Welcome to the ETSB Virtual Library

The ETSB Virtual Library is a compendium of online resources that support learning and research across various subject areas. The Virtual Library offers access to online books, research databases, encyclopedias, tools, and much more. Most resources can be accessed from home, 24/7 and by all ETSB schools.   

Popular Resources 

ETSB now subscribes to an ebook/audio book service called TumbleBooks. This collection of ebooks/audiobooks are for elementary students and feature many subjects and genres. 


Looking for some awesome free podcasts about Canadian education? Check out voiceEd Radio Canada. 

Topics include: Libraries, approaches to teaching, online learning, diversity, indigenous studies, literacy, project based learning, curriculum, ed tech and much more! 

Bouger, c’est un besoin naturel chez les enfants. Grâce aux livres que vous avez chez vous ou que vous pouvez emprunter à la bibliothèque, vous pouvez répondre à ce besoin et favoriser le développement de la motricité globale de votre enfant! Valérie Kempa, autrice, bibliothécaire, ergothérapeute et maman, vous propose ses astuces!