Part Two

The Task Type Table

·         What is its function?

The task type table guides the development of assessment tasks within a school. 

·         How is the new task type table different to the previous version?

The new task type table makes provision for a diverse range of pedagogical approaches to engage all students. This enables schools to make decisions about assessment that address the needs of their students. Schools will decide how to guide students to meet the Achievement Standards. 

·         Why have some parameters, such as word count, been removed?

These are decisions for teachers and schools to make in regard to their context, their students and the intended task.  Schools will set word/time/content limits as is appropriate to the tasks and will allow students to meet the Achievement Standards. 

Caravaggio- Narcissus reflecting on his assessment tasks. 

Consider the additional parameters are added by this section 'Additional Assessment Information for A/T/M courses"

Considering Generative AI

The advent of sophisticated generative AI that is freely available may allow students to submit work that is not their own with very little chance of detection. This may prevent accurate measurement of student capacity. You should assume that if students take a task home that they will have used AI to assist them. You should also assume you cannot distinguish AI generated work from student work, for example, essays, scripts, adaptations, musical compositions, digital artefacts. In particular, take care with reflective and process journal writing. 

Currently, attempts to develop detection software for written work have not been successful.  Any detection software results can only be suggestive, conversations with students and procedural fair processes would have to follow.  

Consequently, you need to consider what aspect of the discipline are you trying to assess and how generative AI might impact on it. Then you can try to design tasks that focus on what you want to know about student performance while limiting interference from AI. 

Teach students to keep their research, process notes, and drafts, and submit a record of prompts used so that they  can provide evidence of process and composition if required. 

Explicitly define the appropriate use of AI in a task  and accommodate this in your rubric, e.g. AI use might mean the expectation of perfect spelling as the minimum standard, AI generated brainstorming with images

Consider increasing the weighting of  supervised in-class tasks without digital tools or with lock down browsers- in this context a prepared oral presentation is not an in-class task.  

If you are interested in exploring the implications of generative AI further, you could undertake this BSSS Professional Learning online workshop- Introduction to to AI in the ACT Senior Secondary System.

Emily Kam Kngwarray, Anwerlarr angganenty (Big Yam Dreaming), 1995,

Activity 2.1

Write a paragraph on what possibilities are opened by this more flexible approach. 

The Achievement Standards

Please note:

Different Achievement Standards (AS) for years eleven twelve. 

They reflect equivalence of achievement across subjects. 

AS are not a rubric in themselves. Rubrics will be drawn from some of the AS suitable for the intended task. All AS will be covered over the the suite of tasks. 

The Arts Framework Panel wrote the Achievement Standards considering key knowledge, understand and skills required by Arts students in years eleven and twelve. 

The grade bands are differentiated using Blooms Taxonomy and the scope of the learning demonstrated in the piece of work

Years eleven and twelve have distinct AS, as after one year of education, by year twelve, students will have enhanced skills and knowledge that are acknowledged by assessment expectations and the AS. 

The AS are the means for providing equity as all students across the jurisdiction will have the same expectations placed upon their performance regardless of the details of the task. 

The Achievement Standards describe grade bands, not scores. There is no fixed relationship between marks and grades.  Internal moderation between classes may change raw scores. 

AS are based on ACARA design specifications.

Dmitri Shostakovich pondering how to measure student achievement. 

Activity 2.2

Achievement Standards 

Write a paragraph on each question. 

Activity 2.3

Examine this suite of tasks below:   

Creativity in Dance

Creative Inquiry Task 40%

Undertake the following steps to complete the assignment. 

Group Composition Task 40%

Solo Composition task

Creativity In Drama

Research Task 20%

Write a well-researched, fully referenced essay in answer to the following question:

Critically analyse how the inclusion of First Nations experiences in Leah Purcell's 'The Drover's Wife' to the original Lawson short story has changed the audiences understanding of Australia. 

Group Creative Inquiry Task 40%

Undertake the following steps to complete the task:

Monologue and Staging Task 40%

Creativity in Music

Task One- 40%

Theory and Performance of English Folk Music


To explore and apply your musical understanding, skills and techniques to develop, refine, and present your creative work in an arrangement.

Assessment description

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the creative process, musical theory and the features an conventions of English folk music. 

Task- Create an arrangement of a melody (English Country Garden) for two or more parts.

Your arrangement should:

·         be for a small group

·         use the chord progressions, structure, and harmonic rhythm of the original as a guide, creating a variation of melody, rhythm, dynamics, texture and other musical elements and compositional techniques* as appropriate. If desired though, you can change some of the chords from the original version

·         be in ABA ternary form – which is the original form of the theme. Remember elements* should be used to connect or relate the sections to each other

·         comprise the same structure and number of bars as the original

·         have a strong sense of tonality by using notes of the tonic triad, particularly, at the beginning and the end

·         include appropriate use of cadence points

·         should be in a key of your choice

·         include transposed parts if using transposing instruments

·         include tempo indications, dynamics and expression marks appropriate to the instrumentation

·         be a coherent and clearly structured arrangement that contains balanced phrases within a harmonic arrangement based on the original theme

·         include markings appropriate to the instrumentation, such as bowing marks, breath marks, etc.

You may present your creative work as an audio recording, use software to notate your composition, or write it by hand on staff paper.  

*Such elements and compositional techniques may include dynamics, articulation marks, rhythm (augmentation, diminution, meter change, simple/compound change), melody (augmentation, diminution, retrograde, intervallic inversion, sequence), harmony, texture and tone colour.

Assessment conditions

Your arrangement should be between A 1-2min and T 2-3 minutes. You should submit a copy of the original melody with your arrangement. This can be in the form of notation or an audio recording.


Consider your use of the creative process taught and reflect on your success in meeting the task parameters. (300 words)

Task Two- 30%

Creative Inquiry Task

Topic:  Folk Music

Follow these Steps:

Research the context and development of a chosen  Cultural  Folk music. Write 400 well-referenced words explaining the features, forms and techniques of the chosen Folk Music Form.

Investigate the techniques and practices, and the instrumentation or vocalisation, of the form and culture.  Critically analyse five pieces through annotations indicating musical features through written commentary on recordings. (400 words)

Focus on a particular piece, and record yourself following the conventions of the genre. (A- 1-2 Minutes, T 2-3 Minutes)

Write a 300 word reflection on the successes and areas for improvement in the recording, and set goals for improvement using the steps of the creative process taught.

Create a performance of the improved piece for an audience. 

Task Three 30%

Composition Task- Folk Music

Using the features of the folk music style studied in the Inquiry Task, compose your own piece within that genre of music. 

This may be in an audio recording, using software e.g. sebelius, or hand written. 

Critically analyse your piece by writing an annotation of the piece to indicate how it meets the features of the genre. Reference your annotations to justify your commentary.(400 words)

Write a reflection considering the successes and areas for improvement in complying with conventions of the area of music. Use the steps of the creative process to guide your reflection. ( 300 words)

Creativity in Media

Research Task 25%

Conduct the following steps to complete the task:

Collaborative Creative Inquiry Task 50%

Conduct the following steps to complete the task. 

Analysis Task 25%

Test- 2 hours

You will watch a film and the teacher will pause the film and the students will have ten minutes to write about techniques used by the film maker and the effect of those techniques on audience and narrative. There will be four episodes of watching and writing. Students will then have the opportunity to review their writing before submission. 

Creativity in Photography

Creativity in Portraiture Task 40%

Creativity in Landscape Photography 40%

Creativity in Social Media 20%

Creativity in Visual Arts

Task One 40%

Creative Inquiry Task

Undertake the following steps:

Task Two 40%

Social Criticism Task

Undertake the following steps

Task Three 20%

Art Criticism Task

In-class Essay Task- two hours

Read the following stimulus-

Write an essay critically analysing the meaning, artistic purpose and success of Tony Albert's sculptural artwork 'Yininmadyemi' - Thou didst let fall :