Daisy Elementary School

Why Personalized Learning for Daisy

As the world around us is changing we want to ensure our children are fully prepared for a world we could hardly imagine when we were growing up. “One-size-fits-all” education may have been sufficient years ago. It’s not now. As teachers at Daisy we look to meet the needs of each individual student by using station rotations, digital content and small group instruction.

We believe that if we motivate to inspire, then our scholars will be college and career ready.

Personalized Learning Coming to Life at Daisy

Individual Instruction

Partner Work

Student Choice

Workstation Rotation

Small Group Instruction

Daisy ES Personalized Learning Plans | SY 2018-2019

PL Team at Daisy and How We Are Supporting

PL Team at Daisy

Carolyn Chestnut- 5th Grade

Brandy Phillips- 4th Grade

Candace Ladd-4th Grade

Ashley Arthur- Instructional Coach

Michelle Dunsford- Principal

Sandy Carland- Assistant Principal

Our PL Team is Supporting PL By...

Insert examples of PDs, resources, links, etc.