World Language

Grades 8-12

Week 6: May 11-13*

*For Edmond Public Schools, the official last day of the school year is Wednesday, May 13, 2020.

Sample Daily Schedule

Expand Your Course For Great Things To Learn This Week

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:


Spanish 1

Learning Goal: I can order at a restaurant / I can express what foods I like.

Estimated Time for The Week: 115 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the example of how to order in a restaurant: Script
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Question 1: ¿Qué bebe Gloria?
    • Question 2 ¿Qué pide Pablo?
    • Question 3 ¿Es Pablo un novio bueno o malo?


  • Learn the Vocabulary. Use this everyday at the beginning of each lesson
    • Flashcards 3-5 time on the first day (once or more on days that follow)
    • Learn
    • Match
    • Test

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Read this short excerpt and view the images about a famous restaurant in Madrid, Spain.

How is the food different than you expected? Which would you prefer to try first?

  • Notice the verbs in the slides are in different colors...why do you think that is? Check your answer on slide # 8-9. Read over how to conjugate this style of verbs and look closely at the examples.

Check Your Understanding

  • Answer these questions in Spanish. Answer key at the bottom.
  1. ¿Cual es tu restaurante favorito?
  2. ¿Qué sirve en McDonalds?
  3. ¿Qué pides en Chick-fil-a?
  4. ¿Qué te gusta comer en tu restaurante favorito?
  • Translate the following sentences. Answer key at the bottom.
  1. We eat lunch at the restaurant.
  2. I like steak and salad.
  3. She sets the table with a fork, a spoon, and a knife.
  4. The waiter is going to serve the food.
  5. I am going to order the chicken.

Listening and Critical Thinking

Extension and Application

  • Graphic Novel Ordering Practice on Slide #11
  • Now, act it out at home!! Pon la mesa en tu casa and describe to a family member in Spanish all of the items on the table. Then, tell your family what tú quieres comer para la cena y tú cocinas! Record yourself on this flipgrid.
  • CREATE - Have fun with this project:

You will create your own newscast in Spanish and video yourself. Use other family members or stuffed animals as people in your video if needed. Be creative! You may use iMovie, record yourself off your chromebook and insert the videos into slides, or record it on this flipgrid. Share via email it with your teacher when complete. You are the Anchorman/woman, the Meteorologist, the Sportscaster, and the Reporter. Try to include the following segments:

  • Anchorman/woman at the news desk
  • The Weather
  • The Sports Report (maybe someone was injured)
  • Segment on the Home (this might be a lifestyle or real estate segment)
  • Business around town (use your prepositional phrases)
  • Restaurante Review
  • Spotlight of a person with description and their routine (for example, athlete of the week, student of the week, hero of the week, etc.)

Can’t wait to see YOU!

Answer key to Check Your Understanding:

  • Answer these questions in Spanish (examples).
  1. ¿Cual es tu restaurante favorito? Mi restaurante favorito es...
  2. ¿Qué sirve en McDonalds? McD sirve hamburguesas y papas fritas.
  3. ¿Qué pides en Chick-fil-a? En Chick-fil-a pido pollo frito.
  4. ¿Qué te gusta comer en tu restaurante favorito? Me gusta comer lasaña.
  • Translate the following sentences.
  1. We eat lunch at the restaurant. Comemos en el restaurante
  2. I like steak and salad. Me gusta comer bistec y ensalada
  3. She sets the table with a fork, a spoon, and a knife. Ella pone la mesa con un tenedor, una cuchara y un cuchillo.
  4. The waiter is going to serve the food. El mesero va a servir la comida.
  5. I am going to order the chicken. (Yo) voy a pedir pollo.

Spanish 2

Learning Goal: I can discuss what I have done recently and I can express what we accomplished as a community? (using present perfect)

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hours, 50 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to this audio and use Slide #2 to mark the statements that apply to these people.
  • Read the statements in Slide #3 and identify the ones that apply to what you have done recently. Can you identify the verb structures that indicate these are recent actions? (Hint: see the example)

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the text below:
    1. Por más de 30 años los colegios de Edmond han participado en una semana de caridad para recaudar fondos. Cada escuela escoge una organización benéfica para apoyar.
    2. Las escuelas han recaudado mucho dinero, más de cinco millón dólares.
    3. Muchos grupos escolares han participado en las actividades. Por muchos años, STUCO ha organizado la semana y muchas actividades y eventos divertidos. STUCO y otros voluntarios han decorado la escuela según un tema para animar a todos en la escuela.
    4. En el pasado, algunos clubes y organizaciones también han planeado actividades como conciertos, juegos y carnavales.
    5. Durante las asambleas la audiencia ha escuchado a representantes de las organizaciones benéfica y ha aprendido información sobre sus programas.
    6. Los estudiantes y maestros han llevado disfraces durante la semana para promover la causa.
  • In Spanish, write down what you think the main idea is.

Check Your Understanding

  • Identify these key expressions in the text above. Then read slides 6-19 to check your answers: (key on slide #19)
    1. Have raised a lot of money
    2. Have participated
    3. Have planned


  • Learn the vocab here, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz (same quizlet, on test mode). For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use this quizlet to build your vocabulary skills.

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to these teachers talk about their favorite events helping the school community..
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • In Spanish, write down which activities mentioned you have experienced also.

Extension and Application

  • Create a video on flipgrid responding to the following questions. Use Slides #20-21 to plan your answer.
    1. ¿Qué tienen en común Swine Week, DWDW y Balto?
    2. ¿Cómo es DWDW similar a SW?
    3. ¿Cómo es DWDW diferente de Balto?
    4. ¿Qué has hecho tú para ayudar en tu escuela?

Reflect, Culture and Extended writing

  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), make a web of ideas like the one on slide #23. Write about some things you have done to help, such as a volunteer opportunity with a club, church or any other organization. You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.
  • Click here for extra practice.

Spanish 3

Learning Goal: I can talk about my hopes for the future.

Estimated Time for The Week: Approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Watch this video from Mrs. Wishon for a quick introduction.

Reading and Critical Thinking (15 minutes)

  • Watch this and this video of Brindle The Lost Dog. Brindle is a dog that showed up on the doorstep of our house while we were watching TV.
  • Read about Mrs. Wishon’s reactions to finding Brindle here, then answer the questions on slide 2.
  • Update: Brindle was okay, and we found his owner. Apparently bulldogs just make zombie noises on the regular.

Check Your Understanding (~30 minutes)

  • Read this short explanation of what Ojalá means and how we use it with the subjunctive. Press the audio button next to each example to listen to it.
  • Practice using ojalá with the subjunctive with this Gimkit Assignment.
  • Now, here is a quick review of everything we have learned about the subjunctive!
  • For more practice with subjunctive conjugations, do this conjuguemos activity for 5 minutes 2-5 times this week (it has car, gar, zar, irregular yo verbs, and stem changers, so use the hints liberally if needed).
  • Optional: For those of you wanting to review topics from earlier in the year, check out! On the left hand side, click on the grammar you want to practice, read the explanation to review, then click on Generate Unique Quiz to test your skills! Try reviewing one a week if you want to get some extra practice over the summer!

Listening and Critical Thinking (~15 minutes)

  • Let’s review ways we can use the subjunctive! Listen to the audioclip on this page. Then, fill in the blanks and click submit to check your answers. What trigger phrases are used in the listening activity?
  • Let’s try one more! Listen to this audio clip and fill in the blanks as you listen.
  • Change three sentences from their original trigger phrases to “Ojalá”. Example: Ojalá que enseñe clases interesantes para mis estudiantes. (from listening one--- changed es importante que to Ojalá). How does this small word choice difference change the meaning or feel of the sentence?

Extension and Application (~20 minutes)

  • This time of year, I like to try and have a guest speaker come in and talk to my class. Today, we have three guest speakers talking about their careers and how they use Spanish!
  • Watch the video of Detective Katie Gordon here, the video of Captain Cristian Rodriguez here, and the video of Stylist Natalie Vélez here!
  • Answer these questions about what you heard in the videos:
    • ¿Que te recomienda Katie que tú hagas?
    • Complete the sentence from Cristian: “Ojalá ________”
    • What is one way Spanish can help you in your career?
  • Write three sentences using Ojalá to say what you hope for your own future! You can write about your career, where you might live, what you want to study, etc.

Vocabulary (5 minutes per day)

  • This week, all of our vocab practice is going to be focused on you building a habit! Learning Spanish long-term and getting good at it takes more than just what we learn in a classroom (or from the Continuous Learning Dashboard).
  • Choose one of these apps/websites: Memrise, Drops, Duolingo
  • For five minutes everyday this week, practice vocab on the app of your choice. Try and continue this habit throughout the summer! With learning a language, a little bit each day really adds up!

Culture (~20 minutes)

  • Read about Juan Luis Guerra, the Dominican Republic, and his song “Ojalá que llueva café” here.
  • Write 5 statements stating what you hope it rains using Ojalá in your notebook or doc.
  • Answers will vary. Example: Ojalá que llueva bulldogs.

[OPTIONAL] Reflect (~5 minutes)

  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Spanish 4

Learning Goal: I can express what I would like to do in situations that are probable or possible. In my own and other cultures, I can make comparisons between products and practices to help me understand perspectives.

Theme: Contemporary Life; Education

Estimated Time for The Week: Approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes

Learn & Practice:

Read these slides for an introduction to this week’s learning goals! (~15 minutes)

Reading and Critical Thinking (~20 minutes) Answer key found at bottom of document.

  • Read this article about the educational system in the United States.
  • Respond to the questions:
  1. ¿Cuántos niveles hay en la educación pública de EE.UU.?
  2. ¿Cómo se dice ‘jardín de infantes’ en inglés?
  3. ¿Qué tienen que mostrar los padres para inscribir a sus hijos en los programas preescolares?
  4. ¿Qué pasa si el niño tienen menos de cuatro años?
  5. ¿En qué grado empieza la secundaria?
  6. Según el artículo, cuando se realizan los exámenes estatales?
  7. ¿Qué celebración esperan los jóvenes con ansias?
  8. ¿Cuáles son las divisiones de los Estudios superiores?

Check Your Understanding (~15 minutes)

  • Read through these slides to check your understanding of the grammar concepts.
  • Practice on slide 5. If you need support, write down the question to later ask your teacher.

Vocabulary (~15 minutes)

  • Learn this week's vocab with Quizlet. Study the words in flashcard or learn mode for 5 minutes, 2-5 times this week
  • Practice the conditional and imperfect subjunctive on this website.

Listening and Critical Thinking (~15 minutes)

  • Listen and watch this audio/video about uniforms and school in Panamá.
  • Play the audio/video as many times as you need to and respond to the questions below the video.
  • Listen to the vocabulary list and questions and answer them after listening to and reading the audio. Answers will vary. Possible answers are available after the questions on the site.

Extension and Application (~15 minutes)

  • Now it is your turn to share your opinion about what you would do if you could.
  • Share your thoughts comparing the educational system in the United States to Spain based on what you have learned during this lesson.
  • Write 5 sentences responding to this prompt:

Where would you study if you could and why? (include some school vocab).

Example: Si yo pudiera estudiar en españa, disfrutaría el horario y la cultura.

  • If needed, model yours after the examples from earlier in our lesson.

Reflect (~5 minutes)

  • Continue your digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc) and write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Answer Key

  • ¿Cuántos niveles hay en la educación pública de EE.UU.?

Cuatro niveles básicos: preescolar, primaria, secundaria y estudios superiores.

  • ¿Cómo se dice ‘jardín de infantes’ en inglés?

Los jardines de infantes, conocidos como "kindergarden" o "Pre-K".

  • ¿Qué tienen que mostrar los padres para inscribir a sus hijos en los programas preescolares?

Por medio de facturas de agua, electricidad o teléfono- que viven en el área donde está localizada la escuela.

  • ¿Qué pasa si el niño tienen menos de cuatro años?

Los padres deberán pagar un jardín privado que los acepte.

  • ¿En qué grado empieza la secundaria?

En sexto y octavo grado.

  • Según el artículo, cuando se realizan los exámenes estatales?

En octavo grado.

  • ¿Qué celebración esperan los jóvenes con ansias?

Realizar la famosa "Prom" o fiesta de graduación.

  • ¿Cuáles son las divisiones de los Estudios superiores?

Varias divisiones que van desde la colegiatura -ciclo básico universitario- o "College"(los dos primeros años), pasando por la licenciatura (cuatro años) hasta llegar a la maestría y el doctorado.


Chinese 1

Learning Goal: I can use courtesy expressions.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Type the food and beverage vocabulary you learned last week. If needed, watch the Vocabulary List on page 332 and page 333 again.

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the dialogue在快餐店 on p. 336.
  • Using the text in the previous dialogue, try to answer these questions:
    • Question 1 - 张国华要点什么东西?
    • Question 2 - 张国华要喝什么饮料?
    • Question 3 - 张国华要喝大杯还是小杯的饮料?
    • Question 4 - 你会点什么呢?
    • Question 5 - 你喜欢去快餐店吃饭吗?
    • Question 6 - 你常常去哪一家快餐店吃饭?
  • Read the 麦当劳菜单 , list the items you want to order and add the amount you need to pay.

Check Your Understanding

  • Look at the pictures on page 339 # 5 then connect with a classmate, take turns asking and answering what you would like to eat. Use the conjunction “还是” in forming your questions. For example: A: 你要吉士汉堡包还是三明治? B: 我要三明治。
  • Add “一下” to the sentences shown on page 339 #6 to make them sound more polite.

For example: 我要看电视。 – 》 我要看一下电视。

  • Look at the pictures on p. 340 # 8. Write down what each student needs to do before the dinner. For example: 王芳晚饭以前想想游一下泳。
  • Connect to a classmate to ask him/her to choose from two choices on page 340 #9 for dinner. Follow the model: A: 你要咖啡还是水? B: 我要水。 Listening and Critical Thinking
  • Listen to 他们点什么 on page 334 #1, say the item and the quantity of what the people ordered.
  • Listen to the dialogue “ 在快餐店“ on page 336. Write down the food Zhang Guohua ordered.
  • In Chinese, write a dialogue between you and your classmate to order food in the fast food restaurant.

Extension and Application

  • Write a skit to play the roles of two customers who order something to eat and drink in a restaurant and the server who waits on them. Includes the followings:
  1. The server greets the customers and asks what they would like to eat and drink.
  2. Each customer orders something to eat and drink.
  3. The server asks what size drink they would like.
  4. Each customer expresses if he or she wants a small, medium, or large.
  5. The server repeats the two orders and politely asks the customers to wait for a while.
  • Share the skit with your teacher and perform it to the class next semester.

Culture and Extended Writing

  • Read the culture window “International Food and Drink Franchises in China” on page 337 and 338. Answer the questions that follow the passage.
  • Go online to find out which American fast food chains are in China. Compare the same and different in the menu, price and taste, ..etc.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 2

Learning Goal: I can describe my symptoms when seeing a doctor.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Learn the vocabulary from Zhen Bang book II - Unit 1 Lesson C page 92, page 93 and page 95, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz .
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use Yellow Bridge to build your vocabulary skills and to write Chinese characters in correct stroke order.

Check Your Understanding

  • Read the Language Patterns from page 97 - page 99 to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning.
  • Write sentences based on the patterns shown above.
  • Practice grammar by filling in the blanks
    • 你太累了,应该 ______ 休息。
    • 炸鸡太油了,你应该 ______ 吃一点。
    • 外面很热,你穿吊带衫 _________ 可以了。
    • 小感冒不用去看病,在家休息 ____ 好了。
    • 生病的时候, ________ 多喝水,多休息。
    • 弟弟喜欢吃薯条,他一个星期去两 ________ 快餐店。
    • 我昨天晚上看了三 _____ 钟头的电影。
    • 我妹妹有双大眼睛。= 我妹妹有双 _____________ 的眼睛。
    • 他今天 __________________ 地来上学。(高兴)
  • Connect to a classmate over the phone. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions:
    • 你的同学中,谁的爸爸或妈妈是医生?
    • 你想当护士吗?
    • 你多久去一次医院?
    • 你发烧的时候,体温多少度?
    • 你生病的时候会有什么症状?
    • 你吃什么东西会拉肚子?
    • 什么事情会让你头痛?
    • 你喜欢吃什么水果?
    • 你觉得生病的时候,应该注意什么?
    • 生病的时候最好别吃什么?
    • 你有没有怕的人或是怕的事?
    • 吃什么食物会让身体建康?
    • 你什么时候会全身无力?

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the article on page 108.
  • Using the text in the previous item, answer the following questions:
    • Question 1 – 他前天为什么精神不好?
    • Question 2 – 他睡了多个少小时?
    • Question 3 – 他起床以后怎么了?
    • Question 4 – 谁带他去诊所?
    • Question 5 – 医生说他怎么了?
    • Question 6 – 为什么他得吃药?他有什么症状?
    • Question 7 – 他一天得吃几次药?什么时候吃?
    • Question 8 – 医生说他的病多久可以好?
    • Question 9 – 妈妈为什么给他巧克力吃?
    • Question 10 – 为什么他现在心情不好?

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the See a doctor vocabulary on page 92 and page 93.
  • Listen to 我生病了 on page 100.
  • Write down the key words you hear.
  • In Chinese, write down what you think the main idea is for this conversation.
  • Answer the following questions based on the previous dialogue.
  1. 吴森在跟谁说话?
  2. 吴森的鼻子怎么了?
  3. 吴森的体温多少度?他发烧了吗?
  4. 吴森的感冒严重吗?
  5. 吴森得在家休息吗?
  6. 吴森需不需要打针?
  7. 吴森一天要吃几次药?
  8. 医生说吴森的感冒要多久才会好?

Extension and Application

  • In Chinese, write a short essay to talk about your health, including how often do you get sick? What are the symptoms? Also talk about your own secrets to keep healthy, and is there any remedy to recover quickly?
  • Sing “head, shoulder, knees and toes” in Chinese. (Google search the Chinese words”头肩膀膝盖歌” for this song.)


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 3

Learning Goal: I can describe the rooms and household items in my house.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Write the rooms vocabulary you learned last week. If needed, watch the Vocabulary List on page 274, page 275 and page 277 again.

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the dialogue 你家真漂亮 on page 281.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Question 1 – 李云英的家人?他们是谁?喜欢在客厅里做什么?
    • Question 2 – 赵梅觉得李云英家的家具怎么样?
    • Question 3 – 他们在参观房子的时候,李云英的么们正在做什么?
    • Question 4 – 李云英的妈妈要他们去做什么?
    • Question 5 – 游戏机在客厅里吗?
    • Question 6 – 声音是从哪里来的?那是什么声音?
    • Question 7 – 李云英的房间跟她爸妈的房间,哪一间大?
    • Question 8 – 说一说你的房间里有什么家具?
  • Read the passage of 买了新房子 on page 290. Answer the questions that follow.

Check Your Understanding

  • Answer the personal questions on page 278 # 3.
  • Connect with a classmate, look at the photos on page 285 # 8, take turns asking and answering each other using the adverb “正在“ . Follow the model:

A: 刘杰在做什么? B: 他正在点菜。

  • Choosing the complements to complete the eight sentences shown on page 285 # 9 with the verbs provided and add the appropriate complements.
  • Rephrase the following questions using the pattern V 了没有V shown on page 286,# 10

For example: 他看病了吗?-》他看病了没有?

  • Use the pattern “一边..一边..” to describe the following photos shown on page 286 # 11.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to four people describing their houses. Choose the drawing on page 278 #1 that best matches what they describe.
  • Listen to the recording. Match the objects you hear with the corresponding pictures on page 278 # 2.
  • Answer the following questions based on your own experiences and opinions.
  1. 你家有几间房间?
  2. 你家有阁楼或地下室吗?
  3. 你的房间里面有沙发吗?
  4. 你的房间里面有浴室吗?
  5. 你房间的墙壁是什么颜色的?

Culture and Extended Writing

  • Read the culture window on page 283 and 284 about Filial Piety then decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
  1. The character “孝” was formed by the character for old and the character for child.
  2. Filial piety means to respect one’s teachers.
  3. Most Chinese students work part-time to pay for their tuition.
  4. The cost of raising a child takes up roughly 40% of a family’s total expenses.
  5. Children show filial piety toward their parents to show gratitude for what their parents have done for them.

6. When Chinese parents grow old, they depend on institutions to care for them.

7. Having no time to work part-time jobs is a problem that the young Chinese

generation must face.

  • Compare the similarities and differences between Chinese and American the filial piety for their parents. Write a short essay about it.

Extension and Application

  • Make a survey to find out what your classmates’ homes are like by asking 3 of your classmates what rooms they have in their house. Draw a table like the one on page 287 # 12. Write the Chinese names of the three classmates and track the types and the number of rooms they have in their homes. When you are finished, share your results with the teacher.

For example: 你: 你家有什么房间? 王小明:我家有客厅,饭厅,厨房,三间卧房,两间厕所,两间浴室,地下室,还有一间游戏间。

Click the link to see the survey form.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.


French 1

Learning Goal: I can discuss my summer vacation plans.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

Teacher Video Introducing The Week’s Content Link

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read this story about Phillipe’s summer plans. Link
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Où vont-ils rester?
    • Qu’est-ce qu’ils vont faire?
    • Quel type de vêtements doivent-ils mettre dans leur valise?

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short instructional video to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • Discuss your preferences using the graphic organizer and practice your vocab. Link
  • Practice by doing the Quizizz. Link
  • Watch this short instructional video to build your comprehension of the grammar. Link
  • Choose two different games to practice the grammar. Link
    • Tip: Scroll up and down the page to see all the options and ignore the ads.
    • Having problems navigating the website? Watch here.
  • Practice it all by creating mini stories with the loto cards. Link

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen and watch the video about summer vacation. Link
    • Write down key words you hear in the video.
  • Fill in the missing words to complete the sentences. Link

Extension and Application

  • Design your dream vacation.This is a two part activity (week 5 and week 6). This week, complete the following:
    • Brainstorm the details of your vacation. Link
    • Review last week’s (week 5) 8-10 sentences for the story.
    • Using the vocabulary and grammar you learned from this 6-week online course along with your information from the brainstorming tool, write about your vacation. Challenge yourself to write 10-12 additional sentences in French. Add detail!
    • Share your creation aloud with a family member, friend, or even your pet.


  • Practice the vocab here, then test your memory by taking the quiz.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use Duolingo to build your vocabulary skills.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Watch the video about summer vacations in France. Link
  • Write about your experience with the previous item, then share your writing with a classmate, family member, or native speaker (to get feedback).


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week using the stoplight template. Link
  • You can share this with your teacher during their office hours.

French 2

Learning Goal: I can read and listen to information about the Cannes Film Festival. I can identify genres of films in French. I can write about things I like in films.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read this text about the famous film festival of Cannes, France. Please look up any words you do not know.
    • Le festival de Cannes, créé en 1946 par Jean Zay, ministre de l’éducation nationale et des beaux arts, est le festival de cinéma le plus médiatisé au monde notamment lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture et la montée des marches avec le tapis rouge et ses 14 marches nommées “marches de la gloire”.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Quand est-ce que le festival a été créé?
    • Qui a créé le festival?
    • De quelle couleur sont les marchés?
    • Answers shown below.


  • Learn the film vocab here then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz at the end of the week.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use this quizlet to build your vocabulary skills.

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short informational video here (personal device required to view) to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • Write 3 things you understood from the video in your notebook in French.
  • Which one of the posters shown was your favorite? Why? Write it in your notebook.
  • Which films that you have already watched are your favorites in the following genres? Look up what their titles are in French using Google.
    • Film d’aventure
    • Film d’horreur
    • Film de guerre
    • Film d’espionnage
    • Film comique
    • Film de science-fiction
    • Film d’amour

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Watch the short film Merci! By Christine Rabette.
  • This short film won the Golden Wave award in the 2003 Bordeaux International Festival of Women in Cinema - a smaller, but similar film festival to the Cannes festival.
  • Answer these reflection questions about the film in your notebook.
    • Did this film impact you, why, or why not?
    • Why do you think this film is titled Merci! ?

Extension and Application

  • Can you guess these famous films from their French titles?
    • Retour vers le futur
    • La guerre des étoiles
    • Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan
    • S.O.S. fantômes
    • Answers shown below.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • On a personal internet device, look up some of the winners of the Palme d’Or. Look up the film that won the year you were born, the year you lost your first tooth, your favorite singer's birth year - whatever you are curious about!
  • Pick one of the films and write 2-3 sentences describing the film using the new vocab from the unit.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Answers to Reading and Critical Thinking.

  • En 1946
  • Jean Zay, ministre de l’éducation nationale et des beaux arts
  • Les marches sont rouges.

Answers to Check Your Understanding

  • Answers will vary

Answers to Listening

  • Answers will vary.

Answers to Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Answers will vary.
  • Example: 1998: L'Eternité et un jour est un film grec. C’est une drame sur un homme, s’appelle Alexander et son chien.

Answers to Extension and Application

  • Back to the Future
  • Star Wars
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Ghostbusters

French 3

Learning Goal: I can describe and compare some important pieces of French art. I can understand and compare different styles of art.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 0 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read this text over French artists and art on pages 440-443 in the online textbook.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Qui étaient les impressionnistes et comment voyaient-ils le monde?
    • Quelles sont les caractéristiques principales de l'impressionnisme?
    • Quel est l'élément le plus important dans les tableaux de Monet?
    • Est-ce que le mot “impressionniste” décrit seulement la peinture? Explique.
    • Des trois tableaux, choisis celui que tu préfères et décris-le. Ensuite, explique quels éléments dans cette peinture sont typiques de l'impressionnisme.
    • Décris les couleurs et les formes souvent utilisées par les peintres fauvistes.
    • Quelles sont les formes que les cubistes utilisent dans leurs tableaux?


  • Practice art vocabulary by doing this Quizlet. Please work on this 2-5 times during this week.

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short instructional video and review and practice the grammar for comparative sentences on pages 280-281 in the online textbook.
  • Write 2 sentences in French in your notebook for each painting, comparing it to another painting on pages 440-443.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Watch this video video over Claude Monet.
  • Write down any key words you hear in your notebook.
  • In your notebook answer the questions below.
    • What is the main idea of the video?
    • Name three facts about Claude Monet.
    • How would you describe Monet’s work to someone who has never seen one?

Extension and Application

  • Create your own piece of art in whichever style of art appeals to you most. You can use any medium, such as markers, paint, crayons, charcoal, colored pencils, etc.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Explore by going on a virtual field trip to the Musée d’Orsay.
  • Write about your experience with the previous item, then share your writing with a classmate, family member, or native speaker (to get feedback).


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Answers to Reading and Critical Thinking:

  • Jeunes peintres dont la conception de l’art s’oppose à la norme de l'époque. Ils voient le monde mobile et changeant.
  • Les sujets et les formes sont suggérés par les couleurs, juxtapositions et contrastes, et ils peignent en plein air.
  • La lumière.
  • Non, il décrit aussi un style musical.
  • Answers will vary - it’s an opinion.
  • Utilisation de bandes de couleurs pures; simplification des formes
  • Formes geometriques: rectangle, cercle, cube, pyramide

Answers to Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • It is a short news clip about a Monet exhibit, describing the artist and his works.
  • (Answers may vary as there is a lot of info about Monet in the video) He was the founder of French Impressionism, his paintings celebrate countryside, flowers, and cathedrals. He knew and worked with Renoir, etc.
  • (Answers again may vary) His work has visible brushstrokes, vibrant colors, not precise in the rendering of the image, it looks almost blurry, and his works are very tonal and show the reflection of light on water, etc.


German 1

Learning Goal:

  • I can ask and answer basic questions about personal information using interrogatives such as who, what, when, where, why, how, etc.
  • I can express time, manner, and place using German adverbs when asking and answering such questions.

Estimated Time for the Week: 100 minutes

Learn and practice:


  • Familiarize yourself with some German question words (interrogatives).
  • Learn 3 types of adverbs:
  1. Time- Wann?
  2. Manner-Wie?
  3. Place-Wo?

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Think about how you describe your daily actions. Adverbs are often used to add important details such as when, how, or where something takes place.
  • Review the question words again
  • Watch the video about personal information. Listen and write down each interrogative you hear. Remember, these words all start with the letter w which sounds similar to the english letter v!

Reading and Critical Thinking:

  • Read the script from the video and check if you wrote down all of the question words from the video.
  • Check what you found here.
  • Do any of the interrogative words seem to have more than one meaning or use?

Check Your Understanding:

  • Organize the responses you watched in the correct order here
  • Form questions using the cues provided.
  • Practice one more time here!

Extension and Application:

  • Create a short profile about yourself by answering the following personal questions:
  1. Wer bist du?
  2. Wie geht es dir heute?
  3. Wo wohnst du?
  4. Woher kommst du?
  5. Wie alt bist du?
  6. Was ist dein Telefonnummer?
  7. Was machst du samstags?
  8. Warum lernst du Deutsch?
  9. Wann ist dein Geburtstag?
  10. Wie heißen deine Eltern?

Culture and/or Extended Writing:

  • Do you recall the adverbs of time, manner, and place you learned earlier?
  • Review them one more time!
  • Write a short paragraph in German about your favorite sport and answer the questions by including at least 2 adverbs you have learned.
  1. Wann spielst du...?
  2. Wie oft spielst du…?
  3. Spielst du allein?
  4. Wo spielst du…?
  5. Warum spielst du....?

German 2

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learning Goals:

  • I can understand text messages
  • I can write text messages
  • I can talk about smartphones and using them

Learn & Practice:

Video Introducing The Lesson’s Content

  • Watch the episode (as many times as you wish) from Nico’s Weg Series “Mit freundlichen Grüßen” (“Sincerely yours”). In this episode Nico's meeting Selma to ride their bikes. When Selma doesn’t arrive on time, he sends her a message. But Selma has left her cell phone at the refugee center, where her mother hears the phone ring …

Check Your Understanding

  • Learn and Practice by completing activity 1 (''No date for Nico and Selma”) that follows the video to check your understanding and to familiarize yourself with the lesson’s vocabulary.


  • Learn the Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Vocabulary.
  • Practice and test your memory by using DIY tools, such as the flashcards and games with the vocabulary list on the above-listed site.
  • Build your vocabulary skills by using these sets for 10-15 minutes every day.
  • Complete activity “What fits together?” to learn and practice new vocabulary on the subject of the text messaging.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the audio “The language of texting”, fill in the missing information in the text and then read a text message and put a response together - activities 2-3.
  • Here you can read several sentences and abbreviations from text messages. What would the sentences be in proper German? Put them in the right order.
  • Read the text message. Which words are missing? Write the correct words in the gaps. There is one word for every gap. The audio will help.


  • Read the text “Not without my mobile phone” about a survey of mobile phone use by German teenagers. Then read the beginnings of the sentences and choose the correct endings.
  • Listen to a radio report “On the internet” on current use of digital media. For each audio, choose the corresponding statements. Two statements are correct per audio.

Extension and Application

  • Now is your turn! What do you use your mobile phone for? Answer the questions about mobile phone use in complete sentences. You will hear examples of possible answers in the audio clips.
  • A little more about you … How do you use your Smartphone or cell phone? What do you do with it? Listen to the questions and answer freely. You will hear examples of possible answers in the audios.
  • Send an SMS message in German to a friend or a classmate to arrange a personal Zoom/ Google Hangout Meeting to discuss this week's lesson. Use appropriate greetings, short sentences, leave taking and abbreviations.


  • Create a digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google document) where you write notes about the most important things you learned this week. Share with a classmate or your teacher.

German 3

Learning Goals:

  • I can identify and say the German names of the countries in the European Union.
  • I can talk about the European Union.
  • I can use “wo”-compounds.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, # 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Critical Thinking

  • Consider the following questions:
    • What is the European Union?
    • When and why was the European Union founded?
    • What European countries are currently members of the European Union?



  • Learn and practice the die Europäische Union vocabulary and then practice and test your memory by using the flashcards and games.
  • Build your vocabulary by listening to and learning the Wortschatz.
  • Use these sites for 10 minutes 3-5 times a week to increase your skills.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen and watch Die EU.
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • What do you think the main idea is?
  • What does Yara consider doing in the future?

Check Your Understanding

  • Complete the exercise about Yara und ihr Vermieter following the video from above.
  • Listen to Brauchen wir die EU?, a radio forum in which two Europeans state their opinions about the EU. Repeat as many times as needed to answer the questions following each statement. Note: there can be more than one correct answer.
  • Read and review the use of “wo”-compounds.

“Wo”-compounds are used in questions in which they replace a prepositional phrase

that refers to an inanimate object. It stands for “what.” Remember that an “r” is

added to “wo” if the preposition begins with a vowel.

Ex. Worüber sprichst du? (What are you talking about?)

Extension and Application

  • Create a poster or a Google Slide report about one of the European Union member countries that you would like to visit. Illustrate and/or write 3-5 interesting facts about the country that interests you.


  • Discover Ludwig van Beethoven’s contribution to the European Union by listening to his 9th symphony, Ode to Joy, the anthem (This is the EU’s anthem.)
  • Explore these symbols of the EU.

the flag, the motto the currency


  • Create a Digital Learning Log where you write about the most important things you learned this week. In addition, share your thoughts and opinion about the future of the European Union with your classmates or teacher.


Latin 1

Learning goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing the grammatical structures I have learned

Estimated time for week: 2.5 hours

Learn and Practice

Reading and critical thinking

  • Refer to Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to Stage 11
  • Listen to the video on Cambridge Elevate entitled Lucius Spurius Pomponianus Intro
  • Complete the questions on pg 157
  • Navigate to Lucius Spurius Pomponianus section under the “Explore the Story” section
    • Translate into English while taking note of question words

Test your vocabulary:

  • Use the “Test Your Vocabulary” section to quiz yourself on the vocabulary for this stage
  • Write 2 sentences in Latin using question words
  • 3 times a week for 5 minutes, review the vocabulary for the stage including pronouns

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Choose Lucius Spurius Pomponianus under the Explore the Story section
    • Click on “listen” at the top
    • Click on the first line of the story, which will play the entire story
    • Listen to the entire story without reading. Try to pick out specific words or phrases and write them down
      • Now read the story and check what you’ve written down

Extension and application:

  • Research the activities that take place in the various fora of the roman world


  • Choose one of the activities you listed that take place in fora and try to find as many details about that activity as you can. Write them down in a paragraph.


In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 2

Learning Goal: I can read and answer comprehension questions from the stories. I can recognize and translate grammatical structures that are more complicated. I can recognize sentence patterns.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Navigate to stage 22: Click on the CSCP section at the top of the page. Read through some of the information and write down four facts you’ve learned.
  • Click on the “Explore the story” of Memor Suscipit II. Click on ”Explore the Story” and translate.
  • Click on the “Explore the Story” section. Listen to the story by clicking on the “Listen” section of the story.

Check Your Understanding

  • Click on the “Think” section and answer those questions.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the Vilbia story.
  • Write down five new words you recognize. Click on the derive section at the top of Vilbia. Click on a gray underlined word. Look down at the bottom. Write down the English, French and Spanish of five words.

Extension and Application

  • Click on the “Test Your Vocabulary”. Spend at least 2-5 minutes everyday going over this section. In the sorting words section practice the exercise there as much as you can.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 3-4

Learning goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing the grammatical structures I have learned

Estimated time for week: 2.5 hours

Learn and Practice:

  • Reading and critical thinking:
  • Refer to Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to Stage 27
    • Listen to the story Modestus Permotus I by clicking on the listen section of “Explore the Story”.
  • Click on the think section of “Explore the Story” and answer the questions there.
  • Translate further examples of direct and indirect commands #4 pg. 109.
  • Check for understanding
    • Listen to the story again. Pick out direct commands and write them down.
    • Check what you have written down for correctness
  • Test your vocabulary
    • Use the “Test Your Vocabulary” section to quiz yourself on the vocabulary for this stage
    • Write 2 sentences in Latin using direct commands and indirect commands.
    • 3 times a week for 5 minutes, review the vocabulary for the stage including pronouns
  • Listening and Critical Thinking:
    • Choose any one of the stories you’ve read so far.
      • Click on “derive” at the top.
      • Click on and grayed out words. Choose five.
      • Write down the English, French and Spanish if they have them.
    • Research the word Chester and find at least five British towns that have that word in them. The word Chester is derived from Castris. These are towns that were once Roman camps.
  • Reflect
    • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.
  • Culture:

Write down and define the bolded words on pgs. 115-119. Review your work.

AP Courses

View the AP page and College Board Website.