What is TIA?

In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature created the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) as part of HB3 to provide additional funding for highly effective teachers. The program focuses on prioritizing teaching in high-needs areas and rural school districts and rewarding high-performing teachers.  

The ultimate goal is to recognize and reward effective teaching and incentivize outstanding teachers to remain in the classroom and improve student outcomes.

Who is eligible for TIA in Edgewood?

All Edgewood ISD teachers Pre K- 12 will be eligible.

Eligibility for TIA Designation in Edgewood

What are the TIA teacher designations?

How are designations calculated?

Teacher Observation- 40%

TIA establishes a priority emphasis on the Instruction (Domain 2) and Learning Environment (Domain 3) domains of the T-TESS evaluation. 

To be eligible for a TIA designation, teachers must earn a rating of proficient or higher on each of the eight dimensions measured across Domains 2 and 3. In addition, based on an analysis of statewide T-TESS observation data, TEA has identified the following average scores across Domains 2 and 3 of T-TESS:

● Recognized designation  3.7

 ● Exemplary designation  3.9

 ● Master designation  4.5

More information can be found in TEA’s Teacher Observation Performance Standards document.

Student Growth- 60%

To be eligible for a TIA designation, teachers must have student growth data from a TIA-eligible course during the data capture year.

TEA established these expectations based on statewide performance expectations:

● Recognized designation ≥   55%

● Exemplary designation >0% 

● Master designation 70%

More information can be found in TEA’s Student Growth Performance Standards document.

What are the combined designation cut scores to designate in Edgewood?

Recognized: 62.6

Exemplary:   67.2

Master:          78

Note: To designate, teachers must meet the minimum cut score in both their student growth and T-TESS observation to be eligible for designation

What is the timeline of events of TIA for EISD?

April 2024 --Application turned in to TIA

August 2024- June 2025--Data capture

October 2025--Data & Designations submitted to TIA

November 2025--Designation fees due to TIA, $500 per designee

February 2026--We will be notified if our data is accepted

April 2026--Designations approved by the State. 

August 2026--District must expend what is in allotment

September 2026--The State will settle up with the designation fees from November 2025 & the designation awards of August 2026.

What is the district's spending plan?

Spending Plan 

TIA Allotments per Campus :

The TIA program is available to all Texas school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. The amount of TIA funds generated is determined by a formula that considers campus characteristics, including student socioeconomic status and location: 

● Schools with more significant student needs (based on socioeconomic factors) generate more TIA funds per TIA-designated teacher. 

● Rural schools generate more TIA funds per TIA-designated teacher based on a higher multiplier applied to students based on socioeconomic factors.

 ● The amount of funds/allotments changes yearly based on enrollment and rural status. 

Please visit TEA's Teacher Incentive Allotment page for more information about the TIA allotment calculations. Allotment amounts are recalculated by TEA every April. 

Distribution of TIA Compensation 

The statute requires that 90% of TIA funds be distributed directly to teachers, and up to 10% can be spent at the district level on supporting elements of TIA. The district will use the allocation to support the costs associated with the student growth assessment software for pre and post-tests. The district will also use the allocations for managing and organizing data, certifications, designations, and consultant costs for implementing and continuously improving the Edgewood ISD TIA Local Designation System.

 In year 1, teachers will receive one lump payment by August 31.  In subsequent years the district will offer three stipends annually to designated teachers in October, May, and August.  The October and August payments will be 25% of the allotment while the May payment will be 50% of the allotment. 

Please see  Edgewood ISD's TIA Guidebook for more information on our compensation plan and disbursements.

        Click here for the most up-to-date allotment amounts on the TIA webpage.

What if I move districts or retire?



Do I have to redesignate each year?

Designations issued through a local designation system are valid for five school years. Once the designation expires, the teacher may be issued a new designation if they continue to work in a district with an approved designation system and meet the district’s performance criteria.

Teachers may only have one active designation at a time. Designated teachers working in a district with a local designation system may be put forth for a higher designation within the five-year window if they meet the district’s performance criteria. In these cases, the higher designation replaces the lower designation, and the five-year clock restarts. 

Likewise, teachers may not be put forth by a district for a lower or equal designation. 

What if I am National Board Certified?

Eligible National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) may earn a Recognized designation and generate an allotment for their district.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Recognized TIA designation, NBCTs must:

Earning Higher Designation Levels

National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) who qualify for designation through their district’s local designation system may be put forth for any level of designation. TEA will default to the higher designation, and the Recognized designation will become inactive. In the case of NBCTs with two Recognized designations, the later expiry date will apply.

Click here to learn more.

Are TIA allotments eligible for TRS?

TIA compensation stipends will be eligible when calculating retirement benefits for TRS-eligible staff. The employee's net payment will be less than all associated employee/employer-related benefits and taxes. Actual TIA compensation amounts will include deductions for federal income tax, Medicare tax, and TRS contributions as part of an employee’s annual wages reported to the state and federal governments and the Teacher Retirement System (TRS).

Can uncertified teachers earn designations?

Yes. With the passage of HB 1525 in 2021, uncertified teachers who meet their district’s performance criteria may earn designations.

What assessments will be used for TIA data collection in EISD?