World History

(Typically 10th Grade)

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Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal:

I can understand the shift of economic and military power post WWII from European nations to the United States and Soviet Union (WORLD SUPERPOWERS).

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour 50 minutes, 110 minutes

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

    • Watch this Crash Course video to review WWII.
    • Analyze the different perspectives for dropping the atomic bomb. Check your answers here
    • Pick four questions to answer from this list of questions. Try to answer each question from the perspective of each side (FOR or AGAINST). Sometimes your answer will not align with your actual beliefs and that’s okay
    • Reflection (Your opinion): Was dropping the atomic bomb the correct choice according to your findings? Why or why not?
    • Read this background information about the early Cold War and Containment. Follow up with researching the United Nations. How is the United Nations (Khan Academy and U.N. Website) responding to COVID-19. What is the U.N.’s role and how are they helping countries? Are countries listening to the U.N.? Can the U.N. force countries to obey international law? Explain what you think to someone else.
    • Read the background information about key leaders and look at the map to see how Germany was divided following WWII. Identify the countries that occupied West and East Germany.
    • Reflect on what you learned. Identify the chronological order of these terms.. Check your answers here
    • Read the Butter Battle Book by Dr. Seuss and compare the events in the book to the Early Cold War.
    • Identify the real life symbolism in the Butter Battle Book by creating a chart to fill out as you read. Check your answers here
    • Reflect: What is the message the author is trying to convey?
    • Play Kahoot as a review and practice.

Share what you learned with your teacher. They would love to hear from you!

Week 2: April 13-17

Learning Goal:

I can describe the creation of the modern state of Israel and ongoing territorial disputes, including the impact of significant regional leaders.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour 50 minutes, 110 minutes

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Watch this Crash Course video to get an overview of the conflict in Israel and Palestine
  2. Use this graphic organizer to select the eight most significant events of the conflict, and then make a timeline, including dates and descriptions.
  3. Using the Infographic “Loss of Land” and what you learned from the Crash Course, respond to the prompt: John Green stated that the conflict in Israel and Palestine was “about land.” What did he mean? What has happened to Palestinian and Israeli territory between 1917 and present? How and why have these changes to territory occurred? Have territorial disputes been resolved?
  4. Analyze the documents in this Mini DBQ exercise by responding to the guiding questions. Consider the different groups involved and the reasons for conflict between them, examining:
    • Document 1: “The Balfour Declaration”
    • Document 2: “The Zionist Case” by Golda Meir
    • Document 3: excerpt from “Children of a Tenth-Class God” by Nihaya Qawasmi
    • Document 4: statement by President Nassar to members of the Egyptian National Assembly, 29 May 1967
    • Document 5: excerpts from the “Hamas Charter”
  5. Use this graphic organizer to synthesize the different perspectives and challenges of the conflict, and then create your own plan to solve the crisis!

Share what you learned with your teacher. They would love to hear from you!

Week 3: April 20-24

Learning Goal:

I can describe the creation of the modern state of Israel and ongoing territorial disputes, including the impact of significant regional leaders.

Estimated Time for the Week: 1 hour 50 minutes, 110 minutes

Learn & Practice:

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  1. Watch the video and read the description of what took place April 19, 1995.
  2. Explore the link to the virtual trunk to complete the scavenger hunt.

Iranian Revolution

  1. Review the countries in the Middle East
  2. Watch the Crash Course video and take notes about the Iranian Revolution. What surprised you most?
  3. Review images from the Iranian Revolution. After reviewing, check to see if you can put the events in the chronological order.
  4. Review the Historical Context and read over the Documents about the Iranian Revolution in this DBQ Assignment.
  5. After you read the documents, reflect on the following question: Was the Iranian Revolution successful? Who benefited and was hurt by this revolution?
  6. Practice! Quiz yourself with one of the Kahoots to see what you know!

Iran-Iraq War

  1. Watch this History Channel Video over the Iran/Iraq Conflict.
  2. Read the consequences of the Iran-Iraq War
  3. Review the image. After reviewing the image, list 3 things you see (people), 3 objects, and 3 activities in the photograph.
  4. Practice! Quiz yourself with one of the Kahoots to see what you know!

Invasion of Kuwait

  1. Watch this Animated History Video over the Persian Gulf War from the perspective of Iraq.
  2. Review the information included in these Persian Gulf War Notes

Share what you learned with your teacher. They would love to hear from you!

Week 4: April 27 - May 1

Learning Goal:

I can understand how the people, events, and conditions led to the end of the Cold War.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

Events leading to the end of the Cold War.

  1. You are a foreign policy advisor- what will you do? Are you a Cold War agent?
  2. Review the Cold War vocabulary and Cold War Strategies.
  3. What will you do?
  4. Before learning about the Berlin Wall, read these statements. Predict whether they are True (T) or False (F). It’s okay to be wrong.
  5. Watch - Click here or the Discovery Education video icon to learn more about the Berlin Wall. While watching, feel free to change any of your answers. Move the magnifying glass over the black column to reveal the correct answer.

Perestroika and Glasnost

  1. Read about perestroika and glasnost. While you read, answer these questions. You will need these answers later.
  2. Students will analyze the Reagan Tear Down This Wall Speech. Why do you think this speech is iconic in history?
  3. What will you do?
  4. Read Solidarity then complete the diagram with true/false statements

Breakup of Soviet Union

  1. Watch the video with Mikhail Gorbachev and write 2-3 bullet points
  2. Watch the video about the Soviet economy and write 1-2 bullet points
  3. Rank the causes of the fall of the Soviet Union from most influential to least influential. In the box, briefly explain why you ranked them here.

BREAKOUT and Turning Points

  1. Breakout!- Are you a Cold War agent?
  2. Evaluate- What are the TOP 5 TURNING POINTS in World History? Would you include the end of the Cold War? Does COVID-19 belong in the top 5 list?

Share what you learned with your teacher. They would love to hear from you!

Week 5: May 4-8

Learning Goal:

I can understand the lasting impact of genocide and conflicts in the 20th century.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour 30 minutes

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Review the purpose of the United Nations
  2. Watch the Ted Talk on Universal Human Rights
  3. Read the definition of genocide from the United Nations
  4. Reflect: What’s your reaction? What new information did you learn?
  5. Read the 10 Stages of Genocide
  6. Use the Holocaust website to look at different case studies.

Extension- Click the Genocide Watch Interactive Map link to analyze current conflicts that are experiencing one or more of the Stages of Genocide.

Week 6: May 11-13

Learning Goal:

I can describe the ongoing impact of interdependence on the world’s economies resulting in the creation and growth of multinational organizations, international trade agreements and the challenges faced by the global economy.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hours, 30 minutes total

Learn and Practice

Click here for the Google Slideshow directions.

Part one

  1. Read- what is globalization?
  2. Watch this video on population growth. As you watch, determine if the statements are true or false. Check your answers here
  3. Practice your geography. Go to Seterra Online quiz game of 30 most populous countries. Can you identify the countries?
    • Do any of these countries surprise you? Answer why to yourself. What factors go into your thinking?

Part two

  1. Interpret this graph and this graph. How do the graphs represent poverty rates?
  2. How will COVID-19 impact economies around the world? Use this chart to help you infer from the chart.
  3. Watch Globalization Crash Course
  4. Where did your clothes come from? Use this calculator to under globalization. Global Closet Calculator
  5. Connect with a classmate. Call them and ask them to share their opinions about globalization, whether it’s overall a positive or negative. How can the Coronavirus be linked to globalization positively and negatively?
  6. Be curious; conduct a 2-minute search online to learn something new about how the Coronavirus is linked to Globalization. (For real- set a timer!)

Part three

  1. Right now you are experiencing one of the most significant events of your lifetime. How has COVID-19 impacted you, your family and friends, your nation, the world?
  2. Think like a historian: Create a History Bento Box- COVID-19