Business Management & Supervision

High School Career Tech Marketing Course

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Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal:

I can play a virtual stock market game building a portfolio to have a greater understanding of investing in companies listed on S&P Top 500.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Go to
  • View the website. It is a source of the latest real time current event information.
  • Go to to begin the steps starting a game.
  • Create an account to play at It is required to play the virtual game and is absolutely FREE. *This is NOT real money, it is virtual cash.
  • Check your email. You will receive an email from Dow Jones to verify your email address.
  • Create a game. Get creative with your team name. You may play with classmates, peers or family members. When registering, set the end date of May 1, 2020. Leave all parameters as established.
  • Review the game mechanics.
  • Read information that could benefit you/your team’s portfolio. The Marketwatch website doesn’t need to be your only resource.
  • Check out other resources which might include:
  • Select your companies to invest. Choose ONLY companies listed in S&P Top 500.
  • Determine how many shares of stock in each company.
  • Review your portfolio daily, read information that could impact your current portfolio or encourage changes within your portfolio.
  • Communicate with your team members and others often about the stock market regarding the S&P Top 500.
  • Reflect on your decisions and the risk/rewards once the game has ended.
  • Share your results with others which may include your favorite Marketing/DE

Week 2: April 13-17

Learning Goal:

I can understand how events happening in the world affect businesses and consumers.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Reflect:

Click on the following links for information on current events:

    1. Covid-19 changes the movie industry
      • What are your thoughts on how this affects you? What are some pros and cons of this?
    2. DoorDash delivering toilet paper?
      • Do you think this will continue after the crisis is over? What are some things that you think are good for DoorDash in doing this and will it change how consumers look at their company?
    3. Prices going way up during Covid-19
      • Why do you think consumers are willing to pay the increased prices? What kind of impact will this have on the businesses that are doing this in terms of reputation and future business?
  • As you read these articles, reflect on their impact on consumers and society.
  • Discuss with a few classmates the questions above for each article.
  • Share some thoughts with your Marketing/DECA teacher.

Week 3: April 20-24


Learning Goal:

I can make an informed opinion of determining if a behavior is ethical with an understanding of price gouging.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

Week 4: April 27 - May 1


Learning Goal:

I will understand what a SWOT analysis is and why it’s the first step in planning for marketers to address key issues.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Watch this video to begin this unit through this link: SWOT Analysis Lesson
  • Identify what SWOT stands for.
  • View the chart at this link: SWOT Chart
  • Understand that the main purpose of the analysis has to be to add value to our products and services so that we can recruit new customers, retain loyal customers, and extend products and services to customer segments over the long-term. If undertaken successfully, we can then increase our Return On Investment (ROI).
  • Learn the history of SWOT here: History
  • Review the facts and guidelines for creating a SWOT here: SWOT FACTS
  • Select one or more of the corporate examples below to review:
  • Form an opinion about how the impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic has impacted the company you have selected. Which element of the SWOT analysis examples has changed.
  • Determine if this change has been positive or negative.
  • If you were to perform a personal SWOT analysis how would you respond to each element?
  • Think about if this analysis would be different before the Covid 19 Pandemic.
  • Share your thoughts with others which may include your favorite Marketing/DECA teacher.

Week 5: May 4-8


Learning Goal:

I will understand the value of marketing and personal relationships with customers.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Think about how small businesses locally are impacted by the loss of customers.
  • Ask yourself how often you/family shopped “small” (locally owned businesses) before COVID19.
  • Ask yourself how often you/family have shopped “small” during COVID19.
  • Identify & list 5 small businesses in Edmond. These should not be large chain businesses, such as Target, but rather something local such as Best of Books.
  • Differentiate the types of businesses that you list (such as a restaurant, gas station, grocery store, coffee shop, other services, etc.)
  • Brainstorm & list 10 different ways people in your community could support these businesses during hard economic times. Be creative!
  • Consider that not everyone has excess money to spend.
  • Share your thoughts with others which may include your favorite Marketing/DECA teacher.

Week 6: May 11-13

Business Management Week #6

Learning Goal:

Reflect on previous weeks and how concepts are working in the business world.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Reflect on the lessons from the previous weeks. How do you feel the economy has changed during the quarantine time? What problems do you foresee still being present when everything is opened back up?
  • Discuss what types of businesses you see continuing but in a totally different way than how they operated before this pandemic?
  • Share your thoughts with others which may include your favorite Marketing/DECA teacher.

Looking for a future week? Check back after 12:00pm (noon) on Sundays, when new weekly content goes live!