Responsibilities of Institutions

John Mulcaster Carrick - Magdalen Bridge and College


This is incorporated into the Board of Senior Secondary Studies Policy and Procedures Manual under numbers 4.3.12 Academic Integrity to Penalties: Advice to Colleges.

Schools must ensure that the procedures, such as a risk assessment, are undertaken with due attention and care by the students, reviewed seriously and thoughtfully by the teacher, and records retained by the school.

R1    Establish and maintain good governance and management practices for responsible research conduct.

R2    Identify and comply with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies related to the conduct of research.

R3    Develop and maintain the currency and ready availability of a suite of policies and procedures which ensure that institutional practices

                 are consistent with the principles and responsibilities of the Code.

R4    Provide ongoing training and education that promotes and supports responsible research conduct for all researchers and those in other

                relevant roles.

R5    Ensure teachers have an understanding of the Ethical Research Principles and Guidelines and their obligations, and skills to assess risk 

                 through attending BSSS training.

R9    Facilitate the prevention and detection of potential breaches of the Ethical Research Principles and Guidelines.

R10 Provide mechanisms to receive concerns or complaints about potential breaches of the Ethical Research Principles and Guidelines.

                 Investigate and resolve potential breaches of the Ethical Research Principles and Guidelines fairly and in a timely manner using as stated

                  in the BSSS Policy and Procedure Manual processes.

In considering institutional responsibilities, please note that the Ethical Principles and Guidelines have been folded into the existing provisions for Academic Integrity. Ethical practice has been defined as being  a part of academic integrity within the BSSS Policy and Procedures Manual. As well as reflecting the ideal of good research, this was also intended to allow schools to utilise existing procedures and structures to implement these provisions.  It is expected that students will receive information about their ethical obligations within existing Academic Integrity training.  

Further, this will be particularly relevant training for teacher asked to teach out of area to ensure that they understand ethical research in an area of study with which they are less familiar. 

Activity 10.1

What recommendations would you make to your school about meeting these requirements?