Compare & Contrast

Key Questions

  • How are the stories similar? How can we compare the stories?
  • How are the stories different? How can we contrast the stories?
  • Compare & Contrast: Settings, Characters, Plots, Problems, Solutions, Points of View, Themes, etc.


Intro: Compare & Contrast

Compare & Contrast: Fiction

How to Use a Venn Diagram


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Compare & Contrast Vocabulary

Pick 2 colors to highlight similarities & differences.

1. Read the story(s).

2. Identify components (settings, characters, plot major events, point of view, theme, genre, mood).

  • Compare: Identify & highlight similarities in 1st color.
  • Contrast: Identify & highlight differences in 2nd color.
  • Look for key words to help!

3. Organize similarities & differences using a venn-diagram.

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