Placement Criteria

Because English studies focus on communication, with the goal of helping students communicate easily and thoughtfully with others of both similar and widely varying backgrounds and abilities, it is important that students have ample opportunities to study and practice communication in heterogeneous groupings. For this reason, while the English Department does have modified classes in Grades 7 - 9 to provide more individualized instruction for students needing greater skill development, it does not start honors-level classes until the tenth grade. At that point we consider six criteria in determining the most suitable placement for each student. In every case, our goal is to maximize a student's learning opportunities, balancing challenge with readiness and ability levels. As new placement decisions are made each year, a student may move from one level to another when appropriate. Placement in honors-level courses is based on the following criteria:

Honors Placement Criteria, English Dep't., ( revised Nov. 2019)