Physical Therapy

Special Education

Who To Contact, Including Equipment Needs

If your child has equipment needs while schools are out, feel free to contact his/her PT by email if you need assistance.


motor skills. Below are a few examples of activities that can be incorporated into play at home.

Lie on stomach on floor or over an exercise ball to:

  • play board games
  • draw/color

Core and lower body strength is crucial to the development of gross as well as fine motor skills. Below are a few examples of activities that can be incorporated into play at home.

Lie on stomach on floor or over an exercise ball to:

  • play board games
  • draw/color

Sit on exercise ball to:

  • play catch with a partner
  • play board games
  • place bean bags all around; lean over to pick up and throw into a basket.

Floor scooter or rolling chair

  • make an obstacle course and ‘walk’ forward and backward through it on scooter or chair.
  • Scooter races.


  • Make variations of hopscotch depending on age and ability.



Integral skill using three different systems (visual, vestibular and proprioceptive) which are required for all mobility and for the development of higher level gross motor skills.

  • Stomp rocket
  • Stomping bubbles
  • Walking on curbs
  • Walking outside on uneven surfaces; grass, gravel, hills, etc.
  • Catching hopscotch rings on your foot
  • Kicking
  • Stair-climbing. Encourage alternating steps.
  • Balloon badminton with fly swatters

Coordination / Crossing Midline

The ability to utilize both sides of the body in unison either at the same time or in alternating movements.

  • Jumping jacks
  • Marching to music
  • Clapping to music
  • Walking a figure of 8
  • Dribbling a ball with both hands
  • Animal walking
  • Obstacle course throughout the house (going over, under, around, etc.)

Sensory Processing

Heavy Work such as pushing and pulling helps provide proprioceptive input to our sensory system, which assists in the overall regulation.

    • Animal Walks, Wheelbarrow Walks, Push-Ups, Jump Rope, Jumping on a Trampoline, Help Carry in Groceries/Laundry Baskets, Gardening, Pushing a Wagon or Stroller, as well as the many of the activities listed above.

Play Outside

    • Sidewalk chalk, bubble play, take a walk, ride bikes/scooters, gardening (pull weeds, plant flowers)


Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) on will be conducting 30 minute PE classes at 9AM every morning while schools are out. He’s fun and these are supposed to be kid friendly☺ PE with Joe | Monday 23rd March 2020

You may need to modify and/or decrease the amount of time/reps. This is a great way for your child to work on imitation skills.