World Language

Grades 8-12

Week 3: April 20-24

Sample Daily Schedule

Expand Your Course For Great Things To Learn This Week

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:


Spanish 1

Learning Goal: I can make plans describing activities that I will do in the future.

Estimated Time for The Week: 120 minutes for the week

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the dialogue between Luis and Maria. Then answer the following questions.

Maria: ¡Hola, Luis!

Luis: ¡Hola, Maria! ¿Cómo estás?

Maria: Muy bien, ¿y tú?

Luis: Bien, tambien.

Maria: ¿Quieres ir a ver una película conmigo?

Luis: Sí. ¿Cuándo?

Maria: Puede ser el lunes.

Luis: No puedo. Tengo que trabajar todo el día. ¿Qué tal el miércoles?

Maria: No, tengo una reunión familiar ese día pero ¿qué tal el sábado?

Luis: No puedo porque voy a viajar a Caracas.

Maria: ¿Por qué no vamos ahora mismo?

Luis: Sí, muy bien. Además (besides) hoy, martes, es día de descuentos.

Maria: ¡Excelente! Los martes y los jueves siempre hay descuentos.

Luis: ¡Bien,vámonos!

  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Where does Maria want Luis to go with her and on what day?
    • Why can’t Luis go with her?
    • Why can’t Maria go on Wednesday?
    • Where is Luis going on a trip?
    • What is ´descuentos´ and when do they have them?
    • When do Luis and Maria finally decide to go?

Check Your Understanding

  • Read through these slides to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the short conversations on this website. Scroll down to “Ejemplos de planes….” and listen to the first 2 conversations between Alejandro and Doris. Then, answer the questions( Key provided at the end bottom)
    • Conversación #1: Do they plan to do something together or with other people? How do you know?
    • Conversación #2: In what part of the conversation do you get the impression that it might take a long time to get the house clean?
  • Complete this online practice and check your answers.
  • Watch this short instructional video to build your comprehension and to get some extra practice.


  • Play this Kahoot, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz (via an interactive tool such as Quizlet, Quizzizz, Kahoot, Gizmo, etc.)
  • OPTIONAL: For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use Quizlet (free app) to build your vocabulary skills.

Extension and Application

  • Using the vocabulary you have used this week, you are to write a paragraph, in Spanish, making plans for a day this summer. You can use the verb quiero (I want to…), voy a + infinitive (I am going to…) and tengo que + infinitive (I have to …). Your paragraph should be 8-10 sentences. Remember, an infinitive is an unconjugated verb (leer, dormir, hablar, mirar, escuchar, visitar) are just a few examples. Feel free to go listen to the conversations between Alejandro y Doris for more ideas. Then, record it on this Flipgrid to share with your teachers.
  • KEY: #1 They are not doing something together this time because they already have plans. Doris promises to go next time. #2 There are a couple of hints: “la casa está hecha un desastre” (can you recognize the cognate for ‘disaster’?) and “ojalá no terminen cansados” - Here, Doris says she hopes they do not end up tired (suggesting it might take a long time to clean.)

Spanish 2

Learning Goal: I can understand stories told in the past.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 20 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking (15 minutes)

Vocabulary (25 minutes)

  • Learn and practice with trigger words and phrases for the preterite tense here.
  • Learn and practice with trigger words and phrases for the imperfect tense here.

Check Your Understanding (10-25 minutes)

  • Read through this online tutorial to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation here, here and here.

Listening and Critical Thinking (10 minutes)

  • Listen to this audio of Angela talking about her vacations.
  • Answer the questions that follow on the site above to check for comprehension.

Extension and Application (20 minutes)

  • Write a postcard to a friend. Pretend you are on a vacation and describe all of the fun things you did.

Spanish 3

Essential Questions/Goals: How can I influence the actions of another?

Learning Goals: I can influence another person’s actions with impersonal expressions.

Estimated Time for The Week: Approximately 110 minutes

  • Reading and Critical Thinking (~20 minutes)
  1. Read this article about Mexico’s pollution and its effects on its fauna, population, and environment. (Source:/
  2. Answer the questions on your learning log.
  • Check your understanding (~20 minutes)
  1. Read the Impersonal Expressions slide show to help you understand the use of these expressions in Spanish.
  2. Using the information in the previous item, do the following activity
  3. After you complete this activity, check your answers!
  4. Optional: For extra practice, try this practice quiz. Warning: Some of the questions in this activity will not be subjunctive when there is a phrase like “es cierto que”, “es verdad que” or “es evidente que”. This is Spanish 4 level grammar, but the reason it is not subjunctive is because you are saying something is true or evident (vs. a more subjective adjective like good/bad/important/etc). Just read the explanation below the question if you miss it and you will be one step ahead for next year!
  • Vocabulary ( ~20 minutes)
  1. Learn the vocab by practicing and testing your memory by using the Quizlet
  2. Practice for 10 minutes today using flashcard or learn mode, then another 10 minutes using the test, match, gravity, or another mode to see how well you know your vocab!
  3. Do this activity for five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use this Quizlet to practice vocabulary skills.
  4. Continue expanding your vocabulary with the app/website Drops. The lessons are only 5 minutes a day, see how long you can keep your streak going!
  • Extension and Application (~20 minutes)
  1. Compose a letter about the solutions that you would like to see in response to the contamination to help your community. Your letter can be to someone local or to a world leader.
  2. Use the impersonal expressions that you have learned and subjunctive verbs to express what you want them to do. We suggest at least 8 sentences. If you need to review, feel free to use our Quizlet and grammar lessons from #4.
  • Optional: Listening, Culture and Critical Thinking (~25 minutes)
  1. Last week we learned Bachata. Learn the basic steps to salsa here! You may need to go to youtube on a different device and look up 5-ish Minute Dance Lessons- Salsa.
  2. Watch Mariel: Bachata & Salsa interview
  3. Listen carefully to her interview. You can repeat it as needed. As you listen, write down meaningful words that you recognized from the video. Meaningful words mean nouns, verbs, adjectives... not articles like "la" and such.
  4. Answer the questions about her interview on this listening activity, use the transcript below if you need it. Check your answers by clicking “Compare to Answer Key”at the bottom of the webpage.
  5. Share the video with a friend or family member and talk about whether you like bachata or salsa the most.
  • Reflect (~5 minutes)
    1. In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.
  1. Transcript to the Interview with Mariel (#17):


Hola. Vamos a hablar de tu arte. Yo sé que tú eres una profe de bailar. ¿Cuánto tiempo tú llevas enseñando baile?

Tengo más de cinco años enseñando baile.

OK. ¿Qué tipos de bailes tú enseñas?

Enseño bachata, salsa, merengue y muchos bailes tradicionales de nuestro país.

¿Y como cuántas horas a la semana tú enseñas baile?

Enseño entre diez a doce horas.

¿En qué lugar tú enseñas? ¿En un estudio? ¿Dónde tú enseñas?

Yo enseño en un estudio pero hay veces que por motivo de tiempo, hay parejas o personas que quieren que vaya a su casa, y dependiendo si tienen el espacio también hago privado en la casa mía o en la casa de ellos.

¿Por qué te gusta enseñar baile?

Me encanta enseñar baile porque me hace feliz, fue lo primero que aprendí de mis abuelos y es algo que me da orgullo hacer.

Entonces tú mencionaste de todos los bailes, tú mencionaste bachata. ¿Nos puedes tocar un poquito de bachata para la audiencia?

Sí. ¿Cómo no?

Entonces, vamos a hablar de ese tipo de música. Primero, ¿qué instrumentos podíamos escuchar ahí?

Lo más importante en la bachata es la guitarra, eso es lo primero que tú vas a escuchar. Después vas a escuchar la tambora, la güira, el saxofón, el piano, esos son los instrumentos más importantes de la bachata.

¿Cuáles tú piensas que es la característica de ese tipo de música y de los temas de la letra?

La característica de la música son algunos platónico, amor platónico, amor del pasado, amor con muchos traumas o también son cortes para darle a la mujer. Siempre hablan de la mujer.

¿Qué es corte?

Corte es cuando tú quieres tener algo en serio con una mujer, por ejemplo, la forma en que tú la tratas. Hay veces que tú la puedes tratar de una forma, quieres algo serio con esa persona o no quieres algo serio.

Entonces eso es en términos del tema. En términos de la música en sí, ¿cómo tú caracterizarías a la música?

La música es alegre. La música es una música que tiene el básico, para los lados son tres pasos y un paro en el cuarto, a la derecha, tres pasos y un paro en el cuarto a la izquierda. Se repite de lado a lado. Lo mismo es caminando para atrás y para adelante.

Tú dijiste otro tipo de baile popular es la salsa.


¿Cómo tú compararías la salsa con la bachata?

La única comparación es que te tienes que saber mover. La bachata tiene menos pasos, tiene los pasos fijos y siempre hay un paro. Pero la salsa tiene pasos que no se pueden parar, entonces siempre vas a estar fluyente y no hay pasos, los tradicionales de salsa siempre van a estar fluyentes.

En tus lecciones de baile, ¿qué tú piensas que es más popular? ¿La bachata o la salsa u otro tipo de baile?

Yo creo que los dos son populares.


Iguales, sí. Yo creo que depende de la persona qué le gusta hacer. Depende de cómo te criaste, en una, y dos, cuáles son tus áreas de ir a gozar o pasar una noche bien, si es noches, eventos de salsa o eventos de bachata.

Muchas gracias.



Spanish 4

Learning Goal: I can express what I would do in a situation that is hypothetical or not possible.

Theme: Global Challenges: Well-being of society

Estimated Time for The Week: Approximately 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

Watch these slides for an introduction to this week’s learning goals!

Reading and Critical Thinking (~20 minutes)

  • Read the first 11 lines of the poem “Instantes” and reflect on what the author would do differently if he could. If you would like to listen as you read, click on this link.

Check Your Understanding (~30 minutes): Key appears the end of this lesson

  • ¿Qué significan estas frases?
  1. Si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida…
    1. If I could live my life again
    2. If I could share my world again
    3. If I could sell my life to the papers
  2. En la próxima trataría de cometer más errores
    1. In the next life, I would treat to make more errors
    2. In the next life, I would train to make more errors
    3. In the next life, I would try to make more errors
  3. No intentaría ser tan perfecto
    1. I would not introduce to be so perfect
    2. I would not intervene to be so perfect
    3. I would not try to be so perfect
  4. ¿Qué son algunas cosas que el poeta cambiaría si pudiera vivir de nuevo?
  5. ¿Dice él que viviría una vida más perfecta?
  6. ¿Dice él que le gustaría estar más ocupado?
  7. ¿Por qué piensas tú que él quisiera (would like)hacer más viajes?
  • Read through these slides to check your understanding of the grammar concepts.

Practice (~30 minutes)

  • Write 7-10 sentences about what you would do differently if you could relive this year so far. Use the poem as your inspiration, if you’d like. You can also see the introduction for some examples. Prompt: Si pudieras vivir el año 2020 otra vez, ¿qué harías diferente?
  • Practice what you learned by doing Kahoot. If you miss a question, pause and figure out why you missed it before moving on. If you can’t figure it out, write down the question to later ask your teacher.
  • Learn the irregular verbs in subjunctive with this quizlet. Notice that all the cards contain the verb in the 1st (yo)/3rd (él, ella, Ud.) forms. Study in flashcard or learn mode for 5 minutes, 2-5 times this week
  • Practice the if clause “Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional” on this website.

Listening and Critical Thinking (~10 minutes)

  • Listen to this audioclip. Sra. Wishon está entrevistando a su esposo sobre las cosas que haría diferente si pudiera. Play the audio as many time as you need to respond the questions.
  • Answer these questions:
    1. ¿Qué compraría Cris?
    2. ¿Dónde viviría Cris y por qué?
    3. ¿Qué deporte jugaría?
    4. ¿Cuál sería su trabajo ideal?
    5. Ahora responde la pregunta que hace Cris a los estudiantes.
  • Check your answers here: audio script

Extension and Application (~15 minutes)

  • Respond to the following hypothetical situations using the structures in the examples from earlier in our lesson.
    1. Si pudieras cambiar el mundo , ¿qué harías?
    2. Si tuvieras un super poder, ¿cuál sería?
    3. ¿Qué harías si no tuvieras miedo? (reverse the clause)
    4. Si tuvieras mucho dinero, ¿qué organización ayudarías?
    5. Si pudieras cambiar una regla (rule) de tu escuela, ¿qué cambiarías?

Culture and Writing (~25 minutes)

  • Read about Julieta Venegas.

Nació en Tijuana, Baja California, México,el 24 de noviembre de 1970.Tiene 49 años de edad. Ella canta pop-rock en español y habla español, inglés y portugués. Toca muchos instrumentos como la guitarra acústica, el acordeón y el teclado. Ella ha ganado premios importantes: 5 Latin Grammys y 1 Grammy.

  • Listen to this song (personal device required.)
  • Write at least 3 things that contribute to her happiness.
  • Answer in writing including at least 5 ideas. Prompt: Si pudieras cambiar algunas cosas, ¿qué te haría feliz?
  • Share the song with a friend and talk about whether you liked the song or not.

Reflect (~5 minutes)

  • Continue your digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc) and write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.
  • Key

Answers to Check Your Understanding: 1a, 2c, 3c,4c,

¿ Qué son algunas cosas que el poeta cambiaría si pudiera vivir de nuevo? Cometería más errores, nadaría en los ríos, se relajaría, no intentaría ser perfecto, haría más viajes, etc.

¿Dice él que viviría una vida más perfecta? No, él querría cometer más errores para disfrutar de la vida más y no vivir siendo perfeccionista.

¿Dice él que le gustaría estar más ocupado? No, a él le gustaría relajarse más porque la vida no es larga para vivir preocupado.

¿Por qué piensas tú que él quisiera (would like) hacer más viajes?

Pienso que le gustaría viajar porque hay muchos lugares, culturas y personas para conocer y aprender.

Possible answers to Culture and Writing: Más tiempo. Más vida. Un lugar para expresar las ideas. Alguien especial para escuchar. Amor.


Chinese 1

Learning Goal: I can discuss a variety of sports and activities.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Learn the vocabulary from Zhen Bang book II - Unit 1 Lesson A page 56 to page 59, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz .
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use Yellow Bridge to build your vocabulary skills and to write Chinese characters in correct stroke order.

Check Your Understanding·

  • Read the Language Patterns on page 321 to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning.
  • Write sentences based on the patterns shown above.
  • Practice grammar by filling in the blanks

1. A: 你周末要去做什么?B: 我要 ______ 慢跑。

2. 哥哥 _____ 他的朋友去海边冲浪。

3. 我的朋友 ______ 我家看电视。

4. 你们下个星期六 _____ 去哪儿?。

  • Connect to a classmate over the phone. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions:

1. 你喜欢什么运动?

2. 你什么时候会去慢跑?

3. 你的朋友会去哪儿冲浪?

4. 中文一的学生谁会打网球?

5. 你喜欢看什么电视?

6. 你可以去哪儿滑雪?

7. Oklahoma City 有什么购物中心?

8. 你觉得做瑜伽容易吗?

9. 你可以在公园做什么?

10. 你觉得我们学校的篮球场怎么样?

11. 你知道谁喜欢举重?

12. 你觉得做有氧运动有意思吗?

13. 你几岁学会骑自行车?

Reading and Critical Thinking

Read the 便笺 (memo) on page 327.

  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer the following questions in Chinese:

○ Question 1 - Who wrote this note and to whom?

○ Question 2 - On what day of the week was this note written?

○ Question 3 - The person who wrote this note is in which grade?

○ Question 4 - How does Luo Mi’ou know Zhu Liye?

○ Question 5 - What is the relationship between the note giver and receiver?

○ Question 6 - What does the author of the note like to do?

○ Question 7 - On what day is the author of the note planning to go to the movies?

○ Question 8 - What is the cell phone number of the person who wrote the notes?

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the sports vocabulary from page 316 to page 318.
  • Listen to 周末 on page 322.
  • Write down the key words you hear.
  • In Chinese, write down what you think the main idea is for this conversation.

Extension and Application

● Write a short essay about your weekend plans.

● Connect to a classmate to discuss your favorite activities..


  1. In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 2

Learning Goal: I can ask and say what I did in the past. I can ask about and say how long events took.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hours, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Type the body parts vocabulary you learned last week. If needed, watch the Vocabulary List from Zhen Bang Book II page 56 to page 59 again.

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the dialogue on p. 63 and p.64.
  • Using the text in the previous item, answer these questions in Chinese
    • Question 1 – 李云英怎么了?
    • Question 2 - 李云英周末做了什么?
    • Question 3 – 他们爬山爬了多久?
    • Question 4 - 为什么他们爬山爬了那么久?
    • Question 5 - 李云英今天能走路吗?
    • Question 6 - 李云英下午要去做什么?
    • Question 7 - 李云英现在觉得怎么样?
    • Question 8 - 李云英平常运动吗?
  • Read the ointment flier shown on page 69 #14. Answer the questions in Chinese.
    • Question 1 – 这个药叫什么名字?
    • Question 2 - 这个药可以擦在哪里?
    • Question 3 – 头疼也可以用吗?

Check Your Understanding

Listening and Critical Thinking

o Label the body parts you hear next to the picture on page 59 #1.

o Identify the activities from the pictures on page 64 #4 for what 李云英 had done this


o Write down the parts of the body in Chinese where 李云英 is hurting based on the

dialogue you hear.

  • Connect with a classmate to have a conversation like the one you hear. Record your conversation and share it with the teacher.

Extension and Application

  • Write a short essay about what you and the family members usually do during the weekends.
  • Conduct a survey to find out what your classmates did last Sunday. Draw a grid like the one shown on page 69 # 13. In the grid, write the names of five weekend activities in Chinese. Ask 3 of your classmates if they participated in any of the activities you listed.

Culture and Extended Writing

  • Read the culture window “Acupuncture and Moxibustion ” from page 65 to page 66 and answer the questions that follow the passage.
  • Make research on the internet to learn about what Chinese medicines and methods do the doctors in China use to treat COVID 19 patients in addition to western medicines and methods.
  • Write down your research result and share with the teacher.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 3 (Content updated on 4/27/20)

Learning Goal: I can describe the different kinds of houses.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Learn the vocabulary from Zhen Bang book II - Unit 4 Lesson B on page 252, page 253 and page 256, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz .
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use Yellow Bridge to build your vocabulary skills and to write Chinese characters in correct stroke order.

Check Your Understanding

  • Read the Language Patterns from page 258 to page 203 to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning.
  • Write sentences based on the patterns shown above.
  • Practice grammar by filling in the blanks.
    • A: 车子呢? B: 哥哥开 ___ 学校了。
    • 张老师是从台湾 ____ 美国的。
    • A: 东西送 ____ 了吗? B: 还没,我再打电话问问。
    • 王先生是从中国到墨西哥 ______ 的。
    • 我 ________妈妈出去了,所以开始玩电子游戏。________________ 她还在家。
    • 我昨天做完 _______ 功课, ________ 开始看电视 _________。
    • 我妹妹每天看 _____ 电视,_______ 去吃东西。
    • 哥哥买 _____ 车子,_____ 会开车去学校。
  • Connect to a classmate over the phone. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions:
  1. 你家有院子吗?大不大?
  2. 你家有几个车库?
  3. 你喜欢住公寓还是平房?
  4. 你平常出门是从大门出去还是从车库出去?
  5. 你家有几个窗户?
  6. 我家的信箱不大,你家的呢?
  7. 你在家需要爬楼梯吗?
  8. 你住的社区有保安吗?
  9. 谁可以坐学校的电梯?
  10. 你家有没有阳台?如果有,你会在阳台吃饭吗?
  11. 我们的学校有顶楼吗?你可以上去吗?

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the article “家有客人”on page 271.
  • Using the text in the previous item to answer the following questions:
    • Question 1 – 蔡伯伯是谁?
    • Question 2 – 蔡伯伯是什么时候到的?
    • Question 3 – 蔡伯伯是怎么去的?
    • Question 4 – 为什么蔡伯伯没开车?
    • Question 5 – 爸爸以为蔡伯伯几点到?
    • Question 6 – 为什么妈妈准备了很多菜?
    • Question 7 – 小狗是要给谁的?
    • Question 8 – 作者 (writer) 要小狗吗?为什么?

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the 房子 vocabulary on page 252 and page 253 .
  • Listen to 拜访同学 on page 261.
  • Write down the key words you hear.
  • In Chinese, write down what you think the main idea is for this conversation.

Extension and Application

Draw a floor plan of your house.

  • Talk about your house to include the followings:

1. 你家的房屋形式:是大楼,公寓还是平房?

2. 你家的社区有保安吗?

3. 你家的房子里有楼梯或是电梯吗?

4. 你家有院子和车库吗?

5. 你家有多少个窗户?


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.


French 1

  • Learning Goal: I can discuss my shopping and packing habits and needs.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

Teacher Video Introducing The Week’s Content Link

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the physical descriptions about different people. Use this Link or this link
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • What is an adjective? What does it describe?
    • Where are the adjectives in the reading? Underline or highlight them.
    • What do all adjectives in French have to agree with? (hint: there are two)
    • Are most adjectives before or after the noun? In what cases are they not?

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short instructional video to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation here
  • Match the descriptions from the reading to the pictures. Link
    • Check your answers with the key provided. Link
    • Trouble understanding? Watch here.
  • Practice adjective agreement by matching the vocabulary to the clothing. Link
  • Review this short instructional video to build your comprehension of the grammar.
    • Start video at 6:20
  • Practice your grammar and vocabulary by putting the dialogue in order. Link
  • Practice by responding to the situational events. Link

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the conversation in a clothing store between the customer and retail worker. Link
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • In French, write a short summary describing what happened.


  • Colors review
  • Conjugations of porter (to wear) and mettre (to put/place) review.
  • Clothing vocabulary review.

Extension and Application

  • Create a list of clothing that you would bring on a trip to Paris.
    • Include a description of the items using adjectives and the verbs; porter (to wear) and mettre (to put / place).
  • Imagine you arrive in France and discover you have forgotten an essential clothing item. Write a short conversation (each person has 5 sentences) between you and a retail worker as you look to purchase the item.
    • Example: Oh non! J’ai oublié mes pyjamas, je dois aller au magasin… “Bonjour Madame, avez-vous des pyjamas?”
    • Use your previous knowledge and vocabulary from this lesson to create the dialogue. Avoid using translating websites besides Word Reference to look up individual words. Remember to keep it simple and basic.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Look up the francophone (french speaking) country of your choice.
    • Draw and describe what a typical teenager would wear in your selected francophone country.
    • List of francophone countries. Link
      • Challenge yourself by picking an unfamiliar country.
  • Think critically by answering these questions:
    • Que portes-tu dans le pays francophone?
    • Qu’est-ce que tu ne portes pas dans le pays francophone?
    • Faites une comparaison entre les vêtements du pays francophone et les vêtements des États -Unis.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week using the stoplight template. Link
  • You can share this with your teacher during their office hours.

French 2

Learning Goal: I can understand, read, write, and listen to information about the environment. I can understand how and why Earth Day started. I can identify various animals and where they live.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read this text:
    • Le Jour de la Terre : Célébré pour la première fois (time) le 22 avril, 1970 pour encourager les étudiants à sensibiliser à l’environnement dans leurs communautés. Ce premier Jour de la Terre a mené (led) à la création de l’agence de protection de l’environnement des Etats-Unis. Le Jour de la Terre correspond à l’équinoxe de printemps et coïncide avec la première photo de la terre vue de l’espace.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Quand est-ce qu’on célèbre le Jour de la Terre?
    • À quelle création est-ce que le premier Jour de la Terre a mené?
    • Le Jour de la Terre correspond à quels deux événements?
    • Quel verbe dans ce texte est dans le passé?

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short instructional video (personal device required to view) about ways to improve the environment to add to your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above. (Skip the ads).
  • Out of the ten practices that she mentioned in the above video, which ones do you practice at home? Write them in your notebook using the French vocabulary.
  • Practice by doing this Quizlet over environmental vocabulary.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice your environmental vocabulary in Quizlet above. At the end of the week, take the test.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to this girl tell her story here.
  • Write down the French and English words for the animals in her story in your notebook. Write where the animal lives in French, for example “dans la forêt”
  • In French, write down your favorite part, or most interesting part of the story. .


  • Learn the animals and places vocabulary from the story here, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use these quizlets to build your vocabulary skills.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Read this explanation about the song Le Fou de Bassan.
    • The first bird to be caught and cleaned during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2008 was known as the “Crazy Bird of the Basin” (a gannet). Their nesting areas are found in Quebec and Newfoundland.
  • Go to Youtube (on your own device) and listen to Zachary Richard explain his song in French.
    • On Youtube you will also find pictures and videos of gannets (les Fous) diving into the ocean for their prey.
  • Now watch the video of the song (personal device required to view) and follow along with the lyrics below.

Le Fou - Par Zachary Richard

On m’appelle Fou de Bassan

Mais je ne suis pas si fou que ça

Les vieux m’appellent margot

Tel le faisait Jacques Cartier

De l’Ile Bonaventure

Jusqu’au golfe du Mexico

Je suis celui qui plonge

Le plus fou des oiseaux

Tous ensemble, ensemble tous

C’était le 20 avril

Dans le tranche de Macondo

J’ai entendu crier

Et j’ai vu l’explosion

Le tour s’est effondré

A la perte de beaucoup de vie

Et depuis la marée noire

N’arrête pas de s’étirer

Tous ensemble, ensemble tous

Au golfe du St-Laurent

Sur le rocher des oiseaux

Aussi loin du Mexico

Je suis enfin au repos

La mer n’est agitée

Que par le vent du nord

Il n’y a pas de marée noire

Il n’y a pas de tour pétrole

Pour troubler mon espoir

Tous ensemble, ensemble tous

  • Make a list of the vocabulary that you would like to know from the song, then use Reverso or Word Reference to find out what the word means in English.
  • Reflect on your reaction to the song and how this event is still affecting the environment.


  • Watch the video of the song “Mets du respect dans ton bac” (personal device required to view) which we have listened to in class. After learning about the environmental issues above, has your opinion about this song changed? Write your new opinion of this song in your notebook.
  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Answers to Reading and Critical Thinking:

    • On célèbre le Jour de la Terre le 22 avril.
    • Le premier Jour de la Terre a mené à la création de l’agence de protection de l’environnement des Etats-Unis.
    • Le Jour de la Terre correspond à l’équinoxe de printemps et coïncide avec la première photo de la terre vue de l’espace.
    • Verbe dans le passé - a mené

Answers to Listening and Critical Thinking:

un singe - a monkey - la jungle, les arbres

une chauve-souris - a bat - une grotte

un crocodile - a crocodile - un étang

un hippopotame - a hippopotamus - une rivière

une girafe - a giraffe - les plaines, la forêt

une grenouille - a frog - un étang

un tigre - a tiger - la jungle

un lion - a lion - la jungle

un mammouth - a mammoth - les plaines

Answers will vary

French 3

Learning Goal: I can understand a reading from French Literature. I can use the passive voice to describe things that happen or happened to characters based on an excerpt from a French novel (Jean de Florette). I can give advice to these characters using the passive voice.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read this text on pages 298-301 of your textbook.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions in your notebook:

Quelle est l’idée principale du texte?

    • En quelle saison se passe cette histoire?
    • À ton avis, pourquoi le Papet trouve les méthodes de Jean comiques?
    • See the answers below.


  • Learn the vocab here using the Quizlet flashcards, then practice and test your memory by doing the activities.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use this quizlet to build your vocabulary skills, and then at the end of the week, take the test.

Check Your Understanding

  • Read through this online tutorial as well as this one to build your comprehension of the passive voice.
  • Then, complete the 6 question quiz under the second image of the goose and goslings, next to the image of the robot on this page.
  • Practice by doing this Quizlet
  • Practice grammar and conjugation here.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the audio of this text by clicking on the headphones in the online textbook. .
  • Write down key words you hear in your notebook.
  • In French, write how you think these words relate to the main idea question you answered in the section above. Try to use the passive voice at least once.

Extension and Application

  • Write a letter to Jean from the Jean de Florette excerpt in your notebook. Act like you are a professor in agriculture and offer your advice and criticisms to Jean about his farming practices. Write at least one page, skipping lines/double spacing. Be sure to include at least 3 examples of the passive voice.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Optional extension of learning: find a free copy of the movie online and watch it, if you feel so inspired.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Answers (may vary):

    • Quelle est l’idée principale du texte? Il s’agit d’un homme qui essaie de nouveaux méthodes pour faire pousser la végétation.
    • En quelle saison se passe cette histoire? En été

À ton avis, pourquoi le Papet trouve les méthodes de Jean comiques? Il ne fait que les vieux méthodes et ne comprend pas les nouveaux


German 1

Learning Goal:

  • I can express my likes and dislikes in German by using the modal verb mögen.
  • I can make comparisons by saying what I would rather eat and what I most like to eat.
  • I can ask others about what foods and drinks they like.

Estimated Time for the Week: 100 minutes

Learn and practice:


  • In German, there is more than just one way to express what one likes. We learned about the adverb gern not too long ago!
  • This week we will practice with the actual verb to like- mögen
  • Practice the different forms of to like by visiting this site.
  • Review some of the new vocabulary that was introduced last week here

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Remember last week that Nico just went to stay at Inge´s house for a few days.
  • Watch the story as they continue to talk about likes and preferences.
  • Match the forms of the verb mögen.

Reading and Critical Thinking:

  • Read the actual script from the video. What do you think lieber and am liebsten mean?
  • Match the comparisons to the pictures

Check Your Understanding:

  • Practice talking about likes and dislikes. Read along as you listen to the questions about what vegetables, fruits, and drinks. Answer what you personally like and dislike.

Extension and Application:

  • Create a Venn Diagram with a family member in your household. Compare the foods and drinks (in German) that you both like by writing Wir mögen... in the middle part of intersecting circles. On the two non-intersecting parts of the circles, write the different items that you like using Ich mag... and what the other person likes that is different using Er/Sie mag…
  • Read about specific details about different ways to make other comparisons in German.

Culture and/or Extended Writing:

  • Read the short article about German cabbage and sauerkraut.
  • Magst du Kraut? Welche Gemüse isst du gern? Was isst du nicht gern? Was isst du am liebsten? Write a short paragraph in German about vegetables you like, dislike, and which vegetable you like the most.

German 2

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learning Goals:

  • I can ask for help
  • I can buy a ticket from a ticket machine
  • I can explain to someone else how to buy a ticket

Learn & Practice:

Critical Thinking

  • Consider the following questions:
    • Hast du schon einmal in Deutschland oder in den USA einen Ticketautomaten benutzt, um ein Fahrticket zu kaufen?
    • Hat es Hürden (obstacles) beim Ticketkauf gegeben, beispielsweise hinsichtlich (regarding) der Sprache (wenn im Ausland) oder des Ticketsystems?
    • Wenn du noch nie einen Ticketautomaten benutzt hast – welche Schwierigkeiten kann es deiner Meinung nach (in your opinion) geben?

Video Introducing The Lesson’s Content

  • Watch the episode (as many times as you wish) from Nico’s Weg Series “Der Ticketautomat” (“The ticket machine”).

In this episode Yara decides to talk to her nephew Pepe. On the way to Pepe’s hotel a man asks her for directions. She helps him to buy a ticket. But she still doesn’t know who this man is … While you are watching the episode take notes to answer the following questions:

    • Wohin muss Ibrahim fahren und warum?
    • Welche Linie kann Ibrahim benutzen?
    • Welchen Fahrschein braucht Ibrahim?
    • Kann Ibrahim auch mit der 16 fahren?
    • Welche Linie nimmt Ibrahim am Ende?


  • Learn the Der Ticketautomat - Vocabulary.
  • Practice and test your memory by using DIY tools, such as the flashcards and games with the vocabulary list on the above-listed site.
  • Build your vocabulary skills by using these sets for 10-15 minutes every day.

Check Your Understanding

  • Learn and Practice by completing activities 1-2 (''Ibrahim needs a ticket'') that follow the video to check your understanding and to familiarize yourself with the lesson’s vocabulary. With these activities you will activate your listening and reading skills.


  • Read a short text "Taking the train" and complete activity 3. You will learn more about the railroad system in Germany and practice new vocabulary at the same time.
  • Read a short text "Public transportation in Germany" and complete activity 10.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen first to the audio about the "Train connections", fill in the missing information in the text and then listen to the dialog that takes place by the "DB ticket machines", complete activities 4-7. With these activities you will activate your listening, reading and writing skills.

Extension and Application

  • Read a short informational text you will use to answer the questions (that follow) of a friend who wants to visit you, but he is having problems with the ticket machine in the subway station. You help him over the phone.
  • Review (optional) the grammar presentation Imperative: informal and complete activity 9.
  • Review (optional) the grammar presentation Personal pronouns: dative and complete activities 11-14.


  • Create a digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google document) where you write notes about the most important things you learned this week. Share with a classmate or your teacher.

German 3

Learning Goals:

  • I can talk about nature.
  • I can talk about outdoor activities.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes

Learn & Practice

Critical Thinking

Consider the following questions:

  • How would I describe the nature where I live?
  • How does nature affect my outdoor activities?
  • How would I describe nature in Germany?


  • Learn the Natur vocabulary.
  • Practice and test your memory by using the tools, such as the flashcards and games on the above-listed site.
  • Build your vocabulary skills by using these sets for 10-15 minutes every day.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Watch and listen to Ein neuer Wanderweg in den Alpen as many times as needed.
  • Describe the nature scenes.
  • Identify the main outdoor activity.
  • Compare the nature scenes to the nature where you live.

Check Your Understanding

  • Complete activities 1-3 that follow the video to build your comprehension and listening skills.

Extension and Application

  • Create a selfie video where you show and describe the nature around you in German. Then share it with a classmate or your teacher.


  • Watch, listen to and read along to this fable about a bird and a whale,

Herr Vogel und Frau Wal.


  • Create a digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google document) where you write notes about the most important things you learned this week. Share with a classmate or your teacher.


Latin 1

Learning goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing the grammatical structures you have learned (pronouns and comparatives)

Estimated time for week: 2.5 hours

Learn and Practice

  1. Reading and critical thinking
    1. Refer to Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to Stage 10
    2. Navigate to Videos and listen to the videos on Cambridge Elevate entitled Anulus Aegyptius Intro and Lucia et Alexander Intro
  2. Read and complete pg blue box on pg 141
  3. Navigate to Anulus Aegyptius section under the Explore the Story section
    1. Translate into English
    2. Navigate to Lucia and Alexander section under Explore the Story section
      1. Translate into English
  4. Test your vocabulary:
  5. Use the “Test Your Vocabulary” section to quiz yourself on the vocabulary for this stage
  6. Write 2 sentences in Latin that utilize the irregular comparative of “magnus”
  7. 3 times a week for 5 minutes, review the vocabulary ONLY found in Anulus Aegyptius and Lucia et Alexander (including pronouns)
  8. Listening and Critical Thinking:
  9. Choose Anulus Aegyptius under the Explore the Story section
    1. Click on “listen” at the top
    2. Click on the first line of the story, which will play the entire story
    3. Listen to the entire story without reading. Try to pick out specific words or phrases and write them down
      1. Now read the story and check what you’ve written down
  10. Extension and application:
  11. Complete grey box on page 142
  12. Culture
  13. Research the importance of provinces. What were they, how were they acquired, and why were they an indispensable gear in the war machine that was Rome?
  14. Answer the following question based on your research to the question above: What is the most important benefit of acquiring provinces? Why do you think this is the most important benefit?
  15. Reflect
  16. In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 2

Learning Goal: I can read and answer comprehension questions from the stories. I can recognize and translate grammatical structures that are more complicated. I can recognize sentence patterns.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice: Navigate to Click on the CSCP section at the top of the page. Read through some of the information and write down four facts you’ve learned.

  1. Reading and Critical Thinking Click on the Explore the story of Memor Suscipit I. Translate the last ten lines.
  2. Write down and translate 4 perfect passive participles.
  3. Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    1. Question 1 construction and translation of vir summae prudentia (line 1)
    2. Question 2 Are Memor’s words true?
    3. Question 3 What dilemma is he caught in?
    4. Question 4 what does Memor think Salvius is asking of him, when Slavius says the phrase in lines 8-9 (Cogidubnus….vult.)?
  4. Check Your Understanding
  5. Question 5 What arguments does Salvius employ to overcome Memor’s scruples?
  6. Do you expect Memor to execute his plan? Why or why not?
  7. Why does Salvius proceed in such a roundabout way, rather than kill King Cog.
  8. Listening and Critical Thinking
  9. Listen to Memor Suscipt I again by clicking on the listen section of the explore the story.
  10. Write down five new words you’ve learned.
  11. Write down the main steps of the murder plot that Salvius has outlined.
  12. Extension and Application
  13. Click on the “Test Your Vocabulary”. Spend at least 2-5 minutes everyday going over this section. In the sorting words section practice the exercise there as much as you can.
  14. Reflect
  15. In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 3-4

Learning Goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing grammatical structures and comprehending the meaning of the stories.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

  1. Reading and Critical Thinking
    1. Refer to the Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to stage 26. Go to the explore the story section on the web site. Click on the listen to the story for Tribunus and before translating listen to the story.
    2. Translate the story by using the read section of “Explore the story.”
    3. Answer the critical thinking questions on pg. 93 of the web book.
  2. Check Your Understanding
    1. Reread your translation checking for grammatical errors.
  3. Listening and Critical Thinking
    1. Navigate to the explore the story section of the web site. Click on listen to the story.
    2. Write down key words you hear.
    3. Click on think questions and answer the questions there, checking your answers as you go.
  4. Extension and Application
    1. Research the job requirements of a Roman Tribune. Why were Tribunes so unique in relation to the rest of the political positions?
  5. Vocabulary
    1. For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use the text your vocabulary skills to review your vocabulary. You may also use quizlet.
  6. Culture and/or Extended Writing
    1. Choose one of the stories you have read. Illustrate five of the Latin sentences you have read.

AP Courses

View the AP page and College Board Website.