World Language

Grades 8-12

Week 1: April 6-10

Sample Daily Schedule

Expand Your Course For Great Things To Learn This Week

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Spanish 1

Spanish 1 - Week 1

Learning Goal: I can describe where I am going.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read this text and then answer the questions that follow.

Check Your Understanding

  • Read through this online tutorial to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation here and here.


  • Learn the vocab here, then practice and test your memory by using the activities on quizlet such as Match and Gravity.

Listening and Critical Thinking

Extension and Application

  • Create a journal entry. Pretend you are not in quarantine and can go wherever you choose. Think about what your perfect day would be like. In spanish write a journal entry about the places you are going. Explain where they are located in relation to other places.
  • Share what you have written with a family member, a classmate, or your teacher during check-ins.

Spanish 2

Learning Goal: I can talk about what I did last week (preterite). I can talk about what I used to normally do (imperfect).

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hours, 35 minutes

Essential Questions: What did I do differently this past week because of the quarantine and what did I used to do before the quarantine?

Learn & Practice:

First, watch this video to hear an introduction of this lesson

Reading and Critical Thinking (~20 minutes)

  • Read this journal entry by Profe Madrigal answering the question ¿Qué hiciste la semana pasada que normalmente no hacías antes de la cuarentena?
  • Answer the true or false questions on slide 2 on paper, in your notebook, or on a doc.
  • Answer the short answer questions on slide 4 on paper, in your notebook, or on a doc.

Vocabulary (~10 minutes)

  • Study this Quizlet set for 10 minutes by using the flashcard mode, learn mode, quiz mode, or other modes to review some common verbs and phrases that we can use to accomplish our learning goal for the week.

Check Your Understanding (~30 minutes)

  • Read through these grammar lesson slides that explain how we talk about the past using preterite and imperfect a bit more in detail and watch the videos included there.
  • Practice the conjugations of regular verbs in the preterite and imperfect by by doing 5 minutes of graded practice mode with each of the following activities:
  • Regular Preterite
  • Regular Imperfect
  • If needed, refer to these notes for irregular preterite verbs and irregular imperfect verbs

Listening and Critical Thinking (~10)

  • Use the link to the slides and watch the video of Mrs. Wishon (and Tico!) from Edmond North answering our essential question for the week.
  • On slide 2 from above, fill in the blank with what you heard from the video on paper, your notebook, or a doc.
  • On slide 4 from above answer the two short answer questions

Extension and Application (~15 minutes)

  • Create a TikTok, Instagram/Snapchat story, or a short video (vlog) that shares 3 things you did last week and at least one thing you would do before the quarantine began that you couldn’t do last week in Spanish!
  • Reference Mrs. Wishon’s video from our listening activity for an example.
  • When you finish share it with your teacher or a friend.

Culture and/or Extended Writing (~5 minutes)

  • Look at these illustrations made by BBC Mundo in Spain
  • Choose your favorite and tell a non spanish speaker what it means

Reflect (~5 minutes)

In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Spanish 3

Essential Questions/Goals: What do I want to be done in response to the Coronavirus pandemic?

Learning Goals: I can talk about what I want others to do. I can express my wishes for a situation or event.

Estimated Time for The Week: Approximately 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

Watch this video if you want to meet the EPS teachers who will be creating your lessons!

Watch this video for an introduction to this week’s learning goals.

Reading and Critical Thinking (~20 minutes)

  • Go to this link and follow the instructions below.
    • Read Mrs. Wishon’s response to “Cómo quieres que sea tu pareja ideal?” on slide 1.
    • Answer the questions about her response on slides 2, 4, and 6 on a piece of paper, notebook, or doc.

Vocabulary (~10 minutes)

  • Study this Quizlet set for 10 minutes by using the flashcard mode, learn mode, quiz mode, or other modes to learn some phrases and vocabulary that we can use to express wishes, wants, and desires and to accomplish our learning goal for the week.

Check Your Understanding (~30 minutes)

  • Read through these grammar lesson slides that explain the subjunctive a bit more in detail and watch the videos included there.

Listening and Critical Thinking (~15 minutes)

  • Watch and listen to the video on slide 1 then do the activity in slide 2.

Extension and Application (~20 minutes)

  • Compose a letter to a person in power about what you want/hope/need them to do in response to Covid-19 to help your community, restaurants, small businesses, airlines, your nation, world, etc. Your letter can be to someone local or to a world leader.

Use the phrases we have learned (espero que usted, quiero que usted, necesito que usted) and subjunctive verbs to express what you want them to do. We suggest at least 7 sentences. Go back to this video if you need to review and feel free to use our Quizlet and grammar lessons from before.

Culture (~20 minutes)

  • Read through the mini biography of Chocquibtown in these slides
  • Listen to the song and read the chorus on slide 2
  • Answer the questions about the chorus on slide 3 on paper, your notebook, or a doc.
  • Share the song with a friend and talk about whether you liked the song or not!

Reflect (~5 minutes)

  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Spanish 4

Learning Goal:

I can express my emotions about other people’s actions and give recommendations about environmental topics. I can understand main ideas and some supporting details from authentic texts.

Theme: Global Challenges: Taking care of environment

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Learn & Practice:

Reading, Vocabulary, and Critical Thinking (20 minutes)

  • Write your answers in a notebook or a Google Doc to keep your work together. Pre-reading questions:

¿Qué saben ustedes sobre las Mariposas Monarca?

¿Quieren que su familia visite a una reserva de las Mariposas Monarca?

  • Build your vocabulary before reading, use the following dictionary to find the meaning of these terms:







Check Your Understanding (20 minutes)

  • Read this text to learn about the Monarch butterfly migration and its role in preserving our environment. (Optional: If you wish to read more, click on this article, personal device required.)
  • Answer the following questions:

¿Cuántas millas viajan las mariposas monarca en el viaje?

¿Cuántas generaciones de una familia viajan para terminar un viaje?

¿Por qué hay peligro para las mariposas durante el verano?

¿Por qué hay peligro para las mariposas durante el invierno?

Answer key is found at the end of this document.

Extension: (30 minutes)

  • Read the summary below to learn more about the efforts made by people in the community of Michoacán, Mexico and the impact butterflies have on the environment.
  • Main ideas:
    1. En Michoacán la gente de la comunidad ayuda para que aumente el número de mariposas monarca en su área.
    2. Hay 58 comunidades civiles e indígenas en Michoacán que trabajan para reconstruir el hábitat que se estaba perdiendo.
    3. Todos los animales e insectos tienen un papel muy importante en la conservación de la cadena alimenticia.
    4. Las mariposas son polinizadores. Sin polinizadores no hay alimentos para los otros animales e insectos.
    5. (Optional) Watch this short Video (personal device required to view, the summary above provides information contained in the video).(Optional:Use the captions on the video to read along while listening, if necessary).
  • Write 4-5 sentences about what you recommend other people do to protect the butterflies using subjunctive and the expressions below. Express how you feel about what they do in Michoacán and other places you may know.

For example: Recomiendo que las personas cuiden (cuidar) mejor el

medio ambiente para proteger las mariposas y su territorio.

1.Quiero que

2.Espero que

3.Deseo que

4.Estoy feliz de que

5.Estoy preocupado de que

      • Remember how to form the present subjunctive:

Start with the yo form of the verb in the present tense (Tener-Tengo)

Drop the O (Teng)

Add the opposite ending (ar-er endings, er/ir-a endings Tenga,Tengas,Tenga,Tengamos,Tengáis,Tengan)

  • Practice grammar and conjugation on Quizlet.( Approximately five minutes, 2-5 times this week)

Speaking Extension and Application (10 minutes)

  • ¿Qué saben ahora de las Mariposas Monarcas? (5 facts)
  • (Optional)Use the infographic as an additional resource to complete the task.
  • Use your own words with vocabulary that you have learned to record a presentation.
  • Use this flipgrid or use other technology to record your answer.
  • Share your recording with a classmate for feedback. If using flipgrid you can comment on your classmate’s video.
  • Include your emotions and opinions (grammar structures) in your 1.5 minute recording.

Culture and Extended Writing (15 minutes)

  • Write a letter to your friend in Mexico. Include the following in your letter:
      • Greet your friend.
      • Ask how he/she is doing.
      • Tell him/her what you are doing in your life currently.
      • Share something you have learned about the Monarch butterflies.
      • Tell him/her when to expect to see the butterflies in his/her area.
      • Tell him/her how you feel about the Monarch’s journey and the protected


  • Share your writing with a classmate, family member, native speakers, and/or your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Reflect (5 minutes)

  • In your ongoing Google doc (“Learning Log”), reflect about the most important things you learned this week topic, new vocabulary, etc.)

Answer Key

Article 1 (“Lectura” on slides)

¿Cuántas millas viajan las Mariposas Monarca en el viaje?

Answer: 5.000 kilómetros = 3.106+ millas

¿Cuántas generaciones de una familia viajan para terminar un viaje?

Answer: Usualmente 3-4 generaciones porque los tataranietos terminan la travesía

¿Por qué hay peligro para las mariposas durante el verano?

Answer: Porque al este de las montañas rocallosas hay menos lugares donde crecen las plantas de algodoncillo.

¿Por qué hay peligro para las mariposas durante el invierno?

Answer: Porque en México hay desastres naturales que afectan el hábitat de las mariposas.


Chinese 1

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learning Goal:

  • I can express my needs and amounts.
  • I can describe my class schedule.
  • I can tell time and the day of the week.

Learn & Practice:

Log into your online textbook account and watch the video for Unit 3 Lesson C dialogue.

Vocabulary ( 40 minutes)

星期六, 星期日, 星期三, 前天, 昨天, 今天, 明天, 后天, 大考, 小考, 考试, 图书馆,

健身房, 容易, 难, 好玩儿, 不好玩儿, 有意思, 没有意思, 无聊, 有挑战性, 可是, 堂,

还+Verb, 去,来, 觉得, 读 + Obj, 得,锻炼

Ex. 我前天没吃晚饭。我后天要借给李先生一本书。昨天的数学考试不容易。


Check Your Understanding ( 40 minutes)

  • Read through the language patterns from page 304 to page 306. Make one sentence on each language pattern.
  • Take a quiz:

Write down the pinyin w/ tone marks and the English meanings for the following phrases:

锻炼 _________ 健身房 _________ 难 _________

无聊 _________ 觉得 __________ 后天 _________

考试 _________ 容易 _______ 昨天 _________

好玩儿 _________ 星期日 _______ 前天 _________

今天 _________ 没有意思_______ 堂 _________

Extension and Application ( 40 minutes)

  • Create a class schedule.
  • Connect with a classmate. Call them and ask them to share their schedule with you.
  • Ask and answer the following questions according to your schedule:
  1. 你觉得哪一堂课很有意思?
  2. 你觉得哪一堂课很有挑战性?
  3. 你觉得哪一堂课很难?
  4. 你觉得哪一堂课很容易?
  5. 你觉得哪一堂课很好玩儿?
  6. 你觉得哪一堂课很无聊?
  • Reflect

In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with the teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 2

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learning Goal:

  • I can describe people’s appearance.I can talk about different kinds of shoes.
  • I can negotiate and bargain.

Learn & Practice:

Log into your online textbook account and complete Unit 6 Lesson D assignment .

Day 1: ( 20 minutes)

Complete assignment # 1 - # 2

Answer the following questions.










Day 2: ( 25 minutes)

Read and listen to the Dialogue of Unit 6 Lesson D

Answer the following questions according to the dialogue.

    • Question 1 - 为什么白苹要买裙子?
    • Question 2 - 白苹最后买几号的裙子?
    • Question 3 - 白苹买的裙子是什么颜色的?
    • Question 4 - 白苹买的裙子要多少钱?

Complete textbook assignment 4 - 6

Day 3: ( 20 minutes)

Complete textbook assignment 7

Reduplicate the verbs in the sentences below to soften the tone.

1.请你们等。 2.你听这首歌。

3.店员请他试40号。 4.你要不要来我家喝茶。

5.小李星期天想看电影。 6.他们喜欢每天下午打球。

7.下课以后,她要去图书馆看书。 8.周末的时候,我喜欢去海边游泳。

Complete textbook assignment 9

Day 4: ( 20 minutes)

Complete textbook assignment 10 & 12

Extension and Application

Create a conversation with two other classmates. Play the roles of a shop assistant in a clothing store, a person who will go to Canada in December and wants to buy a new coat, ans a person who accompanies his/her friend (the shopper) to the store to buy the coat.

You need to include the followings:

● The shop assistant asks the shopper what he/she wants to buy.

● The shopper answers with what he/she is looking for (a coat).

● The shop assistant asks the shopper why he/she wants to buy a coat, and what

it is for.

● The shopper picks one and asks the shop assistant if he/she can try it on.

● After trying on the coat, the shopper asks his/her friend for advice and the


gives his/her opinions.

● The shopper asks the shop assistant if this coat comes in different colors or sizes.

● The shop assistant looks at the shopper and suggests a color and size that

would suit him/her.

● The shopper asks the shop assistant the price of the coat.

● The shop assistant tells the shopper how much it is.

● The shopper asks if there is a discount and bargains the price with the shop


Day 5: ( 35 minutes)

Extension and Application

  • Connect with two classmates and role play the dialog you created on the previous day.
  1. Review the vocabulary of this lesson
  2. Write down the Chinese phrases that match the English meanings in slide#3.
  3. Extended Writing: List 20 items that you need to bring for a trip.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with the teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 3

Essential Questions/Goals: How to get to places from my house?

Learning Goal: I can ask for and provide directions.

Estimated Time for The Week: Approximately 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

Log into your online textbook account and watch the video for Unit 4 Lesson A dialogue.

Vocabulary ( 40 minutes)

Study the vocabulary for this lesson, write each phrase 3 times and make sentences on the following phrases.

差不多 / 从.. / 大概 / 第 / 敢 / 直走 /转 / 拐 / 过 / 还是 / 离...近 / 离.. 远 /

先 .再..然后 / 往..走 / 做饭 / 邀请 / 主意

Check Your Understanding ( 40 minutes)

  • Read through the language patterns from page 237 to page 239 to understand how to give directions. Make one sentence on each language pattern.
  • Practice giving directions from your house to school: For example,

从我家出门后,往右转,到了 Western, 往右转。走十分钟, 到了。。。。就到了。

  • Translate the following sentences:

1. 路上有很多来往的车辆。

2. 这个路口发生了一场车祸。

3. 我们必须要经过立交桥才能到学校。

4. 天桥方便了人们过马路。

5. 不要把车开到人行道上面。

6. 过马路的时候一定要走人行横道。

Extension and Application ( 40 minutes)

  • Create a map, label your school, 2 restaurants, 1 park, 2 grocery stores and your house.

Write the directions to each place from your house.

Record the directions.

Share the recorded directions with the teacher.

  • Reflect

In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with the teacher in any virtual sessions you have.


French 1

Learning Goal: I can discuss my activity preferences. I can describe people and their actions.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour 20 minutes

Learn & Practice:

Teacher Video Introducing The Week’s Content: Link

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read along with the words (text) in the above video.
  • Use the text from the video to answer these questions:
    • Is “faire” a regular or an irregular verb? Explain.
    • What impacts the conjugation of a verb?
    • When / why would a verb remain unconjugated (in its infinitive form)?


  • Review the vocabulary for activities with the interactive video. Link
  • Learn the vocabulary for places with the interactive video. Link

Check Your Understanding

  • Look at the pictures and match them to the corresponding vocabulary word. Link
  • Organize the activities from the video into preference categories.
    • (J’adore…J’aime bien… J’aime… Je n’aime pas… Je déteste… etc.).
  • Practice by doing Quia: Link
  • Apply your knowledge to complete this activity. Link
  • Analyze the sentences by saying if they are true or false. Link
  • Use your knowledge to complete this crossword puzzle. Link
  • Practice grammar and conjugation here (each day for five minutes).

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the description of a celebrity in French.
  • Select the picture of the famous person who you think it is. Link

Extension and Application

  • Create a journal entry using the vocabulary to write who you do these activities with.
    • You are welcome to be creative or make things up! Challenge yourself to write 10 sentences in French (:
    • Exemple: “Je mange un sandwich avec Antoine au cybercafé.”
    • Helpful tip: avec = with

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Explore a favorite French pastime “Pétanque” by watching this video. Link (personal computer required to view this video)
  • Critical thinking:
    • What pastime activities do we have that are unique to the United States?


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, reflections etc.). You can share this feedback with your teacher during their office hours.

French 2

French 2 Week 1

Learning Goal: I can identify, communicate and present information about everyday topics in the past.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

Check Your Understanding

  • Read this explanation of the two past tenses and how they are used.
  • Practice by doing this Quizlet .
  • Watch this entertaining yet informative Youtube video (personal device required to view) with Damon and Jo if you still don’t quite get the imparfait.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to this story of the Sim’s family French Today video. (personal device required to view)
  • Write down the past tense verbs that you hear and if they are passé composé or imparfait. Stop after the boy gets out of the pool.
  • In French, write down what you think the main idea is. Answers are at the bottom.

Extension and Application

  • Create a short story about things you did as a child using both past tenses and make a selfie video.


  • Review the most common French verbs here, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use this same quizlet to build your verb vocabulary skills.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Interview a family member about their childhood memories and experiences. Then write a paragraph about their experiences in French using the two past verb tenses.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher during their office hours.

Answers to Sim’s family:

Il est rentré. Il a mangé. Il s’est levé. Il s’est mis. Il est sorti. Il a traversé. Il s’est approché. Il a descendu. L’eau était. Il a nagé. Il a commencé. Ca faisait. Il était. Il sentait. Il s’est relaxé. Il est sorti.

Philippe était à la maison, et il a fait la cuisine et il a nagé.

French 3

FRENCH 3 - Week 1

Learning Goal: I can understand the main idea and some pieces of information on familiar topics from the assigned text. I can understand information about the francophone world in an informational video. I can create an itinerary for a trip to a French-speaking country.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read L’Europe francophone Géoculture in Bien Dit 3, p. 270-273 and look at the corresponding pictures. You will need to log in and then go to these page numbers OR access it through our Canvas page.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Où se trouve le siège de l’Union européenne?
    • Qu’est-ce que le traité de Westphalie a accordé à la Suisse?
    • Quelles sont les contributions de Rainier III à Monaco?
    • (Answers appear at end of this document. )

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch the short video located on p. 270 of Bien Dit 3 about L’Europe francophone to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • Write a short paragraph based on the text/images and describe a location you would love to visit!
  • Practice by doing this Quizlet, but don’t take the test yet.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the Géoculture paragraphs on pages 270-273, by clicking on the sound icons next to each short paragraph.
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • In French, write down what you think the main idea is from each of the short paragraphs.

Extension and Application

  • Create an itinerary for the place that you said that you wanted to visit in the above activity. Tell what things you want to do there and in what order. Remember to use transitional words such as (ensuite, après, finalement, etc.)


  • Practice the vocabulary of the countries, capitals, and significant facts, then test your memory by taking the quiz on the quizlet shown above.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher during their office hours.

Check your answers to questions above:

  • Le siège se trouve à Bruxelles, capitale de la Belgique.
  • Le traité a accordé à la Suisse son indépendance et sa neutralité
  • Rainier III a transformé Monaco en centre financier et touristique, et il a créé Monte Carlo.


German 1

German 1 - Week 1

Learning Goal: I can talk about food and grocery shopping in German

Estimated Time for The Week: 100 minutes (approx. 20 minutes a day)

Learn & Practice:

  • Watch The video about food and groceries.
  • Practice vocabulary with sentences about “Inge in the kitchen”. Put the sentences in the correct order based off of what Inge does. (5 activities listed)


  • Identify vocabulary “Inge went grocery shopping”. Match the pictures to the words of the items that Inge purchased. (8 items listed)

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Listen to the audio “Breakfast” Match the picture that coordinates best with what Emma, Nicco and Lisa eat for breakfast.
  • Answer the 4 questions by unscrambling the words to form logical sentences. Remember that gern/nicht gern always follow the conjugated verb!
  • Listen to the questions, then try to answer by speaking (not typing) a sentence in German. Then listen to the audio example and rate yourself on how you did! You can play these over as many times as you like for practice.

Check Your Understanding:

  • Read the text “Inge was at the market”. Read about her trip to the market, then determine what items she did not find there!
  • Look at the pictures of side dishes. Guess which items are what. Remember a lot of words in German are cognates, so the English word might look or sound very similar!

Culture and/or Extended Writing:

  • Read the paragraph about authentic food and drinks in Germany. Then, try your best to answer the 4 questions that follow!

Extension and Application:

  • Create a grocery list in German for your family so that you can cook an authentic German meal.

German 2

German 2: Week 1

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learning Goals:

  • I can talk about travel.
  • I can talk about public transportation.
  • I can talk about trips in general.

Learn & Practice: (30 min.)

Video Introducing The Lesson’s Content

  • Watch the episode from Nico’s Weg Series “Unterwegs” (“On the road”). In this episode Pepe has come to take Nico back to their parents in Spain. But Nico doesn’t want to go with him. It turns into a serious argument. When the situation escalates, Max asks Pepe to leave the restaurant.

Check Your Understanding

  • Learn and Practice by completing activities 1-5 that follow the video to check your understanding and to familiarize yourself with the lesson’s vocabulary. With these activities you will activate your listening and reading skills.


  • Complete activity 6 that follows the video to answer the questions about your personal preferences about travelling and vacation. With these activities you will activate your speaking skills.


Learning Goals:

  • I can book my trip on the internet.
  • I can book my trip at a travel agency.
  • I can book my trip over the phone.

Learn & Practice: (30 min.)

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Practice by completing activities 8 and 9 that follow the video episode from Nico’s Weg Series “Unterwegs” (“On the road”). You will listen to the dialog and to the conversation with the travel agent and will answer the questions. With these activities you will activate your listening, reading and writing skills.

Extension and Application

  • Connect with a classmate over the phone and role play the dialog about how to book a flight over the phone. One of you is a travel agent and another one is a customer. In preparation, review the dialog between Nico and Lisa. With these activities you will activate your speaking skills.


Learning Goals:

  • I can ask for information about the hotel rooms in German language.
  • I can book a room at a hotel in a German-speaking country.
  • I can tell what hotel employees do.

Learn & Practice: (30 min.)

Video Introducing The Lesson’s Content

  • Watch the episode from Nico’s Weg Series “Im Hotel” (“At the Hotel”). In this episode Pepe decides to stay in the city for now and looks for a hotel room. But when he tries to use his credit card to pay for the room, the card is rejected …

Check Your Understanding

  • Learn and Practice by completing activities 1-5 that follow the video to check your understanding and to familiarize yourself with the lesson’s vocabulary. With these activities you will activate your listening and reading skills.

Extension and Application

  • Imagine that you have won first prize in a crossword puzzle competition and get to go to a spa with one other person for three nights for free. You reserve your room by telephone. Listen to the receptionist’s questions and answer in complete sentences.


Learning Goals:

  • I can understand directions in the target language.
  • I can follow directions in German in order to find a place I am looking for.
  • I can tell what hotel employees do.

Learn & Practice: (30 min.)

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the dialogue between the receptionist and Pepe. Pepe wanted to go to his room, but couldn't find it. He asks for help. Answer the questions that follow.

Check Your Understanding

  • Learn and Practice by completing activities 8 and 9 that follow the video episode from Nico’s Weg Series “Im Hotel” (“In the Hotel”). You will listen to the dialog and to the spoken directions and will answer questions. With these activities you will activate your listening, reading and writing skills.

Read the receptionist’s job description and answer the questions to demonstrate your understanding about what hotel employees do.

German 3

German 3 Week 1

Learning Goal: I can talk about the environment

I can talk about environmental problems

I can make suggestions for protecting the environment

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 10 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Learn the vocab Mensch und Umwelt, (Deutsch lernen, Nicos Weg, B1, Chapter 11, Mensch und Umwelt, Wortschatz) then practice and test your memory by using the flashcards and games on (Mosaik 3 Kapitel 4).
  • Build your vocabulary skills by using this site for 10 minutes 3-5 times a week.

Critical Thinking

  • Consider the following questions:
    • What are some environmental problems?
    • What are some solutions?
    • How can we achieve these solutions?

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen and watch the episode from the Nicos Weg Series, Mensch und Umwelt. ( Deutsch lernen, Nicos Weg B1, Chapter 11, Mensch und Umwelt). Watch as many times as you need.
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • In German write down what you think the main idea is.

Check Your Understanding

  • Complete activities 1-2 (Übungen) that follow the above-mentioned video to check your understanding and to familiarize yourself with the lesson’s vocabulary. With these activities you will activate your listening and reading skills.

Extension and Application

  • Choose one aspect of the environment or environmental protection that interests you and create a list or drawing on your initiatives.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Discover environmental protection groups (Umweltschutzorganisationen) in Germany, such as (optional:


  • Create a Digital Learning Log (paper or Google document). Write notes about the most important things you learned this week. Share with your classmates or teacher.


Latin 1

Latin 1 - Week 1

Learning goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing the grammatical structures you have learned

Estimated time for week: 2.5 hours

Learn and Practice

Reading and critical thinking

Refer to Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to Stage 10

Reading and critical thinking:

  • Translate into English the model sentences on pp 132-5
  • Use the model sentences to answer the following questions:
    • What is happening?
    • Who are the major characters?
    • What job occupations are being shown/discussed?
    • What did the Romans think about the Greeks and vice versa?
  • Listen to the video on Cambridge Elevate entitled Controversia Intro
  • Read pg 138 and digest the material regarding pronouns
  • Navigate to Controversia section under the Explore the Story section
    • Translate into good English while taking note of pronouns

Test your vocabulary:

  • Use the “Test Your Vocabulary” section to quiz yourself on the vocabulary for this stage
  • Write 2 sentences in Latin using both pronouns and comparatives
  • 3 times a week for 5 minutes, review the vocabulary for the stage including pronouns

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Choose Controversia under the Explore the Story section
    • Click on “listen” at the top
    • Click on the first line of the story, which will play the entire story
    • Listen to the entire story without reading. Try to pick out specific words or phrases and write them down
      • Now read the story and check what you’ve written down

Extension and application:

  • Choose one of the lines of the story you have translated and write a short paragraph about which aspects of Roman culture it reflects.


  • Research the importance of rhetoric and rhetoricians in Rome.
  • Answer the following question: Why was it important for Patrician men to be skilled in the field of rhetoric?


In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 2

Latin 2: Week I

Learning Goal: I can read and translate Latin stories. I can pick out participles. I can conjugate verbs and decline nouns. (ongoing)

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the model sentences in the web book (pages 3-5) on the Cambridge Elevate site and translate into English. Using the “Explore The Story” section on the Cambridge Elevate site listen to the story fons sacer and translate using the read section for any help with the vocabulary. Listen to the story Lucius Marcus Memor and translate the story again using the read section of the Cambridge Elevate web site.
  • Using the model sentences, answer these questions.
    • Who’s at work?
    • What are they doing?
    • What groups of people are working? Make a list.
    • What happens to the architect and why?
    • Describe the personalities of these people in one sentence.

Check Your Understanding

  • Use the test your vocabulary section on the web site to review the vocabulary for stage 21.
  • Make a list of the new characters introduced in the sections above and write a sentence describing their personalities from what you have read so far.
  • Practice by doing the test your vocabulary on the web site of Cambridge elevate.
  • Practice grammar and conjugation: Using the explore the story section on the Cambridge Elevate site listen to the story fons sacer and translate using the read section for any help with the vocabulary. Listen to the story Lucius Marcus Memor and translate the story again using the read section of the Cambridge Elevate web site.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation.

Login link

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to fons sacer and Lucius Marcus Memor again.
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • Write down 10 derivatives from the derive sections of the explore the story.

Extension and Application

  • Choose a line from one of the stories you have read this week. Draw a picture illustrating it.


  • Quizlet link
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use ___ (free app) to build your vocabulary skills.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Research the following terms associated with this stage: Haruspex, augur. pontifex Maximus
  • Read the cultural information in the text pg. 14-21 writing down and defining new cultural terms.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 3-4

Latin 3-4 Week 1

Learning goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing the grammatical structures you have learned

Estimated time for week: 2.5 hours

Learn and Practice:

Reading and critical thinking:

  • Refer to Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to Stage 26
    • Read and digest pg 94
  • Translate the sentences under numbers 2 and 3
    • Read and digest pg 96
  • Put into your own words what gerundives are
  • Translate sentences under #3
  • Navigate to “Explore the Story” section and click on Adventus Agricolae
  • Translate the story into English

Check for understanding

  • Reread your translations and check for grammatical errors

Test your vocabulary

  • Use the “Test Your Vocabulary” section to quiz yourself on the vocabulary for this stage
  • Write 2 sentences in Latin using purpose clauses
  • 3 times a week for 5 minutes, review the vocabulary for the stage including pronouns

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Choose Adventus Agricolae under the Explore the Story section
    • Click on “listen” at the top
    • Click on the first line of the story, which will play the entire story
    • Listen to the entire story without reading. Try to pick out specific words or phrases and write them down
  • Now read the story and check what you’ve written down

Extension and application:

  • Choose one of the lines of the story you have translated and write a short paragraph about which aspects of Roman culture it reflects.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.


  • Research common abbreviations used in Latin inscriptions
  • Research the importance of farmers in early Rome (509-300 BC)
    • Beyond supplying food, what key role did farmers play as citizens?

AP Courses

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