
Reading Apps

Biblionasium allows students to read, rate, review, and share what they are reading. Kids are able to create their own book lists and see what is popular.

Video & Presentation Tools

Students can create and share their own videos showcasing their learning. Create awesome book talks, reflections, classroom projects, and much more. Educators can incorporate Flipgrid into their lesson plans to ignite student passions.

Periscope allows you to share and exchange live videos in a positive and meaningful way. Connect with other schools, teachers and students to see what they are up to. Show our students how to be digital leaders.

Scratch lets you create and program stories, games and animations. You may also wish to share your creations with the online community.

Use PowToon to create your own videos and presentations for free.

Use Piktochart to create up to 5 info-graphics at a time for free.

Copyright-Right Free Images

Search for images, text, music and more that is copyright-right free.