
Essential Standards and Overview of Courses

While addressing the Common Core Standards, the English curriculum also focuses on school-defined essential points of study. The course descriptions below give a broad overview of the topics and skill development on which we focus at each grade level.

Detailed descriptions of the different course offerings can be found on page 4 of the Curriculum Bulletin.

Statement of Practice Regarding Text Selection:

We in the English Department regard the safety and mental health and well-being of our students as the first priority in all of our practice. At the same time, we also regard as crucial the diversity of voices and stories in the texts we read and the authenticity of expression of the experiences related in the texts we read, both fiction and nonfiction. We are keenly aware that the comfort of our students and the intellectual/emotional complexity of the texts we read are sometimes at odds, yet we strive to maintain a balance between these conflicting priorities. Moreover, in keeping with the three arms of our district's goals (understanding of self, of others, and of the connection between learning and life) we try to select texts that are both appropriate and eye-opening, with the goal of fostering the critical reading and thinking skills on which our students' academic success depends. Furthermore, it is our practice to surround challenging texts with supportive material, and we engage students in discussions in which both text and context are integrated, safely exposing students to complicated histories, unfamiliar situations, and sometimes vivid details. On the departmental level we continually review our selections, discuss them at length and with vigorous discernment, focusing especially on age-appropriateness in the six different grades we teach, and make changes when necessary. In all matters regarding curriculum, our twin concerns are the wellness of students and their development into complex thinkers and global citizens. We know that all stakeholders in the community share these goals, and we thank you for your support.