Portal Site for AAAs: Academic Achievement Archive for students, GSFS
UTokyoアカウント (10桁の共通ID) UTokyo Account (10-digit Common ID)
UTokyoアカウント (10桁の共通ID) UTokyo Account (10-digit Common ID)
You can change your iInitial password after logging in to the AAAs: Main menu > [Password Change] Please change the initial password to a more secure one.
When creating your account, the system administrator registers "Your UTokyo Account@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp" as your email address.
概要 Overview
AAAs archives research achievements of all master's and doctoral students in the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, as well as students participating in the WINGS-PES program from other graduate schools.
AAAs does not integrate with any other systems.
Your login information will remain the same when transitioning to a doctoral program. Each program will have a separate student ID.
Generally, students are responsible for inputting their own data. Students have the ability to edit and export their data. Their supervisors are authorized to input, edit, and export data for their assigned students. (The user manual provides detailed information on permissions.)
Registered data can be exported as reports (Word/PDF) and is used for reviews and evaluations within the GSFS and its departments/programs.
All collected data will be retained for six years subsequent to a student's completion of their degree program, including those who withdraw from the program.
対応ブラウザ (推奨) Supported browsers (recommended)
Chrome / Firefox / Microsoft Edge / Safari
操作マニュアル(学生用) User Manual (for students)

You can find information about the system's functions and basic operations in the following manual.

業績を登録する際の学籍番号は 、入力時ではなく実績当時の課程における学籍番号で行いましょう。
Achievement data should be entered and saved with the student ID at the time of achievement, not at the time of the data entry.
If you are not sure what to enter or select in a section, consult your supervisors and enter or select the one that seems more appropriate.
For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements.
Use the "Remarks" section to enter anything that does not fit into the required fields.
The AAAs' interface is bilingual, but data can be entered in either Japanese or English as it is not registered separately.
問い合わせ先 Inquiry
新領域創成科学研究科 教育支援室
Education Support Office, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Email :gsfs.aaas★edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (★を@に変更して下さい | Change★ to @)