Fine and Performing Arts

Colleges and universities are interested in learning more about your special talents. If you have an interest or talent that you wish to share with the schools in which you are applying, please consider the following:

Fine Arts: Students who are applying as fine arts majors will have to submit a portfolio. Many times, colleges have specific requirements as to the type of artwork they require as part of the application. Edgemont art teachers are a terrific resource to help students prepare their portfolios. Students can share their portfolios with colleges through Be aware of specific deadlines for portfolio submission.

Performing Arts: Each college has their own specific application requirements for performance majors. Many performing art majors must audition for the program at the college. Always plan ahead. Oftentimes, availability is limited. In some cases, colleges will want the applicant to submit an audition tape along with their application.

Music: Students who are applying as a music major typically have to submit a pre-screen tape. Many times, colleges have specific requirements as to the type of musical works they require as part of the application. Many music majors must audition for the program at the college. Always plan ahead. Oftentimes, availability is limited. Edgemont music teachers are a terrific resource to help students prepare for their pre-screening and auditions.

***When visiting colleges, try to make an appointment with a professor in the specific department. Speak to current students who are enrolled in the program. Take in a musical performance, art exhibit, or show. Visit the studios, facilities, and see the students at work.***