operation with ship-based television complex (STK), and program for remote sea ice thickness measurement system STMK.

Lecture 2: Interpretation of sea-ice from satellite images E. Afanasyeva (AARI)

Coming: JRC LASeR 08: 2022 (TBD)

7AM-9AM EST (Canada), 3PM-5PM MSK (Russia), 9PM-11PM JST (Japan)

Lecture: Water levels, storm surge, coastal flooding N. Bernier & P. Wang (ECCC)

Coming: JRC LASeR 09: 2022 (TBD)

7AM-9AM EST (Canada), 3PM-5PM MSK (Russia), 9PM-11PM JST (Japan)

Lecture 1: Sea Ice forecasting trial in Japan H. Yamaguchi (NIPR)

Lecture 2: TBD TBN