
Grades 6-12

Week 1: April 6-10

Sample Daily Schedule

Expand Your Course For Great Things To Learn This Week

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

6th Grade Math

Learning Goal:

I can understand and apply the three measures of central tendency; mean, median, and mode. I can also create box plots and use them to interpret data.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 45 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

  • Measures of central tendency; mean, median,and mode is our first focus.
  • How do I use this information?
    • Data is used to gather information so people can make informed decisions.
    • Your task is to create a survey over what your friends and family members are doing during social distancing.
    • If you have a home printer, you can print out this form to complete. If you don’t have the ability to print the paper, you can use KAMI to draw directly on the paper. You can write the information on your own paper.
    • Share your results when you check in with your teachers this week.
  • Our next skill is learning about box plots.
    • Begin with this video, remembering to take some notes as you watch, followed by completing these 4 practice problems.
    • Try your hand at making your own box plots with this interactive from Discovery Education.
      • If you need help with the interactive, there is a question mark button in the upper right hand corner for hints and tricks.
      • Don’t just press the buttons, try and make the connections between the data and the display.
    • Box Plots are also referred to as box-and-whisker graphs. When you meet with your teacher, tell them why you think they are called box-and-whisker graphs.
  • After you are comfortable creating box-plots, step away from technology and go old school!
    • Study the information provided here to create box plots and compare data about three basketball players; Lebron James, Carmelo Anthony and Rajon Rondo.
    • Check how you did by looking at the key AFTER you have completed the lesson.
  • Want to learn more about your favorite basketball player? Discovery Education has live stats for the NBA and WNBA players!
  • Let’s finish this week with a little fresh air and exercise.
    • Get your family members involved as you do some jumping jacks or jump rope.
    • Record the information here, remember each person is a seperate set of data.
    • CHALLENGE: Do this weekly and see how your numbers improve!

We look forward to checking in with you all this week! Be sure and check your school email for more information. ~ Your 6th Grade Teachers.

Pre-AP Pre-Algebra

Learning Goal:

I can calculate with rational numbers using properties and order of operations. I can calculate and generate equivalent expressions in real world mathematical problems.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

  • This week we are going to review some skills we learned earlier this year. This will help you as we work from home the next few weeks.
  • SolveMe Mobiles is a fun activity that will get your brain in gear!
    • Select play and solve the mobiles.
    • Your goal is to solve 3 “Explorer” mobiles, 5 “Puzzler” mobiles, and 3 “Master" puzzles.
  • Watch the video Expressions with rational numbers, taking notes as you watch. Then test your knowledge on Quizizz. Try it a second time to see if you can beat your score!
  • Absolute Value is a ‘valuable’ skill moving forward.
  • It is important that you are able to identify equivalent expressions. This is an expression that has the same value, but written different ways.
  • Your final review skill this week is Order of Operations.

Pre AP Pre Algebra Challenge

You would like to grow your hoodie empire and fashion brand. You decide to throw a sale to create interest, hire a social media account manager & sales employees. Can you afford all this?! The deadline to pay your first set of bills is one hour need to have your profits figured out by then.

This has been a new experience for us all this week and you are doing amazing! We can’t wait to check in with you all this week! Be sure and check your school email for more information. ~ Your Pre AP Pre Algebra Teachers.

7th Grade Math

Learning Goal:

I can add, subtract, multiply and divide integers (positive and negative numbers) to solve problems.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

This has been a new experience for all of us this week and you are doing amazing! We can’t wait to check in with you all this week! Be sure and check your school email for more information. ~Your 7th Grade Teachers.

8th Grade Math

Learning Goal:

I can use probability to solve problems and make predictions. Learn how probability is used in the world around you.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Many events can’t be predicted with total certainty. Take a look to see the different types of probability and complete some practice problems.
  • It’s time to take what you’ve learned through a Series of Coin Tosses.
    • You will need to recruit a partner for this activity. Get a family member or get with a friend through a virtual connection.
    • Each of you will need a coin, it doesn’t have to be the same coin.
    • Coin Toss 1 (Pages 1 & 2): How many tosses does it take to come up heads?
    • Coin Toss 2 (Pages 3 & 4): Toss a coin 10 times. What is the outcome of each series of tosses?
    • Make sure you fill out the information and answer the follow up questions.
  • Theoretical vs Experimental probability
  • The virtual experiment is now a real experiment in your house with Flipping a Coin
    • What is the theoretical probability of getting tails on a coin toss? On 10 coin tosses? 20? 50?
    • What actually happens when you toss the coin? What happens after 10 tosses? 20? 50?
    • Make a prediction based on your experiment. How many tails would you get in 100 tosses?
  • Putting everything you learned about probability this week, try this variety of practice problems.
    • Go to Delta Math and complete 8: Probability Practice.
    • Registering at Delta Math.
      • New user at Delta Math
        • Click Create Account, Select Student
        • Teacher code is 860353
        • Your email should be your Edmond email account
        • Period: 8th Grade
      • Existing Delta Math Users
        • Sign in to your account
        • Go to TOOLS
        • Teacher Code is 860353
        • Period: 8th Grade
    • Probability Practice at Quizizz is a fun way to review. Can you beat your score on a second attempt?

This has been a new experience for all of us and you are doing amazing! We can’t wait to check in with you all this week! Be sure and check your school email for more information. ~ Your Pre Algebra Teachers.

Algebra 1 (Pre AP and On-Level)

Learning Goal:

I can solve equations and graph linear equations.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 8 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

  • Let’s begin the week by reviewing 2 step equations.
  • Equations with distributive property is the next skill you need to review.
    • Start by watching this video from Discovery Education and write down the examples that are used in the video to help you learn.
    • This is followed by a few practice problems on Delta Math website, the assignment is titled: A1: Multi-Step Equations.
  • Registering at Delta Math.
    • New user at Delta Math
    • Click Create Account, Select Student
    • Teacher code is 860353
    • Your email should be your Edmond email account
    • Period: Algebra 1
    • Existing Delta Math Users
    • Sign in to your account
    • Go to TOOLS
    • Teacher Code is 860353
    • Period: Algebra 1
  • Multi-step equations are up next.
    • This Discovery Education video will help you brush up on these skills.
    • Practice these same type problems at Delta Math, the assignment is named A1:Multi-Step Equations 2.
  • One? None? Many? That is the question you will answer today!
    • This Khan Academy series has four videos and two sets of questions for you to answer. As you answer the questions, take advantage of the try again and get help features.
  • Let’s do a review of graphing linear equations.

Need an outlet for your artistic abilities? Win up to $500 for an original design using the Desmos graphing Calculator in the first-ever Desmos Global Math Art Competition!

Pre AP Algebra 1 Challenge:

Let’s go on a treasure hunt with this Equations Expedition!

  • Start by going to the Infernal Mountains, there you will find your first clue.
  • Once you have solved this puzzle, click on the pirate to enter your answer to get your next clue.
  • When you have solved the puzzle from the pirate, click on the forest to enter your answer. A correct answer will get you the next clue!
  • Now that you know the secret of the forest, whisper this in the ear of the skull guarding the rocks for your next clue.
  • When you have solved his puzzle, jump aboard the pirate ship for your next clue.
  • Almost there...X marks the spot for the final answer!

We look forward to checking in with you all this week! Be sure and check your school email for more information. ~ Your Algebra 1 Teachers.

Geometry (Pre AP and On-Level)

Learning Goal:

I can classify quadrilaterals. I can find the area of parallelograms, triangles, trapezoids, rhombi, and kites.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 45 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

  • Let's begin the week by learning how to classify quadrilaterals.
  • Our next focus will be on learning how to find the area of a parallelogram and a triangle.
  • Keep up the good work! We know that distance learning is new for us all and you are doing amazing!
  • Let’s take a look at triangles and their area.
    • This is a series from Khan Academy that consists of three videos. Each video is followed by four to eight practice problems.
    • If you are familiar with finding the area of triangles, you can do the practice problems only. They are identified by a pencil icon in the series.
  • We will wrap up this week with the area of trapezoids, rhombi, and kites.

Need an outlet for your artistic abilities? Win up to $500 for an original design using the Desmos graphing Calculator in the first-ever Desmos Global Math Art Competition!

Pre AP Geometry Challenge:

All you wanted was a trip to the movies with your friends! What are all these quadrilaterals doing here?

We look forward to checking in with you all this week! Be sure and check your school email for more information. ~ Your Geometry Teachers

Intermediate Algebra

Learning Goal:

I can read, analyze, represent and interpret data.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 40 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

  • Let’s begin the week by reminding ourselves what data is.
    • Read and study the notes over What is Data?. Make sure to click on the examples and answer the “Youu Tooo” questions at the end of the page.
    • Now that you remember what data is, let’s review how to find the measures of central tendencies of that data. Read this review and make sure to do the practice opportunities as you read.
    • Now you remember the basics! Complete these 7 practice problems.
  • Our next focus will be remembering all about box and whisker plots. We will be using these in a fun project coming up next week.
    • Read this Box Plot Review and try the problems in the review.
    • It’s time to do some practice. Go to where you will find two assignments: IA: Interpreting Box Plots and IA: Creating a Box Plot.
    • Registering at Delta Math.
      • New user at Delta Math
      • Click Create Account, Select Student
      • Teacher code is 860353
      • Your email should be your Edmond email account
      • Period: Intermediate Algebra
      • Existing Delta Math Users
      • Sign in to your account
      • Go to TOOLS
      • Teacher Code is 860353
      • Period: Intermediate Algebra
    • If you want or need extra practice creating box plots, do this interactive at Discovery Education. Don’t just press the buttons, look to see the connections between the data and the display.
  • Another day… another data representation! We will also be using Stem and Leaf Plots in our upcoming project.
    • Read this Stem and Leaf Plots Review and then practice what you have learned.
    • Reflect on how this week is going for you and share your successes with your teacher next time you check in. We are so proud of your desire to learn and we want you to keep up the good work!
  • Now it’s time to look at Histograms.
  • Finally we will wrap up the week by looking at Dot Plots and Frequency Distributions.
    • There is, of course, a great review on Khan Academy here (I know it’s a lot of Khan Academy but it’s so good!). It also includes some great practice problems here Reading Dot Plots and Frequency Tables.
    • How many letters? This CK12 Activity is an interactive that provides a great visual on dot plots. Make sure you go through the entire page and answer the questions.
    • Why do you need dot plots? Study sleep cycles on this CK12 Activity.

Need an outlet for your artistic abilities? Win up to $500 for an original design using the Desmos graphing Calculator in the first-ever Desmos Global Math Art Competition!

You did it! You finished your first week on Statistics! Next week we will take a brief look at correlation vs. causation as well as random sampling before diving into a fun project about US Presidents.

We look forward to hearing about your progress this week. Be sure to reach out to your Intermediate Algebra teachers if you have any questions or need further explanation. We are here for you!!!

Algebra 2 (Pre AP and On-Level)

Learning Goal:

I can simplify, multiply and divide rational numbers.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 45 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

  • Let’s begin the week by learning and practicing how to simplify rational expressions.
    • Watch this video first, taking notes to help you with the practice problems.
    • This is followed by a few practice problems on Delta Math website. The assignment is titled: A2: Simplifying Rational Expressions.
  • Registering at Delta Math.
    • New user at Delta Math
    • Click Create Account, Select Student
    • Teacher code is 860353
    • Your email should be your Edmond email account
    • Period: Algebra 2
    • Existing Delta Math Users
    • Sign in to your account
    • Go to TOOLS
    • Teacher Code is 860353
    • Period: Algebra 2
  • Our next focus is multiplying rational expressions.
  • The partner to multiplication is division, so we are heading there next.
    • Begin by watching this video and taking down any notes you feel would help you with the practice problems.
    • Next try these two sets of practice problems. The first is from Khan Academy and the second is from Schmoop! Both practice sets will provide you with feedback if you have problems or get stuck.
  • Now, let’s review multiplying and dividing rational expressions.
    • Fun Fact: this review video has been created by one of EPS’ Algebra 2 teachers.
    • There are some skills that you learned earlier in the year that come in helpful with multiplying and dividing rational expressions that are also addressed in her video.
    • Once you are ready, head back to Delta Math and complete the assignment A2: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions.
  • Why do we need to know this?
    • See how rational expressions are used to estimate how much Americans spend while traveling in different countries.
    • Can you find other situations that use rational expressions? Do your research and let your Algebra 2 teachers know when you check in with them this week!
  • Extension Prove that each row of expressions are equivalent to each other.
    • Be prepared to show off your amazing skills and share how you proved their equivalencies when you check in with teachers and classmates.
    • Write it down on your own paper, print it off at home or open in KAMI to annotate on the PDF.

Need an outlet for your artistic abilities? Win up to $500 for an original design using the Desmos graphing Calculator in the first-ever Desmos Global Math Art Competition!

Pre AP Algebra 2 Challenge:

  • The ACT is key to college acceptance.
    • Begin by taking this Math Practice Test. There are 60 questions, the time limit is 60 minutes and you may use a calculator (scientific or graphing, no CAS).
    • Check your answers to the test here. Each problem has been worked out for you to help you better understand how to solve each question.
    • Learn how your practice test score correlates to an ACT math score with this document.
    • For further information about the ACT, this ACT Test Booklet provides a wealth of information about the test for you and your family.

We look forward to checking in with you all this week! Be sure and check your school email for more information. ~ Your Algebra 2 Teachers

College Algebra

Learning Goal:

I can use and define ★ Inverse Functions, ★Absolute Value Inequalities and ★Imaginary Numbers.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 40 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

Need an outlet for your artistic abilities? Win up to $500 for an original design using the Desmos graphing Calculator in the first-ever Desmos Global Math Art Competition!

Want to earn college credit while at home? Use this link to find study material to help prepare you for a College Algebra CLEP test. Find sample test questions here.

If you have questions over this week’s topics or need additional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We miss you all! ~Your College Algebra Teachers

Math of Finance

Learning Goal:

I can Identify and explain types of taxes (e.g., personal income, sales, and property taxes) and explain the reasons for taxation at the local, state, and federal levels (e.g., roads, water and sanitation services, social services, schools, and law enforcement).

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Complete the introduction module for understanding taxes by clicking here . This module will take you through four sections to begin to understand taxes. Follow the steps for the module sections listed below:
    • Prepare
    • Learn
    • Reflect
    • Challenge
  • Read the information about understanding taxes by clicking here . Complete the following sections on the page, including the skill check.
    • Tax Tutorial
    • Fact Sheet
    • Simulation
    • Assessment
  • Discuss information about taxes with your friends or family members. Use the following questions as a starting point for your discussions.
    • Who taught your parent/guardian about taxes and how to file?
    • Have your friends filed taxes before? What did they find easy/hard?
    • When will you have to file taxes?
    • If you have to file a tax return this year, then ask how you can be part of the process and start learning?

To extend your learning about personal finances go to Earning Power: More Than a Paycheck and complete the first module: Money Management: Control Your Cash Flow.

We look forward to checking in with you this week! Be sure and check your school email for more information. ~ Your Math of Finance teachers!

Pre Calculus & Trigonometry (Pre AP and On-Level)

Learning Goal:

I can write and solve problems involving sequences and series. I can also use the counting principle to determine the possible solutions in a given scenario.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Watch the instructional video over Arithmetic Sequences. Take notes as you watch the video to help you solidify your knowledge. Then try this practice page to see if you are comfortable with these types of problems. Here are some typed out notes for your reference: Arithmetic Sequences notes
  • Think for a minute about adding a sequence of numbers together. For instance, before you watch the next video...What is the sum of 1-100? Spend 5 minutes and think about the answer, try and come up with multiple ways you could figure this out. Then when you think you have an answer, watch this Arithmetic Series video, taking notes as you watch the video.
  • Now, using what you learned in the video above, find the answers to this color by number page. Once you have it colored, share your picture with a classmate and compare your answers/colors! (You can share it with your teacher too! We would love to see what you have done!) If you don’t have the ability to print the paper, you can use KAMI to draw directly on the paper.
  • View this video on Geometric Sequences to see the differences between adding the same number every time and multiplying by the same value each time. Then try these practice problems and check your answers to see how you did! Here are some typed out notes for your reference: Geometric Sequences notes
  • Earlier we learned about Arithmetic Series, we also want to so let’s learn about Geometric Series. Check out this video on Geometric Series. Then go to and enter the code: 075059 to practice. Good luck!
  • Finish the week with some counting! Watch this quick video on the Principles of Counting. Then try these 4 practice problems to make sure you understand how to apply the principle.

Need an outlet for your artistic abilities? Win up to $500 for an original design using the Desmos graphing Calculator in the first-ever Desmos Global Math Art Competition!

Pre AP Pre Calculus Challenge:

You told your mom you were up, but hit the snooze instead. Now, she has left and set the alarm! If you try to leave without the code, you will set it off and she will know. You must collect all your belongings, find the alarm code and get to school on time.

We have come to the end of week 1 in our Continuous Learning Plan. While we miss seeing you in class, we do want you to keep moving forward with your math knowledge! Next week we will be continuing with Permutations, Combinations, Probability, and the Binomial Expansion Theorem.

Remember: You can contact your teacher at any time via email. If you have questions or just want to hear from us, we would love to connect with you!


Learning Goal:

I can use and define ★ Inverse Functions, ★Absolute Value Inequalities and ★Imaginary Numbers.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 40 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

As we finish this school year we are going to take time to review your Algebra skills so that you can be prepared to take the College Algebra CLEP test.

Need an outlet for your artistic abilities? Win up to $500 for an original design using the Desmos graphing Calculator in the first-ever Desmos Global Math Art Competition!

Want to earn college credit while at home? Use this link to find study material to help prepare you for a College Algebra CLEP test. Find sample test questions here.

If you have questions over this week’s topics or need additional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We miss you all! ~Your Calculus Teachers

AP Courses

View the AP page and College Board Website.