Exchange programs


Dr. Naoya Kanna (UTokyo) and Dr. Kazutaka Tateyama (KIT) have joined the NABOS 2021 through the Japan-Russia-Canada International Exchange Program.  The cruise is from Sep. 10 to October 19. 

Cruise Report Blog


Young researcher exchange

Charles Brunette (McGill University)

During the winter 2023 semester, Dr. Brunette participated in a 2-months research exchange at the University of Tokyo (Kashiwa campus), visiting the Waseda-Kodaira lab to collaborate on wave-ice interaction problems, share his doctoral work on sea ice drift, and learn from the group’s expertise in applied physical oceanography. He attended different workshops and networking activities, including the Arctic Circle Japan Forum, the ISAR-7 symposium, and several group meetings. He was also able to visit the wave-ice tank facility, and to participate in a buoy deployment experiment in Hiratsuka. The research stay was an amazing experience for me as an early-career scientist, and I am grateful to all partners for making this opportunity possible.

Graig Sutherland (Environment and Climate Change Canada)

Dr. Graig Sutherland visited the Waseda-Kodaira laboratory at the University of Tokyo to share his research on wave-ice interaction. Dr. Sutherland visited the laboratory between 19 February to 3 March 2023 where he was able to observe the large range of research being conducted in the lab. This includes modelling wave-ice interaction as well as buoy development and laboratory experiments. Dr. Sutherland shared his research on theoretical aspects of wave-ice interaction including the dissipation of wave energy due to sea ice, changes to the dispersion relation of waves due to sea ice, as well as challenges in measuring the directional spectra of waves in ice. The visit was very fruitful and I enjoyed my discussions immensely with everyone I encountered at the University of Tokyo and I look forward to future collaborations.