United States History

(Typically 11th Grade)

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Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal:

I can explain how the United States confronted communism in East Asia after the Korean War.

Estimated Time for The Week:

2 hours; 110 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

    • Read this summary over the Vietnam War
    • Watch an overview of the Vietnam War from Discovery Education. Summarize the main points. Make sure you login to your Discovery Education account using your Edmond Google account. Questions while you watch:
        • Who is Ho Chi Minh? What was his goal?
        • Ho Chi Minh’s government controlled ________ while the western backed countries controlled ________.
        • American leaders feared that all of Vietnam would fall to communism. The ____Theory suggested that if Vietnam fell to communism, its close neighbors would follow in suit.
        • What was the impact of the Vietnam War on American society?
        • Check your answers here.
    • Read a brief description from the Gulf of Tonkin. Summarize the main points.
    • Watch an overview of President Johnson from Discovery Education. What challenges did President Johnson face in Vietnam? What is the significance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
    • Pick one of the cartoons to analyze. How does this cartoonist explain American involvement in Vietnam?
    • Review this chart. What does this chart tell you about the public opinion for sending troops to Vietnam? Do you think all of those troops voluntarily enlisted to be there?
    • Read about the Antiwar sentiment and Tet Offensive
    • Watch overview of the Tet Offensive from Discovery Education. Complete the True/False statements as you watch. Answer on your own sheet of paper. Check your answers here.
    • Read and listen to protest songs. What does this song suggest to you about how Americans felt about the Vietnam War at this time? If you wanted to verify that, what other kinds of sources could you investigate or research?
    • Watch a clip and read about Kent State.
    • Read through these slides to learn more about the end of the Vietnam War and the War Powers Act. Look at this infographic to learn more.
    • Review. Play this Quizizz to challenge your Vietnam War expertise.

Week 2: April 13-17

Learning Goal:

I can analyze the political and economic impact of President Nixon’s foreign policies including détente and the opening of China.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Review from week 1. Last week you learned about the Vietnam War. What are two things you remember?

Introduction to President Nixon

  1. Read the background information on President Nixon.
  2. Infer from the election map of 1968.
    • Read the key. What do the colors on the map represent?
    • Compare the popular vote. Did Nixon win by a landslide?
    • Using your answer from question #2, how does this compare the the electoral vote?
    • How many states did Nixon win?
  3. Read Nixon’s Cold War Foreign Policy and explain how Nixon and Kissinger reshape America’s approach to foreign affairs?
  4. Read this article about Richard Nixon from Khan Academy. What are 5 things you didn’t know?
  5. Reflect: Was Vietnamization a good idea? Why or why not? How did Nixon's approach to communist countries abroad differ from other presidents' strategies?

President Nixon Opening China

  1. Review this chart about the pros and cons for establishing a relationship with China. Based on this chart, why was Nixon’s policy toward China likely to be supported by American’businesses?
  2. Image analysis: What can you infer from this picture?
    • List 3 things you see.
    • What do you notice first?
    • What people and objects are shown?
    • How are they arranged?
    • What is the physical setting?
  3. Click here to watch an overview detente under Nixon from Discovery Education. While watching the video, answer the true/false statements

Nixon SALT

  1. Read the background information and quote from Nixon’s speech to Congress.
  2. Analyze charts: based on the information in the chart, what was the purpose of the SALT I Treaty?
  3. Match the definitions to the terms. Check your answers here
  4. Reflect - How should we remember the Nixon Administration? Write two to three sentences using evidence from this week’s lesson to support your position.

Extension- Print this detente crossword puzzle. *You do have to print the puzzle to fill in the answers or use Google Drawing.

Week 3: April 20-24

Learning Goal:

I can compare the changing roles of women from the Post-war Era through the 1970s including the goals of the Women’s Liberation Movement and the National Organization of Women under the leadership of Betty Friedan, goals of the Women’s Liberation Movement. various debates on the Equal Rights Amendment, and the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours 30 minutes

Learn & Practice:

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  1. Watch the video and read the description of what took place April 19, 1995.
  2. Explore the virtual trunk to complete the scavenger hunt.

Betty Friedan & NOW

  1. Reflect: What questions do you have?
  2. Watch the video on Betty Friedan and reflect on the questions
  3. Read a passage on NOW- What were the two main goals of NOW under the leadership of Betty Friedan?

Feminist Movement

  1. Read the background information about NOW
  2. Watch the video on I Love Lucy. Based on this video, how would you describe the expectations for men and women in the 1950s?
  3. Read the information to learn more about the feminist movement
  4. Reflect- Do you think the activists of the women’s movement would be satisfied with women’s rights today?

Debates on the Equal Rights Amendment

  1. Review the timeline for ERA
  2. Watch a video explaining ERA
  3. Reflect -Based on the last video, do you believe passage of the ERA would change too many laws? Why or why not?
  4. Watch 1960’s Crash Course- write down any questions you have while watching

Roe v. Wade

  1. Read through the Roe v Wade case study.pdf
  2. Read the article discussing the effects of Roe v. Wade today- Impact of Roe v. Wade Today

Check yourself! Please Click on the Following Link: Final Quiz

Week 4: April 27 - May 1

Learning Goal:

I can understand the events surrounding Nixon’s Watergate scandal.

I can analyze how the media played a role in the Watergate scandal.

I can understand how the Watergate scandal impacted the role of the presidency in US history.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2.5 hours; 150 minutes

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

The Pentagon Papers

  1. Review: Name two things you learned from the Vietnam War lesson, and two things you remember from Nixon’s administration.
  2. Watch these two video clips on the Pentagon Papers - One and Two
  3. Read the statements and decide if each statement is true or false.
  4. Reflect on the impact of the Pentagon Papers by answering the following questions:
    • Why​​ did ​​Daniel ​​Ellsberg ​​feel ​​it ​​was ​​necessary ​​to ​​attempt ​​to ​​release ​​the ​​Pentagon Papers​ ​to​ ​the​ ​public?
    • The​​ Pentagon ​​Papers​​ did​​ not​​ specifically​​ criticize​​ or​​ mention​​ President​​ Nixon. However,​ ​he​ ​felt​ ​it​ ​was​ ​important​ ​to​ ​try​ ​to​ ​stop​ ​publication.​ ​Why​ ​did​ ​he​ ​feel​ ​that way?
    • Vietnam​​ War​​ veteran ​​Karl​​ Marlantes ​​said,​​ “That​​ changed​​ our ​​whole ​​attitude toward​ ​government.​ ​Up​ ​until​ ​then,​ ​the​ ​president​ ​wouldn’t​ ​lie.​ ​After​ ​then,​ ​they always​ ​lie.”​ ​Do​ ​you​ ​think​ ​this​ ​is​ ​a​ ​fair​ ​assessment?​ ​Why​ ​or​ ​why​ ​not?
    • Based​​ on​​ what ​​you​​ saw ​​in​​ the ​​video ​​clip,​​do​​ you ​​think ​​Ellsberg’s​​ actions ​​warranted prosecution​ ​under​ ​the​ ​Espionage​ ​Act​ ​of​ ​1917?​ ​Why​ ​or​ ​why​ ​not?
    • Analyze ​​the ​​actions ​​of​​ Nixon​​ and​​ the ​​plumbers.​​ If​​ you​​ were ​​a ​​lawyer​​ representing Nixon​ ​and​ ​or​ ​the​ ​Plumbers,​ ​how​ ​would​ ​you​ ​argue​ ​that​ ​their​ ​actions​ ​were​ ​justified?

Watergate Scandal Overview

  1. Watch the video from Discovery Education. What are your immediate impressions about the Watergate scandal and its impact on American history?
  2. Read this overview of the Watergate scandal, taking notes over key events.
  3. Read the transcript of the June 23, 1972 “Smoking Gun” tape and answer the following questions:
    • Haldeman tells Nixon, “the FBI is not under control.” Why does the FBI need to be controlled?
    • What is Nixon’s plan for dealing with the FBI’s investigation of the Watergate break-in?
    • What does this excerpt imply about the relationship between the FBI and the CIA?
    • What does this tape reveal about Nixon’s view of his power as the president?
    • Why is this tape called the “Smoking Gun” tape?

Watergate: Role of the Media

  1. Watch this interview from CBS Sunday Morning with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.
  2. Use the interview and this excerpt to answer the following questions:
    • Why is coverage of the Watergate Scandal a significant part of journalism history?
    • Describe the role of the press in this story.
    • What was the fallout (consequences) of the reporting of the scandal?
    • Imagine you are a journalist and gather information that is true, but if you publish it, it will cause someone to lose their job. What factors would you consider in deciding whether or not to publish this information?
    • How much does the public have a right to know about what the president does? Should the press report on what the president eats for dinner? What about where the president goes on vacation? Explain your answers.

Watergate: Nixon Resigns

  1. Read the Secret Watergate Tapes.
  2. Watch this clip from Discovery Education and answer the following questions:
    • Why was the tape from June 23, 1972 known as “the Smoking Gun?”
    • Why would President Nixon resign if he knew he was going to be impeached anyway?
    • What is one other circumstance in which the 25th Amendment would need to be invoked?
  3. Analyze the political cartoon and answer the questions on the slide.

Watergate Conclusion: President Ford Pardons Nixon

  1. Read and listen to an excerpt of Ford’s pardon and answer the following questions:
    • Describe the intended audience of this speech and why that is significant to understanding the speech.
    • List three justifications Ford uses for pardoning Nixon.
    • Which do you believe was the most important justification?
    • Describe two facts from the speech that tell you about life in the United States in 1974.
    • Do you agree with President Ford’s decision to pardon Nixon?
  2. Read the excerpt from History.com, then complete the following reflection and recap:
    • Briefly explain the events surrounding the Watergate scandal.
    • Based on what you now know about Nixon’s presidency and Watergate, should he be remembered as a generally good president who made mistakes, or as a crook who abused his executive powers?
    • What is the legacy of the Watergate scandal on American history? On the role of the executive branch in government? On the principle of checks and balances?

Week 5: May 4-8

Learning Goal:

I can assess the lasting impact former presidents had on our political system & analyze President Reagan’s impact during his two terms in office.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

Learn & Practice:

  1. Review: What are two things you remember?
  2. Read the background for President Jimmy Carter
  3. Read about President Carter using this link.
    • Identify AT LEAST 2 successes and failures of the Carter presidency.
  4. Watch these videos about the Iranian Hostage Crisis and Camp David Accords.
  5. Reflect:
    • What is Jimmy Carter’s background? Did he fit in with political elites?
    • What are the biggest successes and failures of Jimmy Carter’s presidency?
    • What is the significance of the Iran Hostage Crisis?
    • Was Jimmy Carter’s presidency a success or a failure? Why do you think that?
  6. Learn about the modern two party system. Click to watch a video on CONSERVATISM & LIBERALISM. Using the sources provided. Drag and drop the characteristics or issues that define each political ideology.
  7. Read the following article on the 1980 presidential election and determine which statements are true or false.
  8. Read an excerpt about President Reagan.
  9. Analyze the Four Pillars of Reaganomics infographic slide by clicking the link. Read about Reagan’s economic plan on ushistory.org. Using the two resources above, answer the following questions listed.
  10. Watch and read about Reaganomics. List 5 criticisms from the sources.
  11. Read an overview for how Reagan challenged communism.
  12. Watch Reagan’s “Tear Down this Wall” speech.
  13. Analyze the political cartoon
  14. Review.

Week 6: May 11-13

Learning Objective:

I can identify the events leading to the end of the Cold War.

Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Learn and Practice:

For the Google Slide directions, click here!

Part 1-End of Cold War- Are you a Cold War Agent?

  1. Read the background information.
  2. Review the Cold War vocabulary and Cold War Strategies.
  3. What will you do?
  4. Before learning about the Berlin Wall, read these statements. Predict whether they are True (T) or False (F). It’s okay to be wrong.
  5. Watch - Click here or the Discovery Education video icon to learn more about the Berlin Wall. While watching, feel free to change any of your answers. Move the magnifying glass over the black column to reveal the correct answer.

Part 2- End of Cold War

  1. What will you do?
  2. Students will analyze the Reagan Tear Down This Wall Speech. Why do you think this speech is iconic in history?
  3. Watch the video with Mikhail Gorbachev and write 2-3 bullet points
  4. Rank the causes of the fall of the Soviet Union from most influential to least influential. In the box, briefly explain why you ranked them here.
  5. Breakout! You are an American foreign policy advisor and your role is to recommend policies to prevent the global spread of communism all without triggering another war. To begin you need to brush up on your HISTORY in hopes that you can unlock the combos to ensure a free and democratic world.

Part 3- Living History

  1. Right now you are experiencing one of the most significant events of your lifetime. How has COVID-19 impacted you, your family and friends, your nation, the world?
  2. Think like a historian: Create a History Bento Box- COVID-19