Cut Scores for Designation

TIA designations are determined based on a weighted combination of the teacher observation dimensions (the eight dimensions of Domains 2 and 3), and the student growth score. 

Determining the annual teacher eligibility for a TIA designation, the following steps are completed at the district level: 

1)  Roster Verification 

2) Collection of student growth measure data of the teacher using verified student roster 

3) Collection of T-TESS summative data for Domains 2 & 3 

4) Calculation of TIA composite score. The teacher must meet the minimum cut score on their student growth and T-TESS to designate. If a teacher does not meet the minimum performance standard in the student growth or the T-TESS component,  they will not be eligible for designation.

The TIA composite score for designation is calculated using 60% of the student growth score and 40% of the T-TESS score. Once the TIA Score is calculated, the cut scores below determine the designation. If performance criteria are met, the TIA designation is submitted to the State for data review; pending TEA data validation, the TIA designation is attached to the teacher's teaching certificate for five years. 

If performance criteria are not met, the TIA designation is not submitted to the state, and the teacher has the next year to increase student growth and teacher observation scores. 

Determining cut scores using TEA's  growth targets. 

Edgewood ISD's cut scores using the 40/60 weighted model.

To designate, teachers must meet the minimum cut score in their student growth and T-TESS  observation to be eligible for designation