Visual Arts
Ceramics 1
AR4X11S1 or AR4X11S2 PREREQUISITE: NoneGRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation Students will spend the semester learning the basics of creating functional hand-built and wheel-thrown pottery. The students will explore a variety of decorative techniques. Students will also be introduced to sculpture.Ceramics 1
Ceramics 2
AR4X12S1 or AR4X12S2Ceramics 2
PREREQUISITE: Ceramics 1 *GRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation Students will expand their skills in both hand-built and wheel-thrown pottery. The students will study both realistic and abstract sculpture.
Ceramics 3
AR4X13S1 or AR4X13S2Ceramics 3
PREREQUISITE: Ceramics II *GRADE: 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation Students will continue to build on their functional and sculptural ceramic skills. The students will begin to develop an individual style as they refine their skills.
Ceramics 4
AR4X14S1 or AR4X14S2 PREREQUISITE: Ceramics 3 *GRADE: 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation Students will choose an area of interest, either sculptural or functional. A portfolio will be developed in a self-directed manner. Students will also study, analyze, and reflect on the work of artists who have or are creating work of interest to them.Ceramics 4
Digital Photography 1
AR4X31S1 or AR4X31S2 PREREQUISITE: NoneGRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: PeriodicallyFEE: Suggested DonationDigital Photography 1
Students will create photographs through the use of a digital camera and computer software. They will learn techniques for taking photos (from composition to camera settings), then use Adobe Photoshop to edit their images. Projects will be based around exploring photography as an expressive art form.
Digital Photography 2
AR4X32S1 or AR4X32S2Digital Photography 2
PREREQUISITE: Digital Photography 1 *GRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: PeriodicallyFEE: Suggested Donation Students will build on the knowledge of techniques and skills in digital design and technology learned in Digital Photography I. Students will explore advanced experimental editing photographic techniques in Adobe Photoshop with digital photographs. Students in this course will be expected to provide a digital camera and have a thorough understanding of basic digital photo processes.
Digital Photography 3
AR4X34S1 and AR4X34S2Digital Photography 3
PREREQUISITE: Digital Photography 1, 2 *GRADE: 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: PeriodicallyFEE: Suggested Donation Students will build on the knowledge of skills and techniques learned in Digital Photography II to create theme-based work. Students will create digital photographs through emphasis on individual ideas, exploration, and advanced experimental editing.
Digital Art and Design
AR4X33S1 or AR4X33S2Digital Art and Design
PREREQUISITE: NoneGRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation Students will learn the basics of digital fine art creation through collage, graphic design, animation and illustration. In addition to creating works of art using industry standard digital technology (Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator), students will also learn traditional art concepts such as composition, elements and principles of art, and critiquing.
Drawing and Painting 1
AR4X41S1 or AR4X41S2Drawing and Painting 1
PREREQUISITE: NoneGRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation Students will learn the basics of representational drawing and painting from life. Students will draw and paint from still life, the human figure, and landscapes. Drawing materials will include pencil, charcoal, pastel, pen and ink. Painting materials will include watercolor and acrylic paint.
Drawing and Painting 2
AR4X42S1 or AR4X42S2Drawing and Painting 2
PREREQUISITE: Drawing and Painting 1 *GRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation Students will continue to expand their knowledge of drawing and painting media and techniques learned in Drawing and Painting I with an emphasis on mixed media. Students will create a portfolio of mixed media theme-based works. Printmaking and sculpture will also be introduced.
Drawing and Painting 3
AR4X43S1 or AR4X43S2Drawing and Painting 3
PREREQUISITE: Drawing and Painting 2 *GRADE: 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation
Students will use various art media to creatively solve artistic theme problems. Media combination and experimentation will be encouraged and the works of various artists throughout history will be studied to facilitate the development of individual artistic style.
Drawing and Painting 4
AR4X44S1 or AR4X44S2Drawing and Painting 4
PREREQUISITE: Drawing and Painting 3 *GRADE: 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: MinimalFEE: Suggested Donation Students will use combined media to create works of art that show individual artistic style. In addition to enhancing their own styles, students will continue their study of artists throughout history.
Dark Room Photography 1
AR4X21S1 or AR4X21S2Dark Room Photography 1
PREREQUISITE: NoneGRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: PeriodicallyFEE: Suggested Donation Students will learn all of the basics of 35mm camera operation and photo creation. They will learn to develop 35mm film prints. Emphasis will be placed on creating artistic photographs using the elements of art; value, composition, clarity, and presentation will be stressed. Registrants for this course will be expected to provide a 35mm camera with manual light and speed adjustments
Dark Room Photography 2
AR4X22S1 or AR4X22S2Dark Room Photography 2
PREREQUISITE: Photography 1 *GRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: PeriodicallyFEE: Suggested Donation Students will continue to expand their skills in creating black and white photographs. Emphasis will be placed on the value, clarity, composition, and presentation of each photograph. Students will create a personal theme-based portfolio, using photo-altering techniques. Registrants for this course will be expected to provide a 35mm camera with manual light and speed adjustments.
Dark Room Photography 3
AR4X23S1 or AR4X23S2Dark Room Photography 3
PREREQUISITE: Photography 2 *GRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: PeriodicallyFEE: Suggested Donation Students will build on the information they learned in Photography II. Students will develop a theme-based portfolio and explore various experimental photographic techniques. Registrants for this course will be expected to provide a 35mm camera with manual light and speed adjustments.
AP Studio Art 2D
AR4X81S1 and AR4X81S2AP Studio Art 2D
PREREQUISITE: Drawing and Painting 1 and 2 *GRADE: 10, 11, 12LENGTH: Full Year, S1 and S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: OftenFEE: None AP Studio Art is centered on the completion of student portfolios rather than a comprehensive written exam. To receive college credit for the course, students will complete and submit to the College Board for review a portfolio of visual works created during the course. The portfolio will contain 3 sections required by the College Board: Quality (technical mastery and ability with materials), Breadth (demonstrating a wide range of experience), and Concentration (a series, themed/related in-depth works). Portfolios must also contain written documentation related to the student’s artistic process and purpose for each piece; all parts of the portfolio will be assessed in May. Students will have choice of materials used in the completion of their portfolios. Students should expect to spend approximately 4-5 hours per week outside of class working on their portfolios.
AP Studio Art 3D
AR4X82S1 and AR4X82S2AP Studio Art 3D
PREREQUISITE: Ceramics 1 and 2 *GRADE: 10, 11, 12LENGTH: Full Year, S1 and S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: OftenFEE: None
This rigorous year-long art course offers potential college credit and is designed for serious, motivated art students. AP Studio Art is centered on the completion of student portfolios rather than a comprehensive written exam. To receive college credit for the course, students will complete and submit to the College Board for review a portfolio of visual works created during the course. The portfolio will contain 3 sections required by the College Board: Quality (technical mastery and ability with materials), Breadth (demonstrating a wide range of experience), and Concentration (a series, themed/related in-depth works). Portfolios must also contain written documentation related to the student’s artistic process and purpose for each piece; all parts of the portfolio will be assessed in May. Students will have choice of materials used in the completion of their portfolios. Students should expect to spend approximately 4-5 hours per week outside of class working on their portfolios.
Video Production 1
AR4X35S1 or AR4X35S2PREREQUISITE: NoneGRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12LENGTH: 1 Semester, S1 or S2MEETS REQUIREMENT FOR: Fine Arts ElectiveOUT OF CLASS WORK: PeriodicallyFEE: None Video Production I is an introductory course designed to provide students with an artistic and historical background of video creation. Students will learn the basics of shooting their own videos from pre-production (script writing and storyboarding) to production (video camera use, lighting, camera angles, audio) to post production (video editing). Students will work individually and collaboratively in groups to create different types of videos. Video Production 1