
Special Education

Who to Contact

If you have specific needs, contact your child’s teacher of record or Patty Lane, district transition consultant,

Career Videos

Career videos | Videos - This site is sponsored by The US Department of Labor. This is a great site for all kinds of information. There are self assessments, career planning, help with resume writing, scholarship finders, etc.

OK College Start

OKcollegestart - Home - OK College Start is a free online tool that provides career interest quizzes, career information, growing occupation trends, scholarship and financial aid resources, and information about programs of study in Oklahoma.

OK Career Guide

Oklahoma Career Guide - The student will need to set up an account. ICAP information can be utilized and done here.

Middle School Career Curriculum

Middle School Career Development Lessons — CareerTech (CT) -

Your Free Career Test

Career Test High School College Students Free Job Quiz Best Tests Teens - Suitable for middle school or high school. This career test takes five (5) minutes, is free and student friendly. There are 63 questions in which you choose between four different items. You can print your career test results or copy and paste the following link and send it via email. This allows you to access your career test results anytime. Your results are given with a percentage in how it matched up to your likes. It also gives a list of classes that middle school and high school students would need to take to help them get started and prepared for the particular career. A list of similar careers are also listed.

Career Cluster Interest Survey

Career Clusters Interest Survey - Suitable for middle school and high school. Interest Survey will need to be printed to take.Should be teacher/adult facilitated. May have some words that would need to be explained in the test. The student may need to be guided through the scoring portion. There are 16 boxes that a student chooses which things most interest them. The 16 boxes also represent the 16 career clusters.

Career Interest Survey

Career Interest Survey - Suitable for middle school and high school. Interest Survey will need to be printed to take. Should be teacher/adult facilitated. May have some words that would need to be explained in the test. The student may need to be guided through the scoring portion. Students go through a series of paired examples from which they are supposed to choose which one is the one they like the most. Results will need to be printed.

Parent Toolkit

Parent Section Introduction - Designed by the Colorado Department of Education,this toolkit gives parents resources to assess where students are and where they need to be before graduation. Consists of assessments/interviews and lists of recommended activities as well as checklists. Has resources from elementary to high school, but I would expect it’s most appropriate for middle school through high school.

High School Career Curriculum

High School Career Development Lessons — CareerTech (CT) - Contains a plethora of information on career choice and planning. You can search as an educator or as a student.

O*Net Interest Profiler

O*NET Interest Profiler - This is a 60 question quiz on what the student may like to do on the job. There is no time limit. Once the student has taken the interest profile, have them write down their scores or print the page. They will have another place that they will need to input those scores to get their other information, or if the student is doing the profiler in one sitting, the scores continue on as you explore. On the results page, there are links to find out what the area that they scored the highest means. This is a fantastic site that allows the student to customize based on whether they want to go to college or not or just a little bit (job zones). Once you choose a career, it opens up to a page that has several zones for the student to explore: 1) knowledge, 2) skills, 3) abilities, 4) personality, 5) technology, 6) education, 7) job outlook, and 8) explore more.

Jung Typology Test™

Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory - Personality test similar to Meyers-Briggs test. The test has 64 questions. Once you have taken the test, you receive 1) Type description, 2) Careers based on your type, as well as 3) staff development, and 4) Pre-employment testing (have to pay for this one). Under the Careers box you receive a list of jobs and places you can get degrees online.

My Plan

Assessment :: Values Assessment - Values Assessment - This test asks you to rank different aspects of work that represent six (6) underlying work values by arranging twenty (20) cards into importance from 1 to 5. You will be given a list of occupations that are rank-ordered according to how well they match your personal work values. You can print the Work Values Clusters report, but there is no easy way to print or download the Career Match results.

This website also has a Careers Tab that has information from the career database, to videos on those careers, salary calculator, etc.

iSeek “Clusters”

Career Cluster Interest Survey - More suitable for upper high school. Career Cluster Interest Survey - The survey will take about 5-10 minutes. This survey lets you rate activities you enjoy, your personal qualities, and the school subjects you like.At the end of the survey, you will see a list of career clusters that are a good match for your interests. You can print out results as well.

Top Matching Career Clusters - will give you the top matches based on your choices.

This tool was created by CAREERwise Education and is adapted from the Guidance Division Survey, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technical Education (2005).

123 Career Test

Career test - Free online aptitude test - - You take a test with 4 basic pictures. You are choosing which you like the most and which you like the least. When you finish, it does ask your age, gender, what level of education you are willing to get and where you live. Your results are based on the Holland Code, which has 6 personality types. You get a pie chart with your percentages for each personality type followed by a list of the jobs that are best suited to your highest ranked personality type(s).

Career Clusters Activity

Career Clusters Activity - For this activity, you read each statement and select the statements that are true for you. The results will prioritize the career clusters based on your responses. There are 4 statements and a list of choices that you can choose that describe you. At the end, you get a match of jobs that you are well matched for based on your answers. Questions are 1) I am….., 2) I like to….., 3) I am good at….., 4) My best subjects in school are….. You receive a prioritized list of jobs that are also hyperlinks to information on those jobs. The hyperlink takes you to O*Net Online. Education Planner has links on the left of the screen that include links.

Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment

Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment - The Zarrow Center facilitates student-directed educational, employment and adult living outcomes for individuals with disabilities, fosters innovative self-determination oriented instruction and transition education practices, and prepares educational leaders by providing research-based assessments, curriculum and transition activities. The website has timelines and resources teachers, students and parents can access as well.

PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment

Resource Library - National Parent Center on Transition and Employment - Some resources are for purchase, but a majority are free downloads.

Texas Project FIRST

Transition Resources - The top of the homepage is specific to Texas, however they list various resources for educators, parents and students who are in secondary transition.