TEA Performance Standards

To be eligible for a TIA designation, TEA mandates that Teacher Observation and Student Growth are part of the designation system. In addition, they established performance standards for T-TESS and student growth outcomes.

Teacher Observation

TIA establishes a priority emphasis on the Instruction (Domain 2) and Learning Environment (Domain 3) domains of the T-TESS evaluation.

 To be eligible for a TIA designation, teachers must earn a rating of proficient ( Score of 3) or higher on each of the eight dimensions measured across Domains 2 and 3. In addition, based on an analysis of statewide T-TESS observation data, TEA has identified the following average scores across Domains 2 and 3 of T-TESS:

Recognized designation > 3.7 

Exemplary designation > 3.9

 Master designation > 4.5

More information can be found in TEA’s Teacher Observation Performance Standards document.

Student Growth

To be eligible for a TIA designation, teachers must have student growth data from a TIA-eligible course during the data capture year.

TEA established these expectations based on statewide performance expectations:

Recognized designation > 55%

Exemplary designation > 60% 

Master designation > 70%

More information can be found in TEA’s Student Growth Performance Standards document.

EISD uses statewide information as well as local data analysis to determine final teacher observation and student growth performance standards to be used in the local TIA designation system.