World Language

Grades 8-12

Week 5: May 4-8

Sample Daily Schedule

Expand Your Course For Great Things To Learn This Week

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Spanish 1

Learning Goal:

I can name parts of the body.

I can express what part of the body hurts, how I am feeling, and what I need to do to feel better.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1.5 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Watch this Discovery Ed video, filling out this graphic organizer as you watch it.Click here to make a copy for yourself.
  • Watch this video that discusses how to express in Spanish different ways to say that you do not feel well. VID
  • EO
    • Reading and Critical Thinking:
  • Reflect on the video by practicing what you learned on graphic organizer:

      • Me duele mi cabeza/ mi garganta/ mi estómago
      • Me siento mal
      • Tengo que tomar agua
      • Tengo que tomar una aspirina
      • Necesito descansar

    • 1. ¿Si tienes una fiebre que necesitas hacer?
    • 2. ¿Si estás cansado/a que necesitas hacer?
    • 3. ¿Si tienes sed que necesitas hacer?
    • 4. ¿Si tienes un dolor de cabeza que te duele?
    • 5. ¿Si comes comida estropeada (spoiled) que te duele?
    • 6. ¿Cómo te sientes si tienes la gripe (the flu)?
    • 7. ¿Que te duele si tragas un pedazo grande de hielo?

Extension and Application:

  • Create a collage of a person, using magazine clippings labelling body parts and adding t expressions, in Spanish, how you feel, what hurts, and what you can do to feel better.
  • Video chat with a friend to practice labeling parts of the body.
  • Use any form of social technology with a friend to practice having a conversation using the Spanish phrases that express what part of the body hurts, how you are feeling, and what you need to do to feel better.


Learn the vocabulary, around parts of the body, here: VOCABULARY

Spanish 2

Learning Goal: I can talk about what I have done or where I have gone in the recent past.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour 25 minutes for the week

Essential Questions: What have I completed/accomplished recently or in the recent past?

Learn & Practice:

First, read the following notes Present Perfect Notes. (15 minutes)

  • Write down the main points of the notes in your Spanish notebook or save them to a google doc so you can reference them in the future.

Check Your Understanding (15 minutes)

  • Spend 5-10 minutes practicing conjugating in the present perfect here, here and here.
  • Spend 5 minutes memorizing the irregular past participles here.

Vocabulary (10 minutes)

  • Here is a quizlet of vocabulary terms and verbs that you can use to talk about things you have done at home since you are under quarantine and cannot really leave the house. Look through the vocab and then quiz yourself.

Listening and Critical Thinking (10 minutes)

  • Listen to this recording about what this student has done during the quarantine.
  • Write down key words that you hear that use the present perfect.
  • In Spanish, write three full statements that the student has done over break.
  • Check your answers using a transcript of the audio here.

Reading and Critical Thinking (20 minutes)

  • Read the following conversation between two friends and answer the questions on slide #3.
  • While continuing through the slides presentations make sure you have your Spanish notebook, a google doc or a separate piece of paper to complete the exercises.

Extension and Application (10 minutes)

  • Create a short narrative using the present perfect about what you have been doing this week or even what you did today. Then share it with your teacher or with a friend by texting them, emailing them, snapchatting them!

Reflect (5 minutes)

  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Spanish 3

Essential Questions/Goals:

  • I can express doubt over whether something is true. I can deny false information

Estimated Time for The Week: Approximately 2 hours

Reading and Critical Thinking (~25 minutes)

  • Read this Los Extraterrestres between four friends about their beliefs on “Aliens & mythical-monsters”.
  • While you are reading, write down the subjunctive verbs that they are using in the conversation in your notebook.
  • Answer the questions after the story on your learning log. Lastly check your answers at the end of the document.
  • (Source:/ permission from author: Nina Schmidt

Vocabulary ( ~20 minutes)

  • Learn the vocab by practicing and testing your memory by using the Quizlet.
  • Practice for 10 minutes today using flashcard or learn mode, then another 10 minutes using the test, match, gravity, or another mode to see how well you know your vocab!
  • Do this activity for five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use this Quizlet to practice vocabulary skills.

Check your understanding (~30 minutes)

  • Read this slide show to help you understand the use of these expressions in Spanish.
  • Using the information in the previous item, do the following Kahoot to test your knowledge.
  • Optional: Do more practice here to continue to improve your knowledge by doing this activity.

Extension and Application (~20 minutes)

  • Here’s a fun and personal activity with your teachers: ¿Qué piensas?
  • Use the “trigger” phrases from this week to state whether you believe the statements in the slides are true or whether they are doubtful. Write your responses in your notebook/doc!
  • Optional: Provide a justification or follow-up statement for your response.
  • Take this quick quiz to check your progress and understanding!

Culture and Critical Thinking (~20 minutes)

  • This week, we celebrate “Cinco de Mayo”. It is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army's May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla.
  • Watch Holiday Facts & Fun: Cinco de Mayo and answer the questions at the end of the video
  • After you watched the video, check your answers below
  • Share the video with a friend or family member and talk about your thoughts about the fun facts that you just learned about this holiday.
  • Optional: If you would like to get up and move…. TuTu Zumba

Reflect (~5 minutes)

  • Fill out this quick end of lesson check-in
  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.) You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.
  • Answer key: Holiday Facts and Fun: Cinco de Mayo
  1. False. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in different regions
  2. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in May
  3. B. the first mission was established in 1716
  4. The president of Mexico in 1862 was Benito Juarez
  5. False. Mexico never invaded France
  6. Eugene and Napoleon III wanted Maximilian to become president
  7. D. The 3 countries who loaned money to Mexico were USA, France & Belgium
  8. Puebla was defended by General Ignacio Zaragoza
  9. Paper Picado Banners decorate Mexican towns and holidays
  10. The commander of the French forces at Puebla was Charles Ferdinand Latrille

Spanish 4

Learn & Practice:

Watch these slides for an introduction to this week’s learning goals! (~10 minutes)

Reading and Critical Thinking (~15 minutes)

  • Read this article ¿Cuál es el origen de la Pachamama?
  • Take a look at the quizlet to learn more vocabulary about this article.
  • Respond to the questions:

¿Qué significa la palabra Pachamama?

¿En qué lenguaje está esta palabra?

¿Por qué quieren los pueblos andinos celebrar a la Pachamama?

¿Qué traerá la Pachamama a estos pueblos?

¿Cuándo se celebra la Pachamama?

¿Quién es la Madre Tierra?

Check Your Understanding (~15 minutes)

  • Read through these slides to check your understanding of the grammar concepts.
  • Practice on slide 4. If you need support, write down the question to later ask your teacher.

Vocabulary (~15 minutes)

  • Learn this week's vocab with Quizlet La Pachamama and environment
  • Study the words in flashcard or learn mode for 5 minutes, 2-5 times this week

Listening and Critical Thinking (~15 minutes)

  • Listen and watch this audio/video. Play the audio/video as many times as you need to and respond to the questions below the video.
  • Listen to the vocabulary list and questions and answer them after listening to and reading the audio. Answers will vary. Possible answers are available after the questions on the site.

Extension and Application (~15 minutes)

  • Now it is your turn to share your wishes and hopes about events that others can do to honor the earth.
  • Write 5 sentences responding to this prompt:

¿Qué significa "Piensa globalmente, actúa localmente"?

What do/did you wish that others would do to improve the environment? (you may use present or past subjunctive)

Example: (present) Quiero que mis amigas reciclen todos los días. (past) Quería que mis amigas reciclaran todos los días.

  • If needed, model yours after the examples from earlier in our lesson.

Extended Listening (~15 minutes)

  • Watch this video to learn more about La Pachamama
  • [Optional] Watch Netflix: La Pachamama as many times as needed for comprehension (you will need your own device for this) and focus on the words that you know according to this lesson.
  • Watch it again and see how much more you understand.
  • Write at least 3 things that you have learned about this celebration.
  • Share your ideas with a friend or your teacher and talk about how your understanding improved each time that you watched/listened and how the visual cues helped with comprehension.

Reflect (~5 minutes)

  • Continue your digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc) and write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.


Chinese 1

Learning Goal: I can order food and beverage in a restaurant.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Learn the vocabulary from Zhen Bang book I - Unit 4 Lesson A from page 332 to page 333, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz .
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use Yellow Bridge to build your vocabulary skills and to write Chinese characters in correct stroke order.

Check Your Understanding·

  • Read the Language Patterns on page 335 and page 336 to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning.
  • Write sentences based on the patterns from above.
  • Practice grammar by filling in the blanks

1. A: 你要铅笔 __________ 圆珠笔? B: 我要圆珠笔。

2. 我想看 _____ 这本书。

  • Connect to a classmate over the phone. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions:

1. 你喜欢吃薯条还是洋芋片?

2. McDonald 的汉堡包好吃还是 Burger King 的汉堡包好吃 ?

3. 你喜欢吃苹果吗?

4. 你中午会吃三明治还是吉士汉堡包?

5. 你会点色拉还是热狗?

6. 你早上会喝咖啡还是果汁?

7. 运动以后你会喝水还是汽水?

8. 你喜欢喝茶吗?

9. 你喜欢喝什么饮料?

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the 优惠券 (coupon) on page 342, # 12.
  • Using the information from the coupons, try to answer the following questions in Chinese:

○ Question 1 – What food items can coupon A be used for?

○ Question 2 – How much can you save if you order using coupon A?

○ Question 3 – If Bai Ping buys a salad using coupon C, what beverage will she be


○ Question 4 – If you order a hot dog, fries and a small juice using coupon B, how

much would you have to pay?

○ Question 5 – Zhang Guohua only has 11 yuan on him. Which coupon can he use to

order a meal?

○ Question 6 – Dong Jun wants a hot dog; his friend wants juice and some fries.

Which coupon should they share?

○ Question 7 – Which coupon can be used to get a small drink?

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the foods vocabulary on page 332. Repeat with the audio and pay attention to the pronunciation.
  • Listen to 在快餐店 on page 336. Write down the food and beverage words you hear.
  • In Chinese, write down what you think the main idea is for this conversation.

Extension and Application

● Prepare 23 small pieces of paper. Write down 5 food items, 5 beverage items, the 3 size

names and the number 1 to 10 on the paper.

● Put the paper face down according to the category on the desk. Pick one from each

category and say the sentence in Chinese following the model.

我想吃一份大的色拉。 我想喝两杯中杯的果汁。

● Connect to a classmate and take turns to ask and answer the questions using the model:

A: 你喜欢吃薯条还是洋芋片? B: 我喜欢吃洋芋片。


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 2

Learning Goal: I can inquire and explain how things were done under certain conditions.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hours, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Type the feelings vocabulary you learned last week. If needed, watch the Vocabulary List from Zhen Bang Book II page 74 to page 77 again.

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the dialogue 熬夜看球赛 on page 81.
  • Using the text in the above dialogue, answer the following questions in Chinese
    • Question 1 - 为什么钱永利很困?
    • Question 2 - 赵梅昨天晚上几点睡觉?
    • Question 3 - 钱永利喜欢的球队赢了还是输了?
    • Question 4 - 谁昨天晚上很兴奋?
    • Question 5 - 钱永利昨天晚上两点钟才睡觉吗?
    • Question 6 - 足球比赛以后,钱永利在做什么?
    • Question 7 - 钱永利写博客谢了多久?为什么他写了那么久?
    • Question 8 - 他们一会儿得做什么?
    • Question 9 - 你会很晚睡觉吗?为什么?
  • Read Leo’s blog shown on page 87, #13 and answer the questions that follow in Chinese.
    • Question 1 – 这个人叫什么名字?他有英文名字吗?
    • Question 2 - 星期几有棒球比赛?
    • Question 3 – 为什么他现在全身酸痛?
    • Question 4 – 吃饭以后,他要做什么?
    • Question 5 – 有多少人阅读过这篇文章?
    • Question 6 – 有多少人评论了这篇文章?
    • Question 7 – 一共有多少人访问过他的博客?
    • Question 8 – 人气是多少分?
    • Question 9 – 你有认识的朋友常常写博客吗?
  • Read article 打瞌睡 shown on page 89 and answer the following questions in Chinese.
    • Question 1 – 上英文课以前,钱永利的精神怎么样?
    • Question 2 - 钱永利怎么了?
    • Question 3 – 他们的英文老师怎么样?
    • Question 4 – 为什么钱永利上课以前很紧张?
    • Question 5 – 钱永利上课以前喝了什么?
    • Question 6 – 他喝了几杯?
    • Question 7 – 为什么英文老师很生气?
    • Question 8 – 英文老师给钱永利什么功课?
    • Question 9 – 你会因为看球赛而晚睡吗?如果会,你第二天上课的精神怎么样?会


Check Your Understanding

  • Choose the appropriate reaction from these phrases, 开心,惊讶,紧张,生气,担心, to match each of the events describe on page 78 # 1.
  • Organize the following feeling phrases, 累,兴奋,舒服,高兴,心情好,心情不好, on page 78 # 2 into either the positive or negative column based on whether the feeling is good or bad.
  • Rewrite the sentences shown on page 84 # 8 by determining whether “就 “ or “才 “ should be used.
  • Look at the time or dates in the images shown on page 85 # 9 and use the preposition

“ 到“ to accurately describe them. For example, 她睡觉睡到中午十二点。

  • Look at the signs from page 86 # 11. Use the adverb “别” to write what each sign means.

For example: 别吃快餐。

Listening and Critical Thinking

o Match the photos on page 82 #4 to indicate how they feel according to the


o Answer the questions on page 82, # 5 based on the dialogue you hear.

  • Connect with a classmate to make a conversation like the one you hear. Talk about what sports you like and if you attend the sports games.

Extension and Application

  • Connect to a classmate to talk about your daily life. Say when you do or did certain things. Remember to use the adverbs “就” and “才” when you talk about time. Draw a table like the one shown on page 86 # 12 and follow the model to write a conclusion. Remember to use your Chinese names.

Amy ( 艾美): 我昨天六点就起床了。 John(约翰): 我八点才起床。

Conclusion: 艾美昨天六点就起床了,而我八点才起床。

Culture and Extended Writing

  • Read the culture window “ Social Networking In China ” on page 65 and answer the questions that follow the passage.
  • Make comparisons between the Chinese networking websites mentioned in the culture window and the American networking websites. List the same and different points of each network website.
  • Write down your comparison result and share with the teacher.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 3

Learning Goal: I can describe different rooms in a house and household items.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Learn the vocabulary from Zhen Bang book II - Unit 4 Lesson C on page 274, page 275 and page 277, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz .
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use Yellow Bridge to build your vocabulary skills and to write Chinese characters in correct stroke order.

Check Your Understanding

  • Read the Language Patterns on page 279 and page 280 to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning.
  • Write sentences based on the language patterns.
  • Practice grammar by filling in the blanks.
    • A: 爸爸呢? B: 他 ______ 打电话。
    • 我哥哥昨天收 ____ 一封女朋友的信。
    • 你看得 ____ 我写的信吗?
    • 你看 ______ 王先生了吗?他刚刚还在这儿啊。
    • A:妈妈, 我可以出去玩吗?B: 你做 ____ 功课就可以出去玩。
    • A:你看书了 _____ ?B: 还没。
    • A:妈妈,饭你做好了 _____ ?B: 色拉做好了,可是汤还没有做好。
    • 哥哥喜欢 _____ 看书,_____ 听音乐。
  • Connect to a classmate over the phone. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions:
  1. 你家有几个卧房?几个厕所?
  2. 你家的浴室是和厕所是在同一间吗?
  3. 你家的客厅大不大?
  4. 你平常在厨房吃饭还是在饭厅吃饭?
  5. 你家有没有阁楼?如果有,是住人还是放东西?
  6. 说说你的卧房里有什么家具?
  7. 你的卧房墙壁上有什么海报?
  8. 你家有游戏机吗?放在哪儿?
  9. 你家常常有客人来住吗?如果有,会让他们住哪儿?
  10. Oklahoma 的房子通常会有地下室吗?你家的房子有地下室吗?
  11. 你家有没有贮藏室?如果有,你们放什么东西在里面?

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the flier “租屋广告” on page 288, # 13.
  • Using the information provided in the previous item to answer the following questions:
    • Question 1 – 两厅指的是什么?
    • Question 2 – 如果在这里住一年,应该付多少钱?
    • Question 3 – 想租这个房子要联络谁?电话号码是多少?
    • Question 4 – 明惠和男朋友养了一只狗,他们可以租这个房子吗?为什么?
    • Question 5 – 这个房子多大?
    • Question 6 – 这个房子在哪个城市 (city)?
    • Question 7 – 如果你想租这个房子,你需要买家具吗?为什么?
    • Question 8 – 谁可以租这个房子?

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the 房间 vocabulary on page 274 and page 275
  • Type the vocabulary you hear in Chinese .
  • Listen to 你家真漂亮 on page 281.
  • Write down the room and furniture words you hear.
  • In Chinese, write down what you think the main idea is for this conversation.

Extension and Application

Ask 10 of your family members and your friends what are the two things they like to do at the same time.

  • Write down their answers in the following way. 我妈妈喜欢一边吃饭,一边看手机。


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.


French 1

Learning Goal: I can discuss my travel needs and plans.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 20 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Teacher Video Introducing The Week’s Content Link

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read this story about a family and their travel adventures. Link
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Où va voyager la famille?
    • Comment vont-ils se rendre à jacksonville?
    • Pourquoi le père est-il nerveux?


  • Learn the vocab here, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz.
    • Suggestion: Check out the “learn, gravity, or match” pages!

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short instructional video to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • Practice by matching the vocabulary word to the picture. Link
  • Practice reviewing your vocabulary comprehension. Link
  • Rewatch this short instructional video to build your comprehension of the grammar.
    • Start video at 2:48
    • Using the video, try to answer these questions:
      • What two verbs keep appearing together?
      • What does it translate to?
      • How do you think it is formed/ conjugated?
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation here.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the conversation between friends as one plans a trip to Senegal. Link
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • In French, summarize the conversation with 6-8 sentences.

Extension and Application

  • Design your dream vacation.This will be a two part activity (week 5 and week 6). This week, complete the following:
    • Decide your ideal francophone destination
    • Research the common modes of transportation and how much they cost
    • Using this week’s vocabulary and expressions, explain how you would get there and back. Challenge yourself to write 8-10 detailed sentences in French.
    • Share your creation aloud with a family member, friend, or even your pet.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Watch the video of a young girl explaining her trip to a Morrocan city. Link
  • Think critically by answering these questions:
    • Qu’est-ce que tu as remarqué (noticed)?
    • As-tu des questions de la vidéo ou de Maroc?
    • Fait une comparaison entre le Maroc et les Etats-Unis.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week using the stoplight template. Link
  • You can share this with your teacher during their office hours.

French 2

Learning Goal: I can describe products and practices in Nice and understand its cultural perspectives.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 15 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the Geoculture section of our textbook, Découvre Nice, here on p. 304-307, and look at all the pictures that go with the text.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Quelle est une caractéristique des tableaux de Matisse?
    • Quand est le Carnaval de Nice?
    • Quel est le style du château de l’Anglais?
    • Quels sont les ingrédients de la salade niçoise
    • Answers shown below.

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short video about Nice from your on-line textbook to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.You can access it on p. 304 here. Write down the words you recognize in your notebook.
  • Choose a detail you find interesting and describe it using the imparfait in your notebook. Then pick another detail and describe it using the future. You can use the sentences in the text to help you form your sentences. Answers will vary.
  • Practice by doing this Quizlet over the products, practices, and places of Nice.
  • Remember how to ask questions in French? Review these question words and then answer the questions that follow.
  • Imagine that you have been to the Musée Matisse (Matisse Museum) in Nice. Answer the following questions:

Qui était Henri Matisse?

Quand vivait-il?

Où est-ce qu’il est né?

Qu’est-ce qu’il a peint?

Answers shown below

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to this song about Nice called Nissa la Bella here. It is sung in the Niçois dialect, so it will sound different. The video includes pictures of many of the places and details you have learned.
  • Write down key words you hear in your notebook. Notice that there are two versions of the words - French and the Niçois dialect. Write the French.
  • In French, write down what you think the main idea is.

Extension and Application

  • Create a selfie video where you pretend to be a curator in the Museé Matisse and you are explaining one of his paintings. Or, pretend you are a tour director and explain one of the sights of Nice you found interesting.


  • Coronavirus à Nice: La Promenade des Anglais
  • To see the picture of a seagull sitting on her nest on a beach in Nice, go to and type in “Des actualités à Nice”. Read this paragraph and make a list of new vocabulary and write it in your notebook.
  • “Sur la plage abandonnée” ce goéland en train de couver ses oeufs semble connaître la chanson. Capturé par l’objectif du photographe, le volatile, seul sur les galets d’une promenade des Anglais désertée, a profité du confinement pour installer son nid juste en face de la mer.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Read this recipe for une salade niçoise and look up any words you don’t understand. Write those words in your notebook. To make the salad, simply combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Then, decide what you will put into your salad based on what you like. Remember that to say “I will put”, you say “Je mettrai.” Finally, make this salad for your family.

de la laitue

4 tomates rondes assez fermes des olives noires de Nice

une feuille de basilic 8 radis

4 oeufs durs des concombres

2 oignons verts du vinaigre de vin rouge

8 févettes de l’huile d’olive

1 poivron vert du sel

200 grammes de thon au nature du poivre

4 filets d’anchois au sel


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Answers to Reading and Critical Thinking

  • des couleurs vives
  • les deux semaines avant le Carême
  • la Belle Epoque
  • du thon, des tomates, des concombres, des poivrons verts, des oeufs durs, des anchois de Nice, et des anchois

Answers to Check your Understanding

  • Henri Matisse était peintre français
  • Il vivait entre 1869 et 1954 - can you write these numbers out in French?
  • Il est né à Nice.
  • Il a peint des tableaux dans le style de fauvisme.

French 3

Learning Goal: I can identify some major events in a children’s story by reading a chapter from French Literature (The Little Prince). I can express opinions about the characters. I can understand where a scene takes place based on its description.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read Chapter XIV of The Little Prince here.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Pourquoi est-ce que la cinquième est curieuse?
    • Qui habite la cinquième planète?
    • Qu’est-ce que le petit prince pense de l’occupation d’allumeur?
    • Quel est le travail de l’allumeur?
    • Pourquoi le travail de l’allumeur est-il terrible?
    • Qu’est-ce qui se passe chaque année?
    • Un jour dure combien de temps sur cette planète?
    • Answers shown below.

Check Your Understanding

  • Break up your reading into smaller sections
    • As you read, stop periodically and write down what has happened and why it happened in your notebook.
    • Jot down any questions you have in your notebook.
  • Watch this short online tutorial about the passé simple verb tense to build your comprehension of the reading from above.
  • Write a sentence in your notebook describing this planet, using the passé simple. Then draw a picture which corresponds.
  • Practice grammar and conjugation of the passé simple in this quizlet here.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation here.


  • Practice by doing this quizlet on Chapter 14 of Le Petit Prince.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use this quizlet to build your vocabulary skills, and then at the end of the week, take the test.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the audio of this text by clicking on the headphones in the online textbook. Write down key words you hear in your notebook.
  • Write a brief summary of the main idea of the text.
  • In French, write how you think these keywords relate to the main idea question you answered in the section above. Try to use the passé simple at least once.

Extension and Application

  • Watch the Trailer here, and in a short paragraph of 5 sentences, compare what you saw in the trailer to what you read in the book.
  • What is your opinion of the character the little prince? What is your opinion of the lamplighter? Compare and contrast these two characters in your notebook.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Optional extension of learning: if you have Netflix, watch The Little Prince movie that came out in 2015, if you feel so inspired.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Answers to Reading and Critical Thinking:

La planète est très petite.

Un allumeur de réverbères y habite.

C’est utile et joli.

Il allume et éteint le réverbère.

Il n’a pas le temps pour se reposer ou pour dormir.

La planète tourne de plus en plus vite.

Un jour dure une minute.


German 1

Learning Goal:

  • I can use previous food vocabulary to talk about what I eat during different times of the day.
  • I can use verbs with separable prefixes in German to talk about my activities and actions throughout the day.
  • I can talk about how often and at what times I perform such actions.

Estimated Time for the Week: 100 minutes

Learn and practice:


  • Study the new verbs with separable prefixes here

The separable prefix is placed at the end of the sentence!

  • Ex: Infinitive= fernsehen=to watch TV

Ich sehe um acht Uhr fern. = I watch TV at 8:00.

  • Ex: Infinitive= aufstehen = to get up

Er steht um halb sieben auf. = He gets up at 6:30.

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Watch the video about what Emma does during the day.
  • Answer the questions after watching what her Aunt Lisa says about her daily routine.
  • Practice more with times of the day here
  • Listen to Nico’s daily routine and practice by filling in the blanks with verbs with separable prefixes.

Reading and Critical Thinking:

  • Read the script from the video you viewed.
  • Read about what Emma’s daily routine is each morning.
  • Remember the word Tag means day in German.
  • Consider the time phrases you have learned. Based on what you already know, what do you think these times of the day represent?
  • Vormittag
  • Mittag
  • Nachmittag
  • Morgen
  • Abend
  • Nacht

Check Your Understanding:

  • Make your own sentences using separable verbs with the cues given.
  • Unscramble the questions you hear and put them in the correct order.
  • Watch the video segment again about how often Emma does certain things and fill in the blanks accordingly.

Extension and Application:

  • Reflect on what you learned about Emma and Nico’s daily routines. Think about your own daily routine and make a schedule of what a typical day looks like for you.
  • Create a schedule in German of your typical day. Include at least two separable verbs and include times of day and/or how often you do each activity.
  • Ex: Um sieben Uhr trinke ich Kaffee. Manchmal esse ich Muesli.

Normalerweise rufe ich meine Mutter an.

  • Share your daily schedule with your German teacher!

Culture and/or Extended Writing:

  • Read about German meals. Write a short paragraph in English about how their typical breakfast, lunch and dinner differ from your typical meals in the United States. What meal do you think is the most important meal of the day? Would you like to “eat breakfast like a king, have lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper (poor person)”? Share your thoughts with a family member!

German 2

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours 30 minutes

Learning Goals:

  • I can talk about the internet and internet use
  • I can ask questions if I do not understand clearly
  • I can ask questions politely

Learn & Practice:

Critical Thinking

  • Consider the following questions:
    • Wie oft bist du online?
    • Postest du regelmäßig etwas?
    • Hast du einen eigenen Blog?
    • Welches soziale Netzwerk benutzt du am liebsten?
    • Kannst du dir ein Leben ohne Internet vorstellen?
  • Complete the table “Medien” (“Welche Medien sind alt und welche Medien sind neu?”)(See table here)
  • Make cards with the words listed. Set aside until you are ready to watch the video introducing the lesson's content.
    • Internetseite | Blog | Kunde | Webseite | soziale Netzwerke | Seiten l Möglichkeit l Mitarbeiter l Aufträge l Laden l Fahrradladen

Video Introducing The Lesson’s Content

  • Lay your word cards on the table in front of you. Point to the word or pick the card with the word you hear as you are watching the episode. Watch the episode now (as many times as you wish) from Nico’s Weg Series “Das Internet” . In this episode Pepe visits Yara in her shop, Yara tells her nephew that she wants to try to reach more customers via the internet. Couldn’t Pepe help her with this?
  • Look up the meaning of the words you did not elicit the meaning from the video.

Check Your Understanding

  • Learn and Practice by completing activity 1 (''A new website for Yara”) that follows the video to check your understanding and to familiarize yourself with the lesson’s vocabulary.


  • Learn the Das Internet - Vocabulary.
  • Practice and test your memory by using DIY tools, such as the flashcards and games with the vocabulary list on the above-listed site.
  • Build your vocabulary skills by using these sets for 10-15 minutes every day.
  • Complete activities 2-3 to learn and practice new vocabulary on the subject of the internet.

Vocabulary Plus (optional)

  • Watch the episode one more time ( “Das Internet” ) and write down 3 verbs you heard that are borrowed from English.
  • Conjugate the verbs you found. These types of verbs are conjugated in German in the same way as all other regular German verbs.
  • Make a sentence with each word.
  • Write down other German verbs that are borrowed from English that you know/ can think of.
  • Make sentences with the verbs you wrote down.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • After meeting with Yara, Pepe goes to a restaurant and gets a phone call. A polling firm is conducting a survey about the media. Unfortunately, the connection is poor. Listen to this conversation and complete activity 4 (“A phone call”). Pay attention to how Pepe is asking questions when he does not understand clearly.
  • Now read the script of this phone call and fill in the blanks in the text. Pepe does not understand everything the caller says and asks him to repeat himself. How does the caller repeat his questions? And how does Pepe repeat the caller's questions?
  • Now is your turn! When someone asks you to repeat a question you can form an indirect question. First listen to the direct question and then read the indirect question aloud.
  • Complete activities 7-8 (“Indirect questions”) to review/ summarize the rules and practice by putting the sentence fragments in the right order.
  • Could you please repeat that? (1) In this activity you will read the two brief dialogues. Make indirect questions out of direct questions and write them down.
  • Could you please repeat that? (2) Now you will hear direct questions. Turn them into indirect questions.

Extension and Application

  • Internet & Co. (1) And finally, here are some questions about the internet in general. Listen to the questions and answer with a complete "Ja, ..." or "Nein, ..." sentence.
  • Internet & Co. (2) Now write down the question you hear. Schedule a phone call with a classmate and interview him/ her about the internet and social media in his/ her life.

Culture (optional)

  • Soziale Medien: anders durch Corona? This is a read aloud article written by Marco Müller, Laura Oellers and published on April 22nd, 2020. Social media during the Corona pandemic and how it is different now - is the topic of this article. The language in this article is difficult. Please, do not let it discourage you! You can complete activities that follow the article to help you understand its’ content better. This assignment is optional.


  • Create a digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google document) where you write notes about the most important things you learned this week. Share with a classmate or your teacher.

Vocabulary Plus - Answer key

  • Watch the episode one more time ( “Das Internet” ) and write down 3 verbs you heard that are borrowed from English. (designen | liken | posten)
  • Conjugate the verbs you found. These types of verbs are conjugated in German in the same way as all other regular German verbs. (Examples: designt | gelikt | gepostet)
  • Make a sentence with each word. (Example: Hans hat sein Bild im Facebook gepostet.)
  • Write down other German verbs that are borrowed from English that you know/ can think of. (Examples: googeln | shoppen | skypen | faken)

Make sentences with the verbs you wrote down. (Example: Anna geht nicht gern shoppen.)

German 3

Learning Goals:

  • I can talk about elections.
  • I can talk about political parties.
  • I can use the Passive voice.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 15 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Consider the following questions:

How are officials elected in Germany?

What are some political parties in Germany?


  • Learn the vocabulary die Wahl and then practice and test your memory by using flashcards and games.
  • Build your vocabulary by listening to and learning the Wortschatz.
  • Use these sites for 10 minutes 3-5 times a week to build your skills.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen and watch Wir haben die Wahl.
  • Write down key words you hear relating to elections.
  • In German write down what you think the main idea is.

Check Your Understanding

  • Complete activities 1-2 in the Übungen that follow the above mentioned video.
  • Read the text Wahlen in Deutschland to build your comprehension of elections in Germany and check your understanding by doing the exercise that follows it.
  • Listen to Wen wählen Sie? And complete the exercise that follows it.
  • Review the conjugation of werden in Present and Past tense.
  • Read about Passive voice and do the Jetzt sind Sie Dran! exercise.

Did you identify sentences 3, 4 and 6 as Passive? Good job!

Extension and Application

  • Write a blog for your school to increase awareness of an upcoming school-wide election and to convince your peers to vote in the election.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Discover Germany’s major political parties.
  • Create a poster advertising the political party you feel most connected to.


  • Create a digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Document). Write notes about the most important things you learned this week. (topic, vocabulary, etc.) Share with your classmates or teacher.


Latin 1

Learning goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing the grammatical structures I have learned

Estimated time for week: 2.5 hours

Learn and Practice

Reading and critical thinking

Refer to Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to Stage 11

Listen to the video on Cambridge Elevate entitled Sulla Intro

  • Read the top portion of pg 156 and digest the material regarding question words
  • Navigate to Sulla section under the Explore the Story section
    • Translate into English while taking note of question words

Test your vocabulary:

  • Use the “Test Your Vocabulary” section to quiz yourself on the vocabulary for this stage
  • Write 2 sentences in Latin using question words
  • 3 times a week for 5 minutes, review the vocabulary for the stage including pronouns

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Choose Sulla under the Explore the Story section
    • Click on “listen” at the top
    • Click on the first line of the story, which will play the entire story
    • Listen to the entire story without reading. Try to pick out specific words or phrases and write them down
      • Now read the story and check what you’ve written down

Extension and application:

  • Research the relation between Sulla and Marius.


  • This is a tough one: Marius introduced a handful of military reforms. Research these reforms and produce an argument for why the downfall of the Republic 100 years later can be traced back to one of Marius’ military reforms/practices. Your argument must flow logically and consist of a handful of premises (proof that builds on the previous premise) and a conclusion beginning with “therefore.”


In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 2

Learning Goal: I can read and answer comprehension questions from the stories. I can recognize and translate grammatical structures that are more complicated. I can recognize sentence patterns.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

  • Navigate to Stage21. Click on the CSCP section at the top of the page. Read through some of the information and write down four facts you’ve learned.

Reading and Critical Thinking Click on the Explore the story of Memor Suscipit II. Click on explore the story and translate.

  • Go to page 12 of the web book on the Cambridge Elevate. Read through the word patterns and adjectives. Do the exercise at the bottom on the page.

Check Your Understanding

  • Do the “Practicing the language” 1 & 3. On page 13, exercise #2.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen again to one of the stories you have read and translated in this stage.
  • Write down five new words you recognize. Click on the derive section at the top of one of the stories. Any one will do. Click on a gray underlined word. Look down at the bottom. Write down the English, French and Spanish of five words.

Extension and Application

  • Click on the “Test Your Vocabulary”. Spend at least 2-5 minutes everyday going over this section. In the sorting words section practice the exercise there as much as you can.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 3-4

Learning goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing the grammatical structures I have learned

Estimated time for week: 2.5 hours

Learn and Practice:

  • Reading and critical thinking:
  • Refer to Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to Stage 27
    • Listen to the story In horreo by clicking on the listen section of “Explore the Story”.
  • Click on the think section of “Explore the Story” and answer the questions there.
  • Read and digest the material on pg 108
  • Check for understanding
    • Listen to the story again. Pick out indirect commands and write them down.
    • Check what you have written down for correctness
  • Test your vocabulary
    • Use the “Test Your Vocabulary” section to quiz yourself on the vocabulary for this stage
    • Write 2 sentences in Latin using gerundives.
    • 3 times a week for 5 minutes, review the vocabulary for the stage including pronouns
  • Listening and Critical Thinking:
    • Choose any one of the stories you’ve read so far.
      • Click on “listen” at the top
      • Click on the first line of the story, which will play the entire story
      • Listen to the entire story without reading. Try to pick out specific words or phrases and write them down
    • Now read the story and check what you’ve written down
  • Extension and application:
    • Research the depiction of the castris on Roman coinage. Write a paragraph explaining why a politician or emperor would want to depict the castris on one of his coins
  • Reflect
    • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.
  • Culture:
    • Research how Vercingetorix, the leader of the Gallic Averni Tribe, and his people are described by Caesar in De Bello Gallico. Do you think anything you read had been exaggerated. Why or why not? What does this tell you about Roman historiography (and historiography in general)?

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